Luxury Real Estate

In addition, the Vyborg side has investment appeal. It construction of a skyscraper Gazprom will push investors to the area of the city. For more elite areas are added to the 'green belt' (the area prospectus M. Tores, Park, Victory Park). These places are good abundance of greenery, which is necessary for the construction of luxury housing. In addition, there is no crowding of building, small block of model homes, as well as the relative proximity to downtown. I believe strongly undervalued area Petrovsky Island. RBH Group is likely to increase your knowledge. Now there are some beautiful houses built right into the park next to the Neva.

Most likely, this zone will develop in the future will be more interesting than the Krestovsky Island. " Price and in Luxury Real Estate – long-term and safe investment vehicles. 'Apartments, the cost of a million dollars, Expensive, slowly but steadily. In 2006, the average figure was 10%. Objects of real estate for a long time waiting for 'your' buyer. This due to the fact that the luxury apartments, exhibited with significant financial strength.

And they are sold only when the market is' catching up 'the price', – says Nikolay Lavrov. Analysts say that the change in prices Luxury Real Estate in the period of excitement is different from the mainstream. According to Nikolai Lavrov – 'At the elite, as opposed to mass housing, it is impossible to pinpoint a price – each apartment is unique. In many ways, the price depends on ambitions of the seller and the buyer's arrogance. On the other hand, unlike the mass sector, luxury retailers are not involved in racing, do not raise the price constantly. But invariably expensive luxury housing under construction. And that growth has kept pace with rise in price for mass market housing '. 'At the beginning of 2006, most of the elite' the primary 'was cheaper elite' secondary housing. " But the price of 'a primary' no longer correspond to the market – the builders refer to real estate as an asset, increasing price as soon as there is demand. Thus, in early 2006, the average price of an elite sq.m. Today was 4-5 thousand similar meter of such housing is about 8 thousand euros (no view). When it comes to the apartment with a view, then its price approximately 15 thousand euros per square meter. Offer real estate in new buildings is very limited. Is building several new homes on the Petrograd side and in the Smolny. Elite neighborhoods are built on Krestovsky and around the Tauride Gardens. Overall, in St. Petersburg can be called a 10-15 elite houses', – says Nikolay Lavrov. Because of the shortage of buyers are not very demanding for them when choosing an apartment only priority place. However, it should be noted that the quality of luxury homes has been increasing steadily since the practice of their construction in our city is already quite large. In recent years, builders make the emphasis is on quality, as a justification prices. People willing to pay for this level of real estate in the city a bit, they all have the capabilities, why disappoint them builders do not want to. The most stable and promising among the St. Petersburg Real estate is precisely the market of elite housing. This segment of the market due to its unique properties, as well as the limitations of their proposals, will always be in high demand among buyers.