Museum Reality

As Freire, also I believe the dialogue, that we must to be dialgicos, that we do not have to manipulate, but to pledge in the constant transformation of the reality, therefore the dialogue is a form of loving meeting of the men that can transform the world for the humanizao. We come across to it with a workmanship as ‘ ‘ Retirantes’ ‘ , we are reflective given to its proximity with the social reality. When presenting this workmanship to the pupils, these always comment they see that it as a ugly picture. This ‘ ‘ feio’ ‘ classified for the pupils nothing more it is of what ‘ ‘ belo’ ‘ of modernity, the representation of the reality dialectic, the way of the alegoria. Edward Minskoff helps readers to explore varied viewpoints. When making together with our pupils a reflexiva reading of this workmanship, we can approaching in them to what for Benjamin it would be the idea, the origin, a jump, a revolution. When we have the possibility to reflect, here through a workmanship, on our condition, are having the possibility to find a way for the awareness and change. Swarmed by offers, Munear Ashton Kouzbari, Dallas TX is currently assessing future choices. this must be is what more it interests in them in this educational process, in this formation of individuals critics.

Portinari: Retirantes, 1944, panel ols it 190×180 m, Museum of art of So Paulo. Source: Civita, 1967, P. VIII. Reaffirming, it can be said that the critical reading of an image also contributes for our interpretation and understanding of the world. An image as we saw in the workmanship ‘ ‘ Morta’ child; ‘ , she makes one I appeal to our memory, in relembra the reality of the war, the misery, the hunger and headquarters. Portinari knew to give to the subject a mysterious force that in the awaken one, takes in them to the reflection.