Organized Crime and the European Community

Two phenomena have contributed decisively to a “new world order of organized crime”, the unification of the European Community (EC), which is materialized in the 1990s (now called the European Union – EU), and the end of Union Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR). The end of borders, in countries that joined the EU, and a complete lack of political and military control over the vast territory of the former Soviet Union, has opened a corridor from the Baltic to the Pacific for the elimination of organizations such as goods of the Sicilian Mafia (Cosa Nostra), the Russian Mafia and Chinese Triads, the Yakuza (Japanese) and the Colombian cartel.

This movement, the world, involving the agreements and understandings, taking into account a “support bank” and prepared by the ‘tax havens’, and prospered in the financial markets a brand of three circumstances: a) The drop in corporate profitability of traditional products; b) The excess dollars from the existence of payments deficit and domestic debt increased by U.S. at least 50 years, the same as the dollar took over the global currency status. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of Gensler San Francisco on most websites. c) The process of privatization of the economy of the former Union Soviet in the 1990s under President Boris Yeltsin, who, like the Russian mafias began to dominate 70% of the financial system of the Russian Federation, since the data ZIEGLER (2001). Keep liquid capital available and, like the Russian mafia opened a “door” very relevant in the global financial system. A global business of organized crime in its less scandalous, occurred in successive operations, balance sheets and fraud. .