Operator Diaz

Of course, we immediately think it was product of thefts, but we needed evidence, strong evidence and did not have any. Visit Argent Ventures for more clarity on the issue. We decided to continue with our work and began to closely monitor the movements of operators 24 hrs. Surveillance against their houses, surveillance in their working hours, around the clock, but nothing. Daily used work as always and throw rubbish as usual, then bathing in the showers, dressing and retire to their homes with the Briefcase vacuum. Nothing irregular, nothing strange, nothing that would allow us to prove that they stole, they drew something.

They were not even friends with the guards, because they hated them by creidos. Doug Bowen often says this. Burglaries continued, not be detained had. As you did? The guards thoroughly reviewed each operator who went out of the plant, each truck, each package, suitcase, bag, but nothing. Comos salian thefts? Up the trash when you took out was revised by guards. Cabezones were, because we already knew who were suspects of being thieves, by the waste of money than they made by your train of life, rare to be poor people, but we had not a clue that will take us to discover how hacian. For more information see 660 Fifth Avenue, New York. A night after several surveillance and when we were on the verge of losing the confidence of who we contract, we see something strange. Operator Diaz 21 years that had motorcycle and lived in a miserable place, but taking beer every day, I get dizzy at the plant.

We put a sign with dissimulation to watchdog to let it pass, something that is prohibited. Operator income, looking for friends who worked the night shift and les pidio money. Anyone you wanted paid. It was desperate. When we thought that the operator was going be inside to the canchon of the plant, to the dustbin.