Menstrual Cycle Affect

It is important that do gynecological checks periodically, but in the case of mammograms, are ideal to start performing them any time or age? Some studies indicate that these analyses that help detect breast cancer should not have done before age 30 and are more accurate if performed during the first week of the menstrual cycle. For assistance, try visiting Nir Barzilai, M.D.. Carolina is young, pretty and fun. 36 Year-old leads a healthy life feels very good, but there is something that turns on its head, and increasingly concerned more: do I have breast cancer, you should make me a mammogram, what can I do to prevent it?. What happens is that recently detected the disease his mother – who is now under treatment and was told that that increases their chances of developing breast (of the breast) cancer in the future. In some cases, when lumps appear in any of the breasts or any abnormality the doctor recommends that you do a mammogram. Mammography is a special type of x-ray that performed in the sinuses, which can detect tumors much until they are large enough to be perceived to the touch. As entire x-ray mammograms emit what is called radiation, which can be harmful to health. Although the amount of radiation to which a woman is exposed during a mammogram is relatively low, on the one hand women younger than 40 years could be a little more susceptible to radiation than women over the age of 50 years.

But even more important. The breasts of women younger than 40 years tend to have very dense tissue and mammograms do not generally provide good information. For these reasons in women younger than 40 years they tend to use studies of MRI or ultrasound that do not emit radiation and provide better viewing at this age. And in women from 40 and especially from the 50, mammograms provide greater profit with less risk but sometimes ultrasounds are also made.