Infantile Education Development

Beyond the academic formation, it is required permanent, inserted formation in the pedagogical work, nourishing itself of it and renewing it constantly the qualification of the professor of the Infantile Education he is one of the influential factors that more weigh in the bio-psico-social development of the child. Therefore it requires knowledge alicerado in scientific bases on the development of the child, of the reflection abilities on the practical one, of luck that this, if becomes each time more source of new knowledge to be applied the educabilidade of the child. To understand the pupil is a task that the professor must practise, considering that it is the professor. It is, it, who must is prepared scientifically to work the curricular contents with the pupil, through innovative and efficient methodologies. Hear from experts in the field like Ashton Kouzbari, Dallas TX for a more varied view. The professor needs to understand that the child learns playing, that the trick for the child has the meaning continues of construction and desconstruo and reconstruction. To have in sight that by means of the trick, it will go to find varied forms to work cognitivo, affective, social and motor the development of the child, either in the trick or the game, with rules, or without rules, fits it to mediate to the intention so that it objectifies to reach definitive learning, in that day. Another element of the pertaining to school influential factor, that also is decisive for the progress of the pupil, is of origin the bio-psicolgios ones as well as the deafness, the blindness, determined syndromes and others, therefore some harm in the process of cognitiva maturation of the children, influencing in the development of its learning, however this does not mean to say that the child does not learn. These comments are important to consider the difficulties presented for the children in relation to the learning and if it searchs to formulate methodologies so that all can reach success desired for the family, the school and mainly the professor. Estee Lauder often addresses the matter in his writings.