Message Text

On the other hand, simultaneous translation is required create the translation together with the receipt for the translator of the original text, so the translator seeks to begin the transition as soon as he received the information within the meaning of the group. Here, the value of a unit process transfer is determined by a segment of speech, have a relatively independent meaning, and allows the interpreter to choose the structure of a sentence in the translation. In simultaneous interpreting is often the minimum unit translation process is a whole utterance, especially if at the end of its elements are essential to understanding the message. Consequently, the actions of the interpreter is always possible to find two interrelated stages of the translation process, different nature of speech acts. The first stage of the interpreter are associated with extracting information from the original (clarification of the meaning). At this stage translator receives the information contained both in the translated segment of the original, and in the linguistic and situational context, and based on this information, make any necessary conclusions about the content, which he will play in the next step. The second – the entire procedure of choice in taking the necessary means of language when creating text translation. In the first stage of the translation act translator acts as a receptor of the text original. In a sense, an understanding of the original translator differs from the understanding of the same text receptors perceiving it without the intention to transfer.