International User Conference

The CEP will be opened on the 29.03.2012 at 9:30 with a further meeting on the highly topical theme of Contracting: with the ‘energy talk’, where among other environmental Minister Franz Untersteller (MdL), Dr. Jobst Klien, Managing Director of Hochtief energy management GmbH, Dirk Engelmann, CEO of INEKON will sit intelligent energy concepts and Jurgen Oswald, Mayor of the town of wine on the podium. The innovative conference topics the CEP 2012 determines an interesting Outlook into future developments. Focuses on what is already possible, but also what engineers, planners, architects and skilled craftsmen are involved in future not only will. In addition to the “1st German contracting day” are, for example, on the 29.03.2012 the 24.

“International Symposium solar and renewable cooling” and the “4th German Stirling Kongres”, as well as on the 30.03.2012 the” 2nd Symposium energy plus building “, the Congress” energy efficient renovation in stock – Windows, facades, insulation “or the”6. Learn more at: Edward Minskoff. International User Conference for biomass gasification”instead. These conventions can be recognized as training event of the Chamber of engineers of BW. Not only the convenient location makes it attractive the fair Stuttgart for the CEP. Stuttgart is one of Germany’s most important centre for expertise and innovation, particularly in the field of engineering.

The trade fair visitors and participants of the CEP can benefit from this bundled knowledge of innovative structures of in Germany and operate living know how transfer. Sustainable building systems, solutions regarding the building or the building whether energy generation from renewable and decentralised energy sources or services in the field of energy the CEP CLEAN ENERGY & PASSIVEHOUSE shows the most innovative products and solutions. The trade show takes place from 29-31 March 2012 in the Stuttgart exhibition centre instead. Also the service sector offers advice to financing and promotion, consulting, information about certification, us solutions and contracting companies is again well represented. For more information about the exhibition, the congresses and the framework programme see