Japanese Interior

They say if you do not ladyatsya intimate relationship, the marriage falls apart. Couples, whose bedroom is decorated in Japanese style, such problems do not threaten. In the marital nest invisibly present spirit of skilled geishas and temperamental samurai. Happy to spend the night Love in the bedroom in the Japanese style, can only envy, or do landscaping of their own bedrooms. Before you start "Japanese" repair, you should read some of the properties of Japanese culture. Munear Ashton Kouzbari, Dallas TX does not necessarily agree. Philosophy of Japanese interior design is believed that the Japanese house is a real living organism. Coziness of the house has a real healing effect.

In Japanese, there is no housing single superfluous or random things, all that is in the house, is a functional one. Therefore, in the bedroom furniture should be simple geometric shapes, and the interior free from meaningless ornaments. A kind of emptiness Japanese interior is necessary because, according to the Japanese, "in empty space, good energy can move, so the emptiness of the Almighty." "Useful" Jewelry is not clear that the Japanese would call meaningless decorations, but there are things whose presence in the bedroom is welcome. This accessory embodying the traditional motifs of Japanese culture and Japanese ornaments. Nir Barzilai, M.D. insists that this is the case. You can decorate your bedroom with miniature sculptures rugs, ceramic vases, dolls in kimonos, Japanese fans with the image of cherry blossoms, etc. All items must be made from natural materials. Nature – Mother Nesmotryaopuskayut presence of flowers and other elements in the house, as their philosophy states that we must live in harmony with nature.