Monica Lopez Education

This network is an initiative of the Department of human development, education and culture of the Organization of American States (OAS) and offers to leaders in education from 34 countries members of the Organization, a professional space for sharing knowledge, experiences, research and good practices in the field of teacher training. This strategy is a network of professional leaders in education of all levels and modalities that share knowledge, experiences, research and good practices in the field of teacher training. In addition, it offers a space for discussion to all those involved in teacher education in the Americas. The members of this community can participate in professional discussions in blogs and forums, upload and download videos, photos, articles, among other things. From this week the teachers can participate in this virtual entering the OAS web site, construction in. This community is the largest of its kind with around 60 million teachers in the world, those who play a key role in the preparation of young generations who will perform in an interconnected and interdependent world. Similarly, is a space through which will strengthen the quality of education in the Member countries of the Organization, and in turn strengthen the actions that allow the improvement of the quality of education in Colombia.

The RIED was released during the meeting of the Inter-American Commission of education (CIE) on November 10, 2010 in Guayaquil, Ecuador, in which participated as a representative of the Ministry of national education the Director quality of preschool education, basic and middle, Monica Lopez. This initiative is also aimed at creators of policies, researchers, future teachers, teachers in service and other interest groups, who can interact with their peers through the web, learn about innovations in the theme, employment opportunities, and online learning opportunities. Be part of this construction by improving the quality of education in the region.