Internet Brokers

Significant differences in the loyalty of intermediaries also were asked the brokers and multiple agents to assess its future mediation behavior. Thus, the loyalty of intermediaries on the basis of two dimensions has been queried. Firstly, what is the intention, the business relationship to to expand the favorite car provider in the future or to restrict. On the other hand it was their favorite car provider to the intent of the recommendation, i.e. to the intention of the agent to recommend a friendly colleague. In the supplementary insurance, average, 85.2% of brokers and multiple agents would recommend their favorite car provider. “” Furthermore express to expand the PKV-additional business 52.8% of survey participants intend with their preferred provider “or significantly expand”. Each car provider mapping significantly to over part or under a these values.

“PKV add-on” continues to top, PKV full “is the agent refer to a very good additional cost insurance business in 2012 and a significantly weaker than full cost insurance seen sales increasingly critical. An increasing additional costs insurance business tends to be towards the future and expects a bearish full-cost insurance business. 59.2% of brokers expect an improvement or strong improvement in its additional business”, against 35.5% expect a deterioration or strong deterioration of their full business”. About the study the accompanying study on the AssCompact AWARD 2013 – private health insurance covers about 260 pages. The results of a nationwide survey of brokers and multiple representatives, which was carried out during the period of the 26.11.2012 to 15.01.2013 are shown.

The evaluation focuses on 300 expert intermediaries, i.e. brokers and multiple agents who gained at least 12 PKV contracts in the last 12 months. The study was published on the 25.02.2013 and can be obtained on the Internet at.