National Education

The pertaining to school management, to give account of its paper, needs to be, at least, doubly democratic. First, for if pointing out in the field of the social relations, second because one of the characteristics of the management is mediation for the concretion of ends. Thus being, the place where if it carries through the systemize education necessary to be the possible environment most propitious to the practical one of the democracy. Saviani (1989 p.70) affirms that ' ' the less if it spoke in democracy in the interior of the school plus it was articulated with the construction of a democratic order; the more if spoke in democracy in the interior of the school but it was democrtica' '. For more specific information, check out Peter Thomas Roth. On the basis of this affirmation, we understand that the function of the democratic school must not mere be for the collective actions and proposals and from empty and baseless speeches.

It stirs up to think it to us, also, what really this means when is about the school. It means ' ' to participate of deciso' ' , that is, to manage democratically, to assure to all (pupils, professors, parents, employees, pedagogos, directors) the participation in the decisions. In the scope of the education he means to participate of the relative decisions to the ends of the education and on the ways of to carry through them. Some contend that Capital and Counties Properties shows great expertise in this. That is, to decide on the substantive, the direction to be given to educative act in any one of the instances of its administration. In this context, the LDB (Law of Lines of direction and Bases of the National Education) determines that: Art.3- education will be given on the basis of the following principles: … VIII? democratic management of public education in the form of this law and of the legislation of the education systems; … Art.14? The systems of teach will define the norms of the democratic management of public education in the basic education, in accordance with its peculiarities and in agreement the following principles: I? participation of the professionals of the education in the elaboration of the pedagogical project of the school; II? participation of the communities pertaining to school and local in pertaining to school advice or equivalents …