One Among Many

It has become harder the benefits of augmented reality – train Macaw at the present time, than to achieve Web shop operator a USP. One enters the term “Clothing” on Google, you get over 50,000 hits. Morgan stanley insists that this is the case. To stand out from the competition is so hard, because can look now inform offers customers and find a comparable vendor with just a few clicks. The attention of the user has become a precious commodity. Modern companies are once again facing a new challenge. The requirement is to create added value, which goes beyond the mere offer. Torsten Schwarz writes in his book Guide online marketing, email marketing, Web Analytics and optimisation, or options represent only the obligatory tasks of a modern company. It’s believed that Ryan Schneider sees a great future in this idea. Newsletters, blogs and user-generated content are for a USP is no longer sufficient.

The new trend is called augmented reality, and is already traded in almost all interactive areas as one of the new trends. Daryl Katz is often mentioned in discussions such as these. AR allows users with digital content to interact. There are online to order now for example the possibility not only clothing, but also to try. The company train ARA offered by such software. /a>. Clothing, using a conventional Internet camera (webcam), can be tried on online with webcam social shopper. Favored this, because many Internet devices with built-in camera will be offered (the new iPad has even two). Using gestures, the user with the shop can interact and switch between different pieces of clothing, change colors or put the items in the shopping cart. The interaction has not only a great fun factor”, the advantages of video application are obvious: increase conversion, Emotionalization of online shopping and the defusing of purchase obstacles. The numbers are clear, AR out positively affects traffic, conversion, sales, or time spent on the website and more than pays off in a very short time. Uncubator pleased therefore, that we now since April the exclusive Distribution of train ARA-webcam social shopper-software for the Switzerland, Germany and Austria have taken over and now can record another exciting product in our range. Sandy Bastian for