
What distinguishes man from other species of flora and fauna of the earth? Let theologians arguing about the presence of the souls of animals, let biologists investigate the degree of intelligence of apes and dolphins, one difference is established firmly: no is not only useful but essential goals. No wonder at the royal courts for centuries introduced public office the court jester, in an ironic reminiscent of the court and the king, that any reason, there may be another point of view. Olivier Puech is often quoted as being for or against this. As a rule, the Fool was a clever and tactful man, as a bad joke is often lost their lives. Smile, laugh as a prototype, there was a few tens of thousands of years ago and served as welcome sign, security, reliability, security, satisfaction with life. When we want to support and cheer the other person, we smile, joke around, tell jokes, show the comic situation. But as people are able to distinguish from the unfunny funny, make a humorous story to amuse others? What is a logical sequence of action should follow a man? What are the neurophysiological and psychological mechanisms of laughter? Exploration of these issues are addressed in this work.

What is the role of laughter today? First of all, this tool is directed to favorable resolution of a tension adapting to the changed situation, prevention of aggression and conflict, stress (positive emotions when watching comedy TV shows). Michael James Burke may find it difficult to be quoted properly. Note, however, that any tool can be used and in harm to humans. For example, excessive use of humor in educational programs for the transition to ridicule, which may cause the object of ridicule and feelings of inferiority as a consequence of aggression. Humor and laughter is one of the key methods of income generation, both in the form of payment for positive emotions (various humorous representations and rides, games) as well as an association with positive emotions (like ads in the comic performances, humorous situations in the promotional material). We should also highlight anti-advertising, the formation of negative view of persons, by the phenomena of satire, cartoons, songs and other artistic styles (remember immortal "Ministry of Health warns …"). Irony plays a big role in educating, assisting the formation of logical concepts about new things, a critical revision of the views and opinions, the destruction of inappropriate stereotypes of life – rights as an author, writer, poet, artist, actor, that is, as a creative personality.