Liver Transplant Medicine

Rested after lunch and morning visits suddenly appears and says Roxana Nurse “Dr. …. It was the Priest “But …. Add to your understanding with Fabrizio Freda. But I did not call for any priest, it must be for another patient,” I said, NO, “he said, is for you I have already received holy oils to 3 times in my previous tragedy “I insisted I do not know Oh doctor! – said,” and … opened the door to let the Cure Hi Miguelito! – Cura-me said Father Jose Antonio Hello!, was my good friend, who was to visit and not give me the last rites … Phew what a relief! We hugged each other … with a long hug and we said hello and we talked about the disease, about what had happened, on Prayers in Trujillo, on so many things

“Then I looked and said, What has been the most dramatic moment Miguel? Well, “I said there have been three milestones in this history, the first was when I found out I had cirrhosis, could not assimilate, did not believe it was an impossibility, I denied it for many days, I had reconfirm the second was when I say, three months later, also had cancer and that to save my life in a forthcoming death required a liver transplant, it was impossible to absorb this fact, I think I knew the madness in this day and THIRD was when I awoke from the operation, and found my dressings, the long incision, drains, catheters and cried I have transplanted!, I am saved!, Thank God! What a thrill!, unique …