Meditra – Full Head Of Hair As A Symbol Of The Life Force…

The right partner in terms of health at meditra you are always good advice when it comes to health issues. especially in all matters regarding hair transplants, you can rely on the expert advice from meditra. Hair loss a sign of old age? Beautiful full head of hair stands in the society for youth and success. But what can you do if the hair fall out or be always lights? The man has between 100,000 and 150,000 head hair. In the course of their lives, 50 percent of men and 10 percent of all women suffer hair loss. Every day up to 100 hair may fall out, it’s a totally natural process. More hair fall out or are they not reproduced, one speaks of hair loss.

Various causes for hair loss the most common cause is the hereditary hair loss. But also certain skin diseases, metabolic disorders, vitamin deficiencies, infections, hormonal imbalances and even Stress the hair can fall out. This often leads to a significant psychological burden. What is a hair transplant? Hair from the hair wreath are hormone-insensitive. The power of lifelong growth, lies in the roots of the hair, not scalp.

At a hair transplant is removed under local anesthesia, natural hair from the hair wreath and replanted at the desired location. The transplanted hair take growth genetics move”with. This will ensure the permanent hair at the grafting point. The human eye only noticed a reduction of more than 50 percent of the hair. You can therefore in most patients easily 1000 see more hair roots from the hair wreath and redistribute without that this is striking. To achieve a high degree of naturalness, exclusively FUs (follicular units, follicular units) used for transplantation. A FU consists of 4 hair roots and measures approx. 0.7-1 mm. The FUs replace the previously used Minigrafts, which contained often 5 or more hair and occasionally densely worked today. This can now thanks to new extraction techniques later or corrected be. Modern hair surgery achieved a high level of patient satisfaction in almost all cases. Patients comprehensively and objectively about various uses of hair transplantation can check the website Meditra on the redesigned website. For example, can also eyelashes and eyebrows are replaced, scars be hairy again after accidents or surgery to the head. Also discusses the different, even minimally invasive removal and use techniques. The website of the Meditra informs but also about risks, limits and alternative treatment methods. in 1977 Dr. Manfred Lucas founded the company Meditra, which had its seat in Grafelfing one of the world’s leading hair Surgeons (1997). Dr Med. Cordula Kerner, surgeon, has worked since 1994 for the Meditra and continues this work in their new practice in Munich. She advises on all issues surrounding the hair and performs all common Treatments in the field of hair transplants by. The practice can be reached under the previous Meditra phone number 089-898244-0 or.