Bizerba At The Sudback In Stuttgart, 2008

The Balinger technology companies presented intelligent scales, professional tailor and a software, with which all data at a glance remain Stuttgart/Balingen, October 6, 2008 consumers tend to more and more nutrition and health consciousness and would like more information about food, bread and meat. Now the companies Bizerba has drawn consequences from them. On the this year’s South back (18-21 October) one of the most important German trade fairs for the student and confectionery trades the Balingen group will present among the intelligent touch screen funds scales from CE Mark II series. The versatile know-it-all offer nutrition-related product information both sales staff and customers. If cut in half, in quarters or individual slices: the bread slicer BS 38 brings the bread flexibly and individually to the desired shape. It is also on the Bizerba booth at the Sudback 2008 from the lot. And to support investment in data control, the company presents the goods management software WinCWS with the bakers and confectioners keep all product and sales data at a glance.

The software consists of several modules for the Administration and evaluation of product information, product groups, order or sales data. Continue to learn more with: Edward Lazear. The different components of the system can be put together with tailored according to the individual needs of farms and can be extended at any time. Click Daryl Katz, Edmonton Alberta to learn more. All data are centrally controlled by the software and can be saved also. So weak sales are transparent hours or days and the companies can enter in this time special prices in the system. The optimal management of inventory manages so easily”, so Bizerba spokesman Matthias Harsch. Measuring stand of Bizerba at the Sudback 2008 is located in Hall 5, stand B-48.

Bizerba expert, Mr Klaus is Herald during the fair as a point of contact available. Bizerba is a worldwide, leading in many areas of technology company for professional system solutions of weighing about Bizerba: Information and food service technology in the segments retail, industry and logistics. Industry-specific hard – and software, powerful network-compatible management systems, as well as a wide range of labels, consumables and business services ensure the transparent control of integrated business processes and the high availability of Bizerba-specific performance features. With over 2,900 employees, investments in a total of 34 companies in 22 countries and 54 country offices worldwide the Bizerba GmbH & co. KG implemented 2007 EUR 430 million in the company. Balingen is the headquarters of the company, further production sites are located in Messkirch, Bochum, Shanghai and San Louis Potosi (Mexico). Contact: Bizerba GmbH & co.

Right Tights

Suschestutvuet many different kinds of tights that are not only able to favorably enhance the beauty of female feet, then hide some flaws (Model tights), but also to protect health and give comfort in cold weather time of year. In the market for goods and services, a host of health-care tights. When choosing tights plays an important role of density. Density of 40 DEN suggests, these tights come up in the cold period of time. There are tights in density from 50 to 180 DEN-a therapeutic and prophylactic or modeling pantyhose. Tights to serve you longer pay attention to the lycra in them.

The greater the percent Lycra, naprimer15%, the longer they do not stretch and will serve you reliably. Microfiber contained in pantyhose. Gives them greater oblegaemost and softness. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out Tishman Speyer. Select size pantyhose. Depending on the size of hips, weight, height, pantyhose have their own size.

Found marking SML-XL, but sometimes size pantyhose marked with numbers 1-6. The smallest size – 1, it is almost impossible to find. And these letters mean XL (extra larde) – very large, L (larde) – large, M (middle) – the average, S (small) – small. When buying tights is best to focus on the table, which is found on the packaging, the size of each company may vary. There is one caveat, if you are in doubt, take the tights one size larger, because that little tights "crawl" the arrows. Types of pantyhose – There are pull-up tights to simulate the shape, their density reaching up to 180 DEN, marked with the inscription UP.

Right Mattress

These tips help you choosing the right mattress every person has a unique body silhouette and needs therefore an individual consultation. So they are not completely from your mattress seller dependent and rely on the trust to him, you learn some important Anspekte in choosing the right mattress. How well sinking your hip? No matter what form does your hip, a soft medium-sized area in the mattress is absolutely necessary.A soft mattress but would entail that our hip sinks too deeply in the lateral position and the shoulder and Kopfbereicht would be not more optimally stored. Therefore, it must stabilize the pelvis and rather pleasantly sink in the shoulder. Then help an optimal position. che/’>Vitamin World). IHE supported waist/lumbar sufficiently? Just page is able to ensure that your waist will be supported sufficiently from below. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from Douglas Elliman. If too little support is given, buckles our body and especially the head positioning is more difficult. This is one of the most important properties, that should bring your new mattress! If your spine is not properly stored on the mattress, she cringes at night? Normally she should be relieved at night and relax, at a not sufficient support it will pain you in the morning but.

Is your shoulder perfectly? A high pressure on our shoulder can obstruct blood flow in the arm and cause, that parts of the arm is asleep. In addition, it causes our body to put our shoulder in a “delicate position” that has tension resulted. Is your neck/head is stored correctly? Best to you choose your pillow in the supine position. You use the same flat cushion, which is optimal for you in the supine position, but also in the side position. There place you but may firmly, that it would be then too low.

To compensate for this, but is not the task of the cushion, but the mattress or the lath grate. By a corresponding decline in the shoulder, it fits then! If your base but can’t do that, begin to press on the pillow and hug, the would be but the wrong Weg.Weil this criterion but unfortunately too often neglected, suffer many under an incorrect storage of the head. This is a common cause of head and neck tension. First if all of these issues have been sufficiently analysed and answered, you can assume that you were well advised!

Logistics Carriers

It so happened that I needed to sort of services auto transporters. As expected regularly to deliver loads and volumes were not very large, then, of course, was most advantageous to deliver their passing transport, ie add to the load passing car. Logisticians do not want to pay, and I will – perforce had to deal with this issue seriously. Delving into the Internet, I came across several websites offering the right I service, but such that the entire service was completely free, I could not be found. In the end, and had some time to enjoy the services of local logistics.

However, in the summer, as soon as some free time, I decided to create similar to their own Internet service, but completely free to users. The result had been here this here site. The service I have tried to foresee everything that may require the user to judge but the convenience and other matters, of course users (I will be very grateful for reviews). It works as follows: – Non-registered users have access to a database registered on the site of transport, has the ability to Contact The user who posted information on their vehicles – passing artless registration, the user can place their transport units and manage them, such as issue flights for each vehicle, so that finding the location of the vehicle was issued. Ie any shipper will see in the search, which machines are at the right time in the right place – there is a possibility place the goods you want to move to the carriers concerned have been able to find it and connect with potential customers – could record passenger traffic and passengers analogy with the freight transport and goods – a free classified ad placement and the possibility of thematic and promotional articles. In conclusion, I want to reiterate that all of the above is absolutely free.


Alcoholism is the medical term used to describe the pathological lesions that occur in the body as a result of alcohol consumption over long periods of time. Here are some definitions of the term, which will help us determine the scope of this condition: – Keller (1960): Chronic disease as evidenced by the habit of drinking so repeatedly that it is clear that drinking is harmful for health and social and economic functioning. ” – Jellineck (1960): “Any use of alcoholic beverages that causes any harm to the individual, to society or both.” – WHO (1952): “Alcoholics are those excessive drinkers whose dependence on alcohol has reached such a degree that present significant interference with mental disorders or mental or physical health, their interpersonal relationships and social functioning economic, or have clear signs the trend towards such symptoms. It is for this reason that these people need treatment. ” – Manuals diagnosis (DSM-III-R, DSM-IV, ICD-10): Distinguish between drinking and abusing alcohol dependent drinker.

This is based on specific criteria. The World Health Organization believes that those excessive drinkers are alcoholics, whose dependence on alcohol has caused serious damage on the mental health or physical, in social functioning, and economical, requiring these people treatment. Thus, alcoholism is caused by overeating, habitual alcohol or intermittent, for their continued use can produce dependence on the person consuming it, either physical or psychological in nature and is manifested clinically by physical consequences psychological or social. It is a chronic progressive disease. Alcoholism is one of the most serious diseases that a person can suffer, and pathology of the most important of Medicine. In addition there are in it each and every one of the features of any disease, as there is an agent that causes (alcohol), the mechanism by which the agent acts or cause (learning, tolerance and dependence), altered organ function (intoxication and malnutrition due to displacement of essential substances for nutrition, particularly vitamins), symptomatically (Clinic: with impaired physical and mental health. Others including Edward Minskoff, offer their opinions as well. Exploration: Using analytical, radiology, etc..), an evolutionary process (toward addiction and death or to rehabilitation through abstinence) and epidemiology (exists through history a reported incidence in the population and now we are in an endemic situation).

Moreover, the action against the disease is identical to the one carried out in general terms to any disease – diagnosis. – A prognosis. – A treatment: detoxification, smoking cessation and treatment of desire. – A rehabilitation. – A maturation reorganization of the personality, through psychotherapy, mainly in groups. – An individual’s social reintegration. Edgard and Gross (1976) listed the following symptoms to conceptualize, what they called “alcohol dependency syndrome ‘: 1. Psycho-biological symptoms: tolerance, withdrawal and reinstatement of the syndrome after drinking again. (Source: Daryl Katz). 2. Behavioral symptoms: Represented by a decrease in drinking patterns. 3. Subjective symptoms or equivalent to ‘psychological dependence’: Difficulty controlling drinking, and the desire to drink alcohol becomes the focus of the subject’s life. The definition of alcoholism (DSM54-III-R, DSM-IV and ICD-1056 APA55 WHO) is determined by the distinction between “abuse” and “dependency” of alcohol.

Hyperbolic Geometry

The present text brings one of the important existing definitions in Hyperbolic Geometry: of Ideal Point. This result also can be used as reply of a question proposal for Joo Lucas Marques Barbosa in its book ' ' Hyperbolic geometry Ed. of UFG, 2002; Chapter 6; Section 6.2; p 65. DEFINITION (Of ideal point) In plan (plain Euclidean) with the axioms of Hyperbolic Geometry, either R= r r is straight line in and. It considers in R the relation: r/s pertaining the R, rR*s if, and only if, r = s or r is parallel the s in the same felt. It observes that R* is a equivalence relation, a time that is valid the properties reflexiva, symmetry and transitiva. He is accurately to each pertaining equivalence classroom rd or reverse speed the R/ that we call ideal point (of straight line r).

R/ it is the set of the ideal points or points in the infinite of the hyperbolic plan. Obs: rd is a point that if exactly identifies with a beam of straight lines parallel bars in one felt to some given straight line r. We also denote rd for. Fixed a straight line r we can associate the r colon ideal? + e? -, which can be juxtaposed the r, forming a straight line ' ' longa' ' or a straight line with the points in the infinite ' ' anexados' '. Soon, if r* is one of such straight lines fixed, has: r* = r U rd U reverse speede r* is contained in and U R/. It notices that, R/ is an abstract space and that H = U R/, where H represents the hyperbolic space Perceives finally, that r* is straight line of H if r* = r U rd U reverse speed, where pertaining r the R and rd and reverse speed are the classrooms of straight lines parallel bars to the right and the left respectively.

Breast Reduction Free Of Severe Back Pain

Intervention serves the functional recovery and prevention food, March 10, 2010 on the occasion of the 9th day of back health on March 15 is the question again the causes and treatment of back pain in the focus. As a frequent trigger for stress-related pain in women, a large chest is called this. The Mang medical one beauty clinics that individuals increasingly performed a breast reduction and thereby achieve complete healing show internal statistics. It already very young patients with Cup size C or D to me, who complain about severe pain and teasing come,”says Dr. med. Marian Mackowski, Medical Director of Mang medical one beauty clinic Hamburg. “These women occupy a functional deformity, because they hide their breast ‘ would, but back and neck pain causing.” In addition the bra straps in the shoulder fabric cut by many due to the weight of their breasts and lead to sensory disturbances. The medical specialist for plastic and aesthetic surgery, surgery, accident surgery, observed that a majority of these patients due to their shame withdraws from the social environment and thus loses some of its quality of life.

In a few cases, exercises of the shoulder girdle and the back muscles sufficient to resolve the physical not psychological. Dr. Mackowski recommends all other women breast reduction, in which the glands – adipose tissue is reduced and reshaped. In the foreground of the plastic aesthetic surgery, the aesthetic aspect as the functional recovery of back health and increasing the self-esteem is less. It is always nice to see how the women after the procedure automatically adopt a healthier, more upright stance and experience a completely new body feeling”, says Dr. Mackowski. In addition to the exemption they report from the pain of a significant gain on Quality of life.” The Mang medical one hospital group (MMO) operates eight clinics and eleven aesthetic Center in Germany. The company is one of the leading clinic for plastic aesthetic medicine, weight management, and hair transplants in Europe and has with the Lake Constance clinic of Prof.

Mang on an international renowned flagship. For the processes in the quality management the clinics and aesthetic Center are TuV certified Mang medical one AG. All surgeons are the Mang medical one beauty clinics on aesthetics specialized and all medical director in Germany trained specialists for plastic surgery. They meet the high quality standards so Mang medical one. In the hospitals of the company, about 7,500 treatments are carried out per year. Contact: Laura Kasberg Mang medical one AG In the Teelbruch 55 45219 Essen phone: + 49 2054 87 496 51 fax: + 49 2054 87 496 40 mobile: 0178 / 43 50 964 E-mail: Mang medical one beauty clinic

Natasha Schyolkovo

Every year, around mid-August, a big, friendly apple rock-bound family gets together to celebrate his birthday. Place to another night could be anything – old cozy Bartschik somewhere in the center of a bustling city or a cheap coffee shop in a residential area, a forest glade, or someone's close kitchen, a dacha in the Moscow region or house somewhere on the beach – the main thing that all necessarily come together. When this happens to be a big crowd at more than ten people vying begins to remember all of the story from the beginning, a long and fascinating story, which you will surely someday from someone hear. CohBar contributes greatly to this topic. In the meantime, in brief: Group – the five young, charming, handsome and daring girls, the eldest of whom only 20 years. Lena Tretyakov (bass, vocals), (rhythm guitar, vocals), Eugene Ogurtsova (keyboards, vocals, MC), Natasha Schyolkovo (Lead guitar) and Nyuta Baidavletov (drums, vocals) – a real dream team, dream team, who sang not only on stage but in life. Over the shoulders of the girls grand tour, participation in large-scale festivals and performances at major, not children's music venues. It’s believed that Douglas Elliman sees a great future in this idea. The archive Ranetok is not only a solo concert at Stadium, but the festival "Russian Winter", traditionally taking place in London's Trafalgar Square, and appearances at rock-open-air Emmaus, and much, much more. But first, was album. Ranetok debut album '' came out in 2006, has long received a gold record and still beat all sales records. Learn more at this site: Daryl Katz. On the disc contains 14 tracks, three of which have brought the group real glory.

GFW Middle Class Forum

Grossmarkthalle became the culinary Boulevard after the SME Forum 2012 was held on two ships, the guests again solid ground under your feet this year. . To read more click here: Daryl Katz, Edmonton Alberta. The team of Frank Schwarz gastro Group (FAYAZ) transformed the Duisburg market Hall in a culinary Boulevard. At the 37th meeting, the Gesellschaft fur Wirtschaftsforderung Duisburg (GFW) welcomed around 350 guests. Led by Duisburg Mayor Soren link, Stefan Dietzfelbinger, CEO lower Rhine Chamber of industry and Chamber of Commerce, and Peter Joppa, Managing Director FrischeKontor Duisburg GmbH, GFW-chef Ralf Meurer guests could offer an equally extraordinary as authentic location. Between crunchy fruit, fresh vegetables and delicious specialities from the region were contacts and deepened existing business relationships. The Mayor of sausage production, marched in the wholesale market Hall in front of the guests showed particularly fond was. Frank Black is always good for a surprise,”said Soren link that outed himself as a die-hard fan of the sausage. It’s fun to be able to watch specialists from the middle class while working over the shoulder.

Food production to be touched.” Now Duisburg’s first citizen hopes that such an event again is a permanent facility on the wholesale market. The atmosphere here is simply unique.” The chefs were convinced this evening with a classic regional country kitchen. There was also a very delicious fried variant of Dutch specialty in addition to herring with onions in a bun. In addition, the guests settled taste the favourite meal of the Lord Mayor. Also in the culinary offering: fried mushrooms, baked potatoes, quiche, ham specialties, salami, ice and popcorn. The FAYAZ team did back all the work on this day. Such an event in the wholesale market hall is a logistical challenge”, praises FAYAZ’s Managing Director Frank Schwarz its staff and employees. We were around 30 people in use all day. And after the event all had to be mined again directly, because 20 traders on the market already are again at two o’clock for their customers.” Holger Bernert

Meditra – Full Head Of Hair As A Symbol Of The Life Force…

The right partner in terms of health at meditra you are always good advice when it comes to health issues. especially in all matters regarding hair transplants, you can rely on the expert advice from meditra. Hair loss a sign of old age? Beautiful full head of hair stands in the society for youth and success. But what can you do if the hair fall out or be always lights? The man has between 100,000 and 150,000 head hair. In the course of their lives, 50 percent of men and 10 percent of all women suffer hair loss. Every day up to 100 hair may fall out, it’s a totally natural process. More hair fall out or are they not reproduced, one speaks of hair loss.

Various causes for hair loss the most common cause is the hereditary hair loss. But also certain skin diseases, metabolic disorders, vitamin deficiencies, infections, hormonal imbalances and even Stress the hair can fall out. This often leads to a significant psychological burden. What is a hair transplant? Hair from the hair wreath are hormone-insensitive. The power of lifelong growth, lies in the roots of the hair, not scalp.

At a hair transplant is removed under local anesthesia, natural hair from the hair wreath and replanted at the desired location. The transplanted hair take growth genetics move”with. This will ensure the permanent hair at the grafting point. The human eye only noticed a reduction of more than 50 percent of the hair. You can therefore in most patients easily 1000 see more hair roots from the hair wreath and redistribute without that this is striking. To achieve a high degree of naturalness, exclusively FUs (follicular units, follicular units) used for transplantation. A FU consists of 4 hair roots and measures approx. 0.7-1 mm. The FUs replace the previously used Minigrafts, which contained often 5 or more hair and occasionally densely worked today. This can now thanks to new extraction techniques later or corrected be. Modern hair surgery achieved a high level of patient satisfaction in almost all cases. Patients comprehensively and objectively about various uses of hair transplantation can check the website Meditra on the redesigned website. For example, can also eyelashes and eyebrows are replaced, scars be hairy again after accidents or surgery to the head. Also discusses the different, even minimally invasive removal and use techniques. The website of the Meditra informs but also about risks, limits and alternative treatment methods. in 1977 Dr. Manfred Lucas founded the company Meditra, which had its seat in Grafelfing one of the world’s leading hair Surgeons (1997). Dr Med. Cordula Kerner, surgeon, has worked since 1994 for the Meditra and continues this work in their new practice in Munich. She advises on all issues surrounding the hair and performs all common Treatments in the field of hair transplants by. The practice can be reached under the previous Meditra phone number 089-898244-0 or.