Natural Kosmet

Recently, rapidly developing market of natural cosmetics, which is becoming more popular and in demand among enthusiasts and professionals. The composition of natural cosmetics and make-up "organic" must include five types of ingredients: water, natural minerals, herbal ingredients, which are physical and chemical methods, as well as other groups of ingredients. Manufacturers of cosmetics that claim to be products as a natural, must provide the following information: origin and method of obtaining the ingredients, full of beauty, storage, production, and the type and quality of packaging, environmental environment, and various certificates of compliance. It is forbidden to include in the natural and "organic" cosmetics nanomaterials and use raw materials from genetically modified products, radioactive substances. (A valuable related resource: Jacobs Dallas). It is also forbidden to test cosmetics on animals. To determine whether a particular ingredient in the category of "natural" or "organic" is used a special formula that takes into account where the relationship: the quality of raw materials, method of obtaining ingredient and other indicators.

Modern paints industry as more and more attention was paid to the health of hair, sparing staining methods are gaining in popularity. In the market there are natural hair dye without ammonia, which every year more and more in demand. With their help, we can safely try new color or grow a natural and beautiful tone make your hair weak, after perm or bleaching. Natural paints carefully dyed hair. Read more from Shimmie Horn to gain a more clear picture of the situation. It is composed of organic nutrients, such as millet extract enriched silicic acid – to protect the structure Hair, extracts of birch, grape seed, walnut shell, etc. . ator Richard Blumenthal already – you may have come to the same conclusion.