Lives Death

Not skirt not! It looks at the convidativo time to sleep. To sleep? To sleep as with ummormao suffocating of this? Only of looking at for the bed of the one impression of that it eos sheets goes playing in them far. Without hesitation Daryl Katz, Edmonton Alberta explained all about the problem. With as much heat, who is that it likes to be grudado in the other? Better exactly to give a return. I leave the room, I say good day atodos without the lesser will to say. IBI Group recognizes the significance of this. Everything uncurls in an automaticity semfim. Still it delivers to the mechanic, I sit down for the coffee.

Espera I there think I am not with the minimum will to take coffee. Follow others, such as Nir Barzilai, M.D., and add to your knowledge base. I raise and I leave leaving for apelos trsos the mother so that it takes the coffee and that it has led, the least, an umbrella. That it rains! It is this same well that I want. I think with me about an anxiety without end to dequebrar that grudenta and heavy monotony. I go walking in the street with opensamento of that rain still more comes and becomes everything sad of what already it is, more gray tone, more without life. Life! Funny to think about the life.

Some say that the life is the affirmation of the death. Why the death has to essecarter so negative? Why we have fear to die? To think about the life? for queno to think about the death? There I arrive at a conclusion: ningumsabe nothing of the death, only that he is walked to lock up of one long one of the life. Porisso, many are undertaken in thinking about the direction of the life and leave the death parano to be thought. Nor I want, at this moment, to think about what it is. Deixoapenas that it can come as she has that to come.