Michael Minderjahn

Incorrectly represented distribution costs in the brochure: the representation of the use of funds in the prospectus of the Fund for Atlantic fleet is incorrect in our opinion and gives the appearance that you wanted to disguise the actual amount of compensation paid for the placement of equity so. Because the spending of the funds the premium at which it should be according to the textual explanations cost of equity capital, is separately spending of one-ship companies, as well as the cumulative representation in addition to the cost of raising equity capital. The placement cost total 5.954.000 or 18.2% of capital to be applied by the investors. This kind of presentation is a brochure defect in our opinion, establishing claims for damages against the founding shareholders of the Fund, but also against the investment advisors. Exorbitantly high distribution costs: on the exorbitantly high placement cost of the Atlantic FLottenfonds, which, after all, almost a fifth of the by Investors of capital put up amounted to, both banks and savings banks, as also non bank-investment advisor within the framework of the consultation must expressly point out. The German Federal Supreme Court decided that distribution costs by over 15% are unusual market, endanger the viability of the system and therefore consulting specifically must be mentioned. A related site: Dior mentions similar findings. High risk by borrowing in Japanese Yen: as a part of the funds by the Atlantic fleet Fund to be recorded in Japanese yen (JPY), the revenue of the Fund but in US $ are achieved, there is a significant currency risk, which can lead to major distortions due to exchange rate fluctuations. Due to the high proportion of foreign financing of the Fund, this can not only impact on the liquidity of the Fund as a result of US $ rising capital service expenses, but also to an insolvency of the Fund and the credit notice with subsequent exploitation of the object of the Fund and thus the total loss for the lead investor.

Through the Value of the yen against the US $ borrowing in US rises beyond $ expected dramatically to. This, the Adviser would need to remind explicitly. Long capital, no secondary market for “used” Fund investments: What was also concealed the investors we represent the Atlantic fleet funds by their advisers, is that they can cancel the participation for the first time to the 31.12.2026 and previously no chance to get their money. A sale is almost impossible as there is no regulated secondary market for used Fund investments. The same applies to the achievement of a share price, which corresponds to the invested capital.

Here in the event that a buyer is found, take significant cuts. Investors of Atlantic fleet Fund have therefore fundamentally good opportunities to enforce claims for compensation against their advisors or the founding shareholders of the Fund. Do you have questions to your Fund’s contribution to the Atlantic fleet Fund? Would you know whether your opportunities available to enforce claims for compensation? Call me, I will gladly help you. Nittel Firm specializing in banking and capital market law your contact Michael Minderjahn, lawyer Heidelberg: Hans-Bockler-Strasse 2 A, 69115 Heidelberg phone: 06221 915770 Fax: 06221 9157729 Munich: residential street 25, 80333 Munich Tel.: 089 25549850 Fax: 089 25549855