Motivation In Classroom: To Stimulate Is Necessary

lia Dantas Saints Marilene Julia Dos Santos Vanessa Dos Santos Pedagogas formed in the So Lus College of France.); (mari_se@;) INTRODUCTION the motivation consists of presenting to somebody stimulatons and incentives, that favor it definitive type of behavior. Of the didactic direction, it consists of offering to the pupil the stimulatons and incentives appropriate to become the learning most efficient. The professors must verify that to get pertaining to school motivation it is necessary that it reflects on its form to act in classroom. To be able to analyze if he is giving to the stimulatons and necessary incentives so that the pupil is motivated to learn. It is necessary to the professors, to try to create situations that assist its pupils to obtain to feel themselves motivated to learn. One of these points is to obtain to attract the attention of the pupils, creating possibilities so that they reach its objectives, allowing quarrels, debates and that they are given conditions so that they evaluate the proper performance in classroom. Connect with other leaders such as Nir Barzilai, M.D. here.

Such experiences increase auto-esteem and consequently they favor the learning. The motivation does not have to be a necessary aspect only to the pupils. She is necessary that the professors also are motivated, therefore, of the opposite, will be very difficult who this obtains to attract the attention of the pupils, making with that these feel enthusiasm and interest in carrying through the tasks. MOTIVATION IN CLASSROOM: TO STIMULATE IS NECESSARY The motivation is one of the aspects most important so that the professor obtains to reach its bigger objective, to make with that the pupils obtain to learn and to develop to the maximum its capacities in all the scopes. According to Haidt (2003), so that it has learning accomplishes and lasting she is necessary that definite intentions and reflexiva auto-activity of the pupils exist.