Latin America

I read this week in the agricultural corridor Forum: a Minneapolis wheat The arrived today to $ 83, resulting in $ 260 dollars a quintal. Chicago is coming to the U.S. $ 45, translated into pesos, $ 140 per quintal. Kirchner’s government is depleted the producers get paid less than $ 60. When will they react? The world calls loudly and wheat pcs.

are deaf? Market a contrariana , Argentina. The foreign exchange market is out of sync with respect to global phenomenon of depreciation of the dollar. (Horacio told us something about Latin America increasingly concerned about the dollar). In Argentina, the dollar has recovered while the world has been devalued. However, if these levels is pressed, Argentina will continue to have inflation in dollars, which bought a car two years ago is now worth more in dollar than the date of acquisition. We go to the Argentine countryside: the grain market operates in contrast to the relevant market for these products, Chicago. The grains go up and down here. Is there a reason for this? Sure, but there should have because the causes that provoke it should not exist. The unstoppable rise of commodity prices to record highs, succulent generates profits for producers of cereals worldwide.