Modern Timber Construction

What is timber and where is it used today? Commonly referred to the construction, where wood is used as a building material timber, in addition is commonly used also for constructions built in wood construction. Differentiate also between traditional Carpenter-like wooden construction and from the end of the 19th century developed timber engineering. Often a combination with other building techniques exists in two species however, such as Trusses made of wood, which are erected on masonry or concrete. Famous examples of wooden buildings are around the wooden bridge at Essing or the Tower of transmitter of Gliwice in Poland. The tallest wooden building of in Germany is the Millennium Tower in Magdeburg with 60 metres above sea level.

What is made of wood? Made of wood, you can build much – mainly bridges, large halls and of course houses. Especially for prefabricated houses, there is a boom in the area of timber construction. More and more of those prior designs, but also the parts for walls industrially prefabricated wood. Wooden houses often have an energetic advantage over solid houses made of concrete and bricks: are far more energy-efficient and in the construction most favourable. The disadvantage is however the naturally high flammability of material in wooden houses, which can but with the proper construction and a fire-retardant paint be countered. In addition to entire houses construction, wood construction used determined but also for individual parts as insulating panels. What different constructions there building made of wood? Wood construction but is not equal to wood construction – as well as other types, there are many ways of building with wood. Not only from concrete you can build solid buildings, also in wood construction, the massive construction is common, with the walls made of solid wood are built.

The opposite of the solid construction is the skeleton which has established itself at the building with wood in various forms: roughly includes the classic half-timbered House in which only the supporting structure is made of wood and the spaces in between be filled with a mixture of wood and clay. As another example, the wood frame construction exists here. Also, there is a structure, in this case from wood frame, provided for the construction of the House only with Windows, doors and insulation. There is also the wood panel construction, in which the structure is made up of individual panels. In addition can in timber construction be established but also mixed forms of skeletal and solid construction – such as the so-called Heimatstube, a mixture of blockhouse (solid) and timber-frame house (skeleton). submitted by Paul Grabisch