Harvard University

Richard Wilson, researcher at Harvard University, the Earth swallowed up by a black hole: some seven years ago, when relativistic heavy Lion catcher was building in NY Brookhaven National Laboratory, there was concern that could form a State of dense matter that had not existed before. At that time was the largest particle accelerator built in world and would make gold ions that they chocasen with great force. The risk was that it could reach a stage that could make a black hole. Although the possibility of a black hole to engulf the earth over the next 70 years is perhaps too low within a few decades, with other particle accelerators. Another interesting contribution is that of the researcher and the best-selling author of the New York Times Gregg Braden. . After 22 years of scientific research, the new book by Braden, the time Fractal explains why the 2012 mark the end of a 5,125 year cycle.

Did you know that the Earth is currently moving across the equator of the milky way? When we talk about the changes that are emerging in 2012, some of these visible changes on the ground are apparently in response to the astronomical changes that are being created by the crossing of the land by the Ecuador of the milky way. nuevaeraespiritual. blogspot. Eng. industrial, lawyer. EGADE (ITESM), UC, University of Chile, postgraduate master’s degrees in administration of companies mention markets, human resources; Quality and productivity; Education Doctorate in education professor and researcher Faces UC graduate Area. Program coordinator of postgraduate management quality and productivity, Faces, UC consultant – business advisory DEPROIMCA.

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