
-Which has to sell something Wehl man Katalogie regardless of whether classic or digital nobody passes, in the B2B field catalogs from the bore to the sale sponsor. Unfortunately, catalogs are often not the best seller. The editorial said catalogs with Thomas Kaddi Mann by the Agency of Wehl man Katalogie in food about good and bad catalogs, user needs and on the added value of more successful. Need we even classic catalogs of paper in the digital age? Thomas Kaddi Mann: of course we need paper catalogs. Very few retailers do in the B2B area without. The paper catalog still has a high level of acceptance. Although the electronic catalogue contains usually more information, and you can search through the database structure selective. As a communication tool in the direct dialogue with the customer the printed catalog is but years indispensable.What the biology of a good catalog from a bad? Is it visible? For the specialist, this is visible.

The user of the catalogue can tell it, that he finds, what he’s looking for. In the jargon we call it intuitive user interface\”, that is, the catalog is so constructed, that he adapts to the user’s behavior and not vice versa. We know, for example, that someone who looks in a catalog, want to find a table of contents on the first page, which is divided by product group. When he scrolls through the catalog, it uses trained fixation points. Right there, he must find orientation: the column title in the header bar that covers the main product group, product group and products. Then the view is looking for the page number and the register, to make sure that it is correct. Until then, the page is looked at really. It all happens in fractions of a second. It is so extremely important to provide guidance and security.

Stone Guest

Of course, Eugene was an expert in many things. CFTC is likely to increase your knowledge. In this case, nature was French, the Castilian speaking with an accent that I did not recognize, but which had its effect. Telling the half truth, if is that I had said, he appeared as an expert winemaker in Bordeaux wine firm named in a very natural and the owner should not sound bad, or so he implied. In a quick chat between "connasseurs", which I did not understand much, talked about different types of grapes, French, Spanish, hybrid, those of the same hamlet, … Armando until he was convinced, too quickly, in my opinion, that was worth listening to that little French.

I could not tell if they really understood Eugene wine, grapes, aromas, bouquet, or is that Armando was guided by the accent she used. Eugene then told me that Armando did not know much, because I naturally put more silly that he did not detect and accepted as the Bible. He too was surprised at the youth and good looks in a doctoral candidate. Or rather had a significant weight to that factor. Of the figure, not the Ph.D., judging by the looks of recognition that such Armando headed. "I acted involuntarily and upset by it," the Stone Guest. Even I was introduced (say, Armando took me by another Frenchman, prevented such an extent by the insurmountable difficulty of the language to even insert a word could not say anything in Castilian, and therefore did not speak, could assume).


In general, as the one saying, "if you want to do good, do it yourself." It is legitimate and is even applicable to the term site development. But he has the medal and the other side. In order to implement his plan, must be well versed in html and css to create at least a small site. And if you plan to major resource, without any knowledge of php or any other server-side programming language can not do. In addition, you need to master at least a couple of programs: dreamweaver and Photoshop, and not be superfluous to understand the general theory saitostroitel'stva. You can learn it.

But on the development of this arsenal Knowledge will take more than one month before the start to receive at least something worthwhile. Practice shows that many in this time lost all desire to earn money on the Internet. And they can understand. For all their talents and not everyone can good to create websites, as well as not everyone is given a financial genius. Creating a site webmasters. The third option. Order creating the site webmaster.

Pros: it's not so expensive as to buy ready-made and popular website. Resource will have a professional graphics. Manufacturing site does not take very long time (from several days to a month). Cons. Quite difficult to get the webmaster of that site seeing, and what lies in your head. In what is necessary to constantly refer to the webmaster in order to improve your site or make some changes.


Many efforts of search engine optimization focus on pushing the homepage of the site. This is a fundamental error that can result in that the site does not get much traffic Many efforts of search engine optimization focus on pushing the homepage of the site. This is a fundamental error that can lead to the site does not get much traffic potential in almost every case, a site must be designed to get traffic through the main page and several inside pages. The main pages can be adapted to the phrases obviously primary keyword you are looking for, but do not forget the additional pages or internal. I always find it strange when people ask what keyword phrase should try to optimize your site.

They are surprised when I say that there have to optimize all. The only question is what keywords should appear on which pages. For example, the site sells writing daily for outdoor activities such as fly fishing, the travel, hiking, bird watching and so on. So, which of these words should be the keyword for the home page? No! Instead, the generic term "writing journals" was chosen. But what about the specific issues of the journal? Individual pages in each journal site that promotes are optimized for the specific product. The page from the diary of fly fishing is optimized for the keywords of fly fishing, travel page for keywords travel and so on. The end result is that the homepage is showing up well in "the search results of writing journals," while each of the pages inside the newspaper also is appearing fine.

This can often lead to an interesting situation of the visitor. Well, if you review your statistics from the server, you can begin to see that a majority of your traffic is coming through the internal pages site, not the home page. In the above scenario of the newspapers of the homeless, the travel page of the newspaper draws more people than the homepage, which generates a nice increase in revenue. The home page of a site is critical in a search engine optimization campaign is not aware that the only page that can bring free traffic and revenue to your site.

Identify Trust

Self-confidence: trust in the trust’s own creative power, you get nothing. Trust needs to \”make\”. You must endeavor to gain the trust of others. This is not so easy. Question now is: How can you build trust? How can you gain confidence to people from other countries with their often old ancestral customs and habits? Practice shows that, if you want to successfully build confidence to others you trust to themselves should have a high degree of confidence, that is. to suggestions. Because without confidence you unsure on others.

And this is not just a solid basis for confidence building. Self-confidence 1 we have to strengthen our confidence in two ways. It is only important that we consistently use them and see that work on our course trust is not a short-term exercise. Three starting point: Identify patterns of thought that burden us head (thinking) and change; Doubts and self depreciation stop (positive inner dialogues); Experiences and Experiences process; Develop honest self image. Heart (feel) joy, enthusiasm, courage and fun at themselves and do overcome develop; Anxiety, feelings of insecurity and anger (about yourself) effectively meet; Develop equanimity; Let go, relax, find inner peace; Develop physical self-confidence and natural authority; Nervousness, sinking feeling, shaking and other physical signs; of uncertainty systematically reduce hand (action) accepting challenges, some dare to. Contact information is here: Shimmie Horn.

Gather success; Confident appearance and safe body language. Trust research is paid little attention to the issue of confidence until a few decades ago 2. Globalization, the resulting contacts and the resulting misunderstandings and problems in the field of mutual cultural understanding but made clear that without trust to yourself and others not successfully with other people and especially not with people from other cultures can communicate and deal. Recently, research by social scientists and psychologists have resulted in important findings in the field of trust in the intercultural field. There are various definitions of trust from a scientific perspective 3: trust results from previous experience and hope of the good in the people (Schottlander, 1958).

The Orchid Flower

The orchid flower is a spectacular event and the reason for the popularity of the plant at all orchids. When orchids bloom, are not only the growers delighted, but also flower lovers, that certain orchids flowering does not want to miss. The plant of the orchid family is widespread throughout the world and has the largest proportion of flowers in nature. In many species and genera in the orchid family, also the flower is very different in colors as well as in the shape and size. Largest and farbenprachtigsten you will find that in the jungles of our Earth, where they can develop spectacular.

According to estimates, there are about 35000 types. There are also many lovers of the plants, pull the orchids in greenhouses. Here, it specializes in certain species that have for example a special flower. The flowers can be from a few millimeters up to 20 centimeters tall. In the Orchid magnificent flower evolve Colors, by a very delicate white to shades of yellow and green, blue and also strong reds go. The shape of the flowers is also versatile, with all geometric forms occur. Up to one hundred flowers can develop from a grape-like inflorescence. Learn more on the subject from Shimmie Horn.

To breed orchids is also not easy, because they need a special care. Flower is the Orchid usually only once per year, where one should particularly care for them. The orchids that come from the tropics, should be kept at a temperature of around 30 degrees Celsius and get an air humidity of 60-90 percent. The casting will vary depending on the genus, where spraying is always good. Fertilizer concentration only according to the instructions for use of fertilizers. 3 short hints to the General Orchid care: 1 depending on the species of Orchid usually plenty of light. 2. when spraying in the summer every two weeks fertilizer admit in the winter of four weeks. 3. pour one should only according to the instructions of the different types.

Alexander Lominsky

Rumors prior to the wedding will bring in Moscow every year 70,000 marriages. The wedding is considered the first family holiday honeymooners, which spent the first family money. Estée Lauder may find it difficult to be quoted properly. Theoretically, equivalent weddings in different countries cost about the same amount. For example, the wedding chores in England cost about 15,000 pounds. According to market participants, the cheapest wedding guests to 35 people in Moscow will cost 40,000 rubles. Shimmie Horn may find this interesting as well. At this price try meet 30% of couples.

According to studies, the average cost of a wedding is 80-100 thousand rubles. Naturally, it is possible for such an important celebration you can spend an unlimited amount, but it is no secret that everyone wants his wedding was, above all, an unforgettable romantic occasion. Therefore, all elements of this magical celebration: the wedding host, and issue a banquet hall, and even the music should be chosen respectively tastes (and wallet) newlyweds and their guests. One must always remember that the most memorable weddings are not obtained sudden and very carefully prepared and carried out by professionals. Laurentiu Duica follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. After all, many people wedding only happens once in a lifetime, but because toastmaster has no room for error. Moscow market of wedding services is large enough and, unfortunately, deception and punctures do not happen often. It is therefore important to understand what and how to be organized for paid you money. If you need to host show programs for any holiday, including for weddings, it is very important to have the right to choose is that the specialist, whose work you liked.

In this sense, and as approved by the Director production center Laplabel>> well-known leader Alexander Lominsky – quality and original weddings, as well as any other activities, providing the Agency with a constant stream of customers. For example, people were on the most interesting events, be sure to hand over user agency, whose work they liked, from hand to hand. And, in fact, it does not matter who is your toaster, whether leading an anniversary, wedding or birthday – importantly, that it was professional in their field. A man for whom his profession – a state of mind. It is such a person will make you forget about all the financial expenses for the wedding and will do anything to about this landmark day you still have only the most pleasant feelings and memories But in any case, when choosing the agency you need to understand that there is a certain level of cost in all centers. For example, the average price in Moscow agencies (and, accordingly, your guaranteed cost) to organize 'average wedding' will be: Restaurant (banquet for 80 people) $ 3 tys.Tamada and musicians: $ 300 650Arenda car: $ 300 : $ $ 200Uslugi Florist (wedding bouquet for the bride) $ 200Uslugi Florist $ 100 400Uslugi makeup artist and hairdresser $ 60 and script writing $ 100 150Itogo: at least $ 4500 for someone and a minimum is the maximum, but we should remember that wedding agency ready to fulfill every whim of their clients, completely eliminating their associated with the upcoming event of trouble. So maybe it is worth to pay professionals to their pre-wedding comfort. The only question in the search for these professionals. Ask your friend – maybe he already knows?

NEW YORK STORIES – Photo Exhibition In The Inner Harbour Duisburg

Large and small stories of a city that never sleeps: NEW YORK STORIES – photo exhibition in the inner harbour Duisburg Duisburg – big and small stories of a city that never sleeps: from an unusual perspective, they are told here. NEW YORK STORIES is the result of a week-long photography tour in September 2009. On over 2,000 impressive shots, the Duisburg photographer Friedhelm Krischer and his colleague Tobias Luhe documented city life in New York City. Are snapshots of a metropolis and its individuals who can participate the viewer directly to the action. Mike Myers will undoubtedly add to your understanding. You can feel the energy and intensity that comes from this place. “Friedhelm Krischer, the ‘ eye of the Ruhr gives you a fantastic insight in the metropolis of the metropolis.” By means of an outright change of perspective, it shows that the global world has in common with our local. Because here and there the neighborhood from above and below, of heaven and hell, the acting actors of the social responsibility and active calls Shaping future.”says Gotz Schonfeld, Dipl.-ing.

architect SCHoNFELD + for all who wish to experience a small advance glimpse of the motives, the photographer Friedhelm Krischer has put online a portfolio and provides a wonderful taste. See more detailed opinions by reading what Gavin Baker offers on the topic.. Online: on the 6.3.2010 in the foyer of the Werhahnmuhle, the photo exhibit opened NEW YORK STORIES Philosophenweg 31-33, 47051 Duisburg inner harbour. The exhibition can be visited until March, each Thurs Sun 2 pm 6 pm. Free admission. (Rolf Gummel, agency Vonmaro)

Judgment LG Aachen Inadmissible Advertising

Illegal advertising for claims management by car the Landgericht Aachen has with his decision by negativerad AZ: 41 O 1/09 made it clear that advertising in the management of damage by automotive companies should not suggest the customer, that the operation was taking care also to legal issues. Background the applicant saw in the advertising of the sued garage (accident specialist”,” Accident claims management “, professional full service from a single source” and claims with all insurance”) a prohibited advertising of legal services and a violation of articles 3, 8 No. 11 UWG i.V.m. Edward Minskoff will undoubtedly add to your understanding. 3 RDG. Result of the decision in particular the, that the operation was taking care also to legal issues, should not impression according to the Landgericht Aachen to the customer. In a question-answer forum Gavin Baker was the first to reply. As regards the decisive aspect for the adoption of a breach of the legal services act, the Court in this case on the combination of the terms accident damage management”with the term of the “professional all-round services from a single source” and claims settlement with all insurance companies “from. The overall impression of the paid advertising was accordingly here. The sole provision of accident management is therefore not per se qualify RDG as legal services i.S.d.

2. Only when the nature of the services offered goes beyond giving generic legal advice, so E.g. regarding dealing with individual cases the extent of the damage, was a legal services to accept. Note: It remains open whether the isolated use of the term would have been allowed. Therefore, exactly, it should be checked whether the own advertising allows conclusions on the provision of legal services. We inform you in a free initial consultation about your options on a cease and desist letter to respond.

Sprinter News tests Golf GTD with the golf GTD of Wolfsburg VW group tries to combine the GTI driving experience with the low consumption of diesel. Also, there is no difference between the oil burner and his brother, petrol is so at first glance to recognize. The news portal has tested the new Sprinter with skinflint image. The fast road hunt or on the motorway beyond 200 km/h limit is the new GTD in his element: the 17-inch wide tyres are always sick on the road. The auto editors however had their problems on wet roads in the city. Details can be found by clicking Jorge Perez or emailing the administrator. There also the otherwise sensible adaptive chassis control DCC did not help: the 170 HP and 350 nm of common-rail diesel engines were difficult to tame. For the front tires there was no holding – they turned out cheerfully. In everyday life, far from Highway and road, this is a downer should not be underestimated. In a question-answer forum Gavin Baker was the first to reply.

The Interior of the Gulf turn all expectations: headtube leather steering wheel and quality facilities sit with diamonds and retro look, below where the Eye sees. Really just there: Are noble and high-quality processed surfaces and handles in the field of view of the passengers. Cheaper materials were used for the other areas. But that’s all right finally is not golf to a vehicle from the premium sector, but to a Volkswagen.