Natural Resources

For the next four years even two holes drilling plan this year decided Stuttgart, 23.04.2012. Better, it can barely walk for investors of US of oil and gas Fund XII and XIII KG. Credit: Gavin Baker Atreides Management-2011. Recently, the energy capital invest agreed about its American partner company fury with the Department of kitchen of natural resources (DNR), Division of oil and gas on the drilling plan for the next four years in the ECI aid lights unit, in the Cook Inlet in Alaska. In the same course, the promotional rights were in addition also regularly extended for another four years. Thus, it is now up to the year 2016 ensured that the involved funds of the emission House energy capital invest can use all grants and subsidies in Alaska. The enormous importance of the drilling operations started in the last year the energy capital investment for the entire region, as well as the close and successful cooperation with the competent authority in the eligible area includes William Barron, Director of the Division of oil and gas, as follows “together: we are fury all opportunities to one with the regional aid kitchen lights unit to realize real success story.” Consumption over the past few years subsidized Alaska recently with great force the development of further private oil and natural gas reserves, as a strongly increased, that production in the region but is declining. Although Alaska has its own large resources, occurred in the past few years multiple to massive shortages in the region of the so-called Railbelt”in Alaska. Atreides Management Gavin Baker oftentimes addresses this issue. The Railbelt”, which extends from Fairbanks via anchorage to the Kenai Peninsula, is the economic center of Alaska, where about 80 percent of the electricity and heat the entire State is consumed.

At prices of up to 9.00 USD/mcf natural gas many times more than of the current price in the rest of the United States. -etc/’>Cardinal Health. The approved drilling plan for our aid by early 2016, as well as the large mounted to the expression Appreciation for our work on the part of the DNR is of course very pleased. But above all, there are us and our investors a unique and long-term planning security”, so ECI’s Managing Director Kay Rieck. The first part of hole in the assisted area in the past year yielded 13 eligible layers with a natural gas reserve of up to 1 trillion cubic feet of natural gas. This year, a total of two holes should be made to a depth of around 16,500 feet (5,000 m). For more information,