LED Photo Rejuvenation / Intense Pulsed Light / Infrared Light Affects

LED Photo Rejuvenation, Intense pulsed light or infrared light and which affects skin rejuvenation for your skin to continue to exist, has to constantly reproduce new cells to take the place of those being shed. People need certain wavelengths of light similar to the way plants need sunlight to thrive. His skin has the ability to absorb light and use it as a source of energy to stimulate cellular regeneration. LED Photo Rejuvenation or Intense Pulsed Light (PR / IPL) is the infrared light stimulates cell activity, increasing collagen and elastin. (The proteins responsible for the strength and elasticity of the skin). Photo Rejuvenation means the process of photosynthesis of plants in the functioning of human skin cells, stimulate the body’s own cells to build new proteins just as plants use chlorophyll to convert sunlight into blocks cellular construction. Photo rejuvenation light flows through epidermis of skin fibroblast cells, which produce non-structural proteins such as collagen and elastin. When the light hits the cytochromes within mitochondria fibroblasts, which stimulates the cell’s energy system.

The cell produces more structural proteins, which in turn gives it the appearance of better tone and elasticity. Photo Rejuvenation sends rays of light in the cells, which in turn, excite the mitochondria in the production of up to 10 times more ATP. This fuels the activities of the cell, which causes more than the lack of collagen and elastin that occurs, as well as other materials needed for the skin. PTA – Power of Nature Store All living things, plants and animals, require a steady supply of energy to function.