Outsourcing Market Real Estate

Service outsourcing is known in business circles in various forms. According to Wikipedia outsourcing (English outsourcing: external source) – is the transfer of the organization of certain business processes or functions to service another company, specializing in the field. Unlike services that are ad hoc, episodic, random and bounded beginning and end, outsourcing is usually transmitted by the function professional providing the service based on long-term contract. The basic principle of outsourcing is that "I leave myself only what I can do better than others, and outsourced the fact that he doing better than me. " The Russian business practice of outsourcing most often transmitted to labor-intensive functions. For example, accounting, where financial records are maintained in an external organization. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with Edward Minskoff.

What brought the financial Crisis In Chinese the word crisis is indicated by two characters. First, within the meaning denotes serious risks and losses. And the second – new opportunities. On the crisis said last summer, when the artificial-natural stagnation in housing prices. The first signs of crisis appeared in the first and second quarters of this year when producers and food technologist suddenly begun to reduce production volumes compared to last year. Among the reasons for the current crisis and called stupidity of the world financial system, speculators and played on the U.S. real estate market. The crisis in Russia now led to a sharp decline in demand for industrial customers, sales decline in services and trade, a massive reduction of marketing and support services to large companies, as well as a slowdown in the property market.