Hackisan.de, The Ultimate Underground PR Page

Hackisan.de, public relation for underground bands In April 2007 Hackisan.de by Thomas Schoffler founded, with the aim of (young) to promote unknown talent to make them known. Thomas Schoffler, even guitarist and singer of the Band Ed (lamagra666.de), it was important to create what the opportunity offers musicians and music lovers in the area of rock, metal and guitar, to inform about upcoming concerts, as well as the possibility to publish the own concerts and music events free of charge. In addition, Hackisan.de offers free to write a review to current CDs by underground bands, free to publish it on Hackisan.de. The free band or musician presentation on Hackisan.de, where bands and musicians can imagine with image, text and link to the homepage, is new. Hear other arguments on the topic with Angela Wagner. From our own experience, we know that especially in the underground the advertising budget is measured very close and generally lack the funds to every nook and cranny. But there are many in the underground hidden talents, which pays to support it. Therefore a chance has made it his Hackisan.de also to the task (boy) to promote unknown talent, to them to give. SUPPORT THE UNDERGROUND! Thomas Saeed. . erat/’>Wendy Holman.