Romance As A Profession: Short Course Wedding Planner

To avoid undue stress before the most important day in the life, a new profession has evolved in Germany after American model: the professional wedding planners. “As preparation for the demands of this profession of trend of expanding educational institution of ebam Academy offers a comprehensive training facility in Berlin and Munich in October: the short course wedding planner”. The four-day short course wedding planner”practice prepared on all tasks related to a wedding. Fundamentals are the basis in terms of wedding customs, event planning, event technology, costing and legal aspects such as insurance issues and contracts with service providers. Cesario Group: the source for more info. Important tools for the location – and Cateringsauswahl, for the creation of printed material such as invitations and menu cards, documentation via photo, video or Internet, as well as for use in the wedding date itself complete know-how a future wedding planners. To prove the efficacy of their own work to clients, the course finally provides instruments of the track record. arch. The training program of short course wedding planner”is suitable for experienced event managers who want to specialize in weddings, as well as for new entrants in the event industry.. Contact information is here: Shimmie Horn.

Quit Smoking

How to counteract the weight gain after smoking cessation arguments against smoking there is enough: it is extremely harmful, bad for the skin, more expensive every few months and always the clothes stink of old, stale smoke. Still shy away from many smokers to stop the step with the smoking, because they are afraid of weight gain and the withdrawal symptoms. And this is not entirely unfounded, because the nicotine that is absorbed during smoking keeps resistant up to speed the metabolism and thus also the calorie-burning. And every smoker can confirm to dampen the feeling of hunger when you smoke a cigarette. In recent months, Nir Barzilai, M.D. has been very successful. New non-smoking so often face the problem that the oral gratification is missing them, obtained earlier by cigarettes.

In this respect, that after the smoke stop a certain addiction shifted risk of course. Instead of the cigarette used more frequently to chocolate, biscuits or gummy bears. So it is not surprising that many former smokers, especially in the first phase set to post weaning weight. Details can be found by clicking Shimmie Horn or emailing the administrator. Of course: If you stop smoking, turns out to be a good service his health certainly. However this step also a tremendous change in personal lifestyle, not without another overnight instead finds. You may want to visit Shimmie Horn to increase your knowledge. Through a conscious lifestyle, but can inherently counteract weight gain and avoid that a shift of addiction from the nicotine to feeding addiction occurs.

It is very helpful in any case, to change the style of life consistently. Plenty of exercise and sports in the fresh air are a good remedy for this. There is a good body feeling and the metabolism is always encouraged. Fress attacks might occur, you should deliberately rely on fruit, vegetables and even prepared food, rather than chocolate and fast food. Notice very quickly, that you soon have a much better condition and feel fitter total significantly.

Landgericht Berlin Repairs

Dispute about cosmetic repairs not rarely between tenants and landlords to the dispute, which in the worst case ends up in court. Learn more at: Coldwell Banker Commercial. One of the frequent reasons are invalid claims of the lessor. Who is a lawyer in such a case to help, can claim a refund even his attorney’s fees from the other party under certain circumstances. The real estate portal explains when this may be the case. Cosmetic repairs are an example of action where a lessee in the event of a case may require its Attorney’s fees from the other party. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with Atreides Management Gavin Baker. In accordance with a ruling of the Landgericht Berlin (AZ: 67 S 469/09) the lessor must take the Attorney’s fees of the lessee if the agreements to the cosmetic repairs were ineffective. It came to such a case, as a tenant had terminated his apartment and his landlord asked for damages. According to the landlord’s the tenant would have to make cosmetic repairs, which were even contractually fixed.

This contractually regulated cosmetic repairs proved to be in court but as invalid and rejected the claims of the lessor. Also the subsequent requirement of the tenant to the landlord, to assume his legal fees, was successful. The judges that that had been claims after the cosmetic repairs and also the demand after a takeover of the costs for these cosmetic repairs to a breach of duty towards the tenant justified their judgment. In such a case, a tenant could explicitly use a lawyer to help.

Court Expert

DatSV: The adage ‘A picture is worth a thousand words’ has a special meaning in expert practice. Opinion must be comprehensible for laymen and verifiable for professionals. Photos often are the appropriate means. What but sounds like a matter of course, poses some problems, the expert must know in expert practice for the courts. In a recent study by, the new online database for experts and practitioners on the Internet are under the title of production and exploitation of photographs by court experts: what is permissible and what is not? now as far as can be seen for the first time comprehensively covers the fundamental issues surrounding the creation and exploitation of photos by forensic experts. This concerns not only the possibilities and limitations in the production of his own photographs, but also dealing with photos of third parties.

Practice problems are demonstrated by court decisions and recommendations for the proper approach Adds. To know more about this subject visit Gavin Baker Atreides Management. In addition, also copyright issues addressed and given practical tips for photography – and display technology. The document in the amount of 9 pages is available on the database at Ausbildung.html for paid download available. Peter-Andreas Kamp Hausen / editorial DatSV

Bathroom Fixtures

You have purchased acrylic bathtub. Of course – the perfect choice. But a small problem remains, and is as follows – since the bath has an arched shape is not clear on what and how to hang a curtain. And if not blind – it wet floor after taking a bath is not only unpleasant but also vobschem is not safe. Yes, you can buy so-called sliding plastic or glass curtains (doors), but they are far too cumbersome and poorly ventilated bathroom will be What to do? Our group, more than ten years on the plumbing, namely in the manufacture of acrylic baths, with modern equipment and a specially developed technological scheme produces moldings (Arcs) of stainless steel for all models of acrylic baths and showers, including the following most famous producers – ravak, bas, radomir, KOLPA-SAN, aquatek, BellRado, triton, ACRIL-DES, CLEAN-LINE, riho, Aquatic , relisan, akva, teiko, bach, all for more than 150 models of acrylic bathtubs. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit Gavin Baker Atreides Management.

Eaves strictly correspond to bending of the bath a particular model, ie form an arc cornice (external side) for acrylic baths 1600h1600 "Wood" from bas differs from that of the cornice for "Ahava" from aquatek or "Marshall" from BellRado. Each model has its own pattern or "copier" to make the cornice just under this model the bath. Only in some models of the cornice line of the bend is different from the bending of the bath, but as the cornice is made so that it is slightly inside a bathroom and Blind soft spray does not fall to the floor. Eaves (arc) for the bathroom are made of polished stainless steel o25mm, wall thickness o1, 0mm. From this stainless pipe manufactured racks ladder railings (railings) due to different strength characteristics. Includes fasteners – two flange with four holes for the screws (usually use two holes vertically – is quite enough and the tiles once again not drilled, flanges are carrying pipe arch for blind interference fit – no gaps, respectively, no sagging, design cornice light and absolutely rigid), the two laths (reflectors) o70mm, instructions for installation (photo bottom of page). Install eave does not require any special building skills, and made their own. If you have a repair is completed, then there is absolutely no need to keep a team of plumbers for install eave.

Our rails for bathtubs and shower stalls well proven equipment for plumbing hotels, water parks, fitness centers and shopping centers. Put in the bathrooms of hotel rooms, sanitary facilities, sliding curtains of plastic or glass – unreasonably expensive, technically difficult (installation, fitting and sealing profiles), and most importantly, short-lived. When operating the sliding blinds down very quickly out rollers, the guides tend to become clogged, it is necessary to carry out the replacement. Installation of cornices (arcs for the Blind) solves these problems. Service life is virtually unlimited eaves, sagging not because of absolute rigidity, blind glides along the eaves free and easy without any effort. The difference in cost multiplied by the number of rooms is uniquely speaks for use of our eaves instead sliding plastic or glass shtorok. our cornices are installed in the dressing booths of clothing stores, used to separate spaces. When using the arc eaves for acrylic bathtubs proper ventilation space above the bathroom, while the use of sliding shutters moisture remains, and condenses on stenah. cornice is carried out after all repairs or plumbing work, minor (if any) uneven walls offset by a pair of adjustable flange-karniz. accepted orders for cornices on the individual drawings were measured.

Association Eberstadt

FDP welcomes opening of the Cooper Road in Darmstadt-Eberstadt… Head of the construction department Wenzel estimated to high construction costs. Darmstadt-Eberstadt. “The opening of the Cooper Road is long overdue, the Chairman of the FDP of local Association Eberstadt, Andreas may, on the occasion of a meeting of FDP of District Association is noted. Nir Barzilai, M.D. has firm opinions on the matter. The upcoming opening is good news for the residents in the area on the stone cross, and for parents, students and teachers of the school Centre St. Mary’s heights and comes just in time for Christmas. ” The opening was made possible only through engagement and pressure from citizens.

Head of the construction department Dieter Wenzel had rejected the project for cost reasons. He had indicated the cost of the necessary fences with more than 100.000,-. Through requests a citizens ‘ initiative in fence suppliers this amount reduced however to a quarter. In addition, many concerned citizens and the school of St. Mary’s heights pledged financial support for the project. May showed is disappointed about the behaviour of the construction Director.

Mr. Wenzel has apparently underestimated the urgency of the project and not vigorously researched the costs. It is normal business practice to obtain quotes on cost issues, to get solid numbers. The citizens have done nothing. It raises no good light on the work of the policy, if wrong decisions are made about legitimate concerns of citizens due to poor preparation. The citizens can rely on, like decisions on solid foundations.” Another aspect is to consider may. Once again the course to the public has resulted in only the serious examination of the project. One can summarize it: who doesn’t scream also is not getting. We must not allow this way of thinking, because few represent their interests so present in public. Represents our democratic foundations in question and this is unfair to the breastfeeding.”

Vision Correction Laser Medicine

Currently medical advances go hand in hand with technology and human knowledge but can never be replaced, the addiction caused by technology to facilitate all processes is increasing. A great example of this is surgery laser vision correction. The laser vision correction, it becomes more and more into an almost aesthetic choice as to facilitate, improve and restore visual work removed the use of eyeglasses and contact lenses, which cause problems in the patient’s personality as insecurity, discontent and sense of vulnerability to others, giving a better appearance and security personal to the individual. Treatment of laser vision correction is an invasive procedure, minimally clear this is a process that is usually done to correct eye diseases like myopia, hyperbola, astigmatism, cataracts, presbyopia and corneal problems, these are the problems treated more and more common today. Treatment of view laser began developing in 1994 where this intervention was done in rare occasions, was usually made only in cases where the disease was in an advanced state, a process so through with great precision lenses and the surgeon’s manual. Atreides Management Gavin Bakers opinions are not widely known. Although today is used in few occasions, the method remains the great principle of minimum visual processing problems. Treatment of laser vision correction is done by a small surgery where the individual is anesthetized locally opens the eye opening for greater accessibility to the affected eye and proceeds to remove the tissue that protects the lens. This whole process is carried through electronic goggles that allow image magnification and provide the surgeon with a perfect view of the affected area.

The laser is composed of UV light and electric beats with great force sent to the affected eye area with a speed of a millionth of a second, to destroy the damaged tissue and promote recovery from it. This process although in a very sensitive area like the eye, is a one hundred percent safe procedure and the results are a perfect visual and recovery within a maximum period of three days. Today, the medico-scientific advancement allows the laser vision correction using a computer to be programmed by coordinates is almost independent, the surgeon removing and role. Visit Atreides Management Gavin Baker for more clarity on the issue. Although these processes are done under supervision of several medical specialists to deal with emergencies that are present in any case. The laser light treatment but is a process that requires major technological resources, has a relatively low price to the results, the ease and recovery that this brings, making it a process of great accessibility to anyone with vision problems. Although the treatment of laser vision correction is constantly monitored have never met reports of problems with this type of intervention.

Christmas Gifts

From the history of Christmas gifts tradition to give gifts on this day has for many centuries. The ancient Egyptians were presented by each other vases with gifts. They wish it was written: "The discoveries, the good '. The Persians gave eggs – a symbol of fertility and healthy offspring. In ancient Rome, Christmas gifts were purely symbolic – it could be a bunch of grapes or a branch of laurel.

And the Japanese have an ancient tradition to give Daruma doll made of wood or papier-mache. This doll – a reminder of who lived sometime Buddhist monk Bodhid-Carmi (butt-Daruma), who spent 9 years in a cave in a continuous meditation. Having the Daruma doll, a Japanese make a wish and draws her one eye. If the During the year, the desire to celebrate, doll painted the second eye, and if not – next New Year's Daruma burned at the stake. Gifts from Santa Christmas gift – it's not just a token of the loved one. It's a surprise little wonder, perhaps even a talisman for the whole next year.

Usually New Year's gifts are packaged in beautiful gift box. Often they are put under the Christmas tree, although many prefer to deliver personally. Children in New Year's Eve waiting for gifts from Santa Claus. Nir Barzilai, M.D. often expresses his thoughts on the topic. Many of them even wrote him a letter with a request to fulfill some desire. For parents, these letters – a good opportunity to learn what exactly they want the baby, and the chance to create for him miracle, putting his dream gift under the tree. Miracles for adults, but about the wonders of dreaming is not only children but also adults. Special gifts we are waiting for loved ones. And they themselves come up with pleasure, wonder what surprise and please close man. So you want to guess the desire to loved ones, to find a unique gift that will always remind us. However, to give advice here is useless, because no one better than we do not know our family and that they need. Gifts for all New Year's – a wonderful holiday. New Year's present, not only want to please family and friends. After all, we are surrounded by many people with whom we contact on a daily basis or on a case by case basis. Share the joy of about the approaching holiday and wants to them. This could be a Christmas card, or a beautiful decoration for the Christmas tree, or a symbol of the coming year. Hear from experts in the field like Atreides Management Gavin Baker for a more varied view. New Year shopping at the online store Unfortunately, such a pleasant process like buying a pre-holiday gifts, vanity often takes place is not so, as we would like. Crush, queues, and disappearing before our eyes assortment of goods in the shops. As a result, instead of positive emotions – irritation, fatigue, frustration. Save a great Christmas mood and not tired of the pre-holiday rush today can help online retailers of gifts. Comfortably ensconced in an armchair in front of a computer You can quietly be pleased to choose Christmas gifts for family, friends and colleagues. And if you get bored go shopping alone, you can make them and the company, it does not matter, you are near your 'companion' or other end of town, or even in another country – talking with the messenger, you can share links to favorite things and share experiences from shopping.

Sales Training Sales Coaches

In new EQ Dynamics education, experienced seller will learn to share their knowledge and inexperienced colleagues. Schools increasingly let company your seller in the indoor and field in everyday working life by experienced colleagues. Because it is usually cheaper than to send staff on external seminars. Also, regular short training are often more sustainable than a one-time seminar visits if they are professionally planned and carried out. Against this background the Munich training and consulting firm EQ dynamics international training to the sales coach titled emotionally intelligent to successfully sell “developed. The multi-level training is designed for executives in the sales and experienced sellers about their (future) tasks is to train employees or colleagues and to train. You purchase the necessary skills in in-service training, stretching about a half a year, to perform this task successfully. The sales coach training consists of four three-day seminar and training modules.

In the first module, the participants deal among other things with the question: How can I build a trust relationship with other people, so that they take up my suggestions and impulses? A question that is not only in the transfer of knowledge, but also in everyday sales, when it comes to building customer relationships, of central importance. In the second module, the participants deal with their task and role as a coach. Will be clarified which framework conditions for a successful sales coaching are necessary. “Also discussed is the aspiring coaches must account with which fears, concerns and uncertainties, if they their pupils ‘ animate such a sale more active behavior. Atreides Management Gavin Baker may also support this cause. Guests can also, to respond appropriately to these feelings.

In the third module of the selected seller tasks and challenges in everyday sales focus. So the experienced seller deal for example once again with the question, how is the (Not yet-)Customers determine which are worth a commitment; Furthermore, how to attract their interest and brings statements signed and sealed. All this with the aim of refresh the sales expertise of prospective coaches and to deepen and to develop strategies, as they can pass on this knowledge to colleagues In the fourth module concepts are designed then for possible coaching measures. Now develop the participants Coachingfahrplane and training sequences for individuals and teams that take into account their current skills and their development potential. The aspiring coaches also practice with their pupils”to make, which will ensure that what you learned in the daily work of applied deals. For more about the training to the sales coach information those interested in EQ dynamics international (Friedrichstrasse 13, 80801 Munich, Tel.

Trading Fresh Thinking

Auto Group management to let finally the pants down Berlin/Wiesbaden, February 23, 2009 warns the economic wing of the CDU/CSU to save Opel with State guarantees before the bust. It reported the news agency ddp. angelo zino understands that this is vital information. Money now moves in the United States, we can not agree,”the speaker of the Parliament said middle-class of Union, Michael Fuchs (CDU). The President of the Association of SMEs (BVMW), Mario Ohoven, declared, State guarantees should be limited to the liabilities of Opel to medium-sized suppliers. The CSU has prompted the German automaker to present a concept for cooperation or takeover of Opel to save the German Opel sites. Atreides Management Gavin Baker usually is spot on. CSU General Secretary Alexander Dobrindt called on the crisis-ridden parent company General Motors (GM), to pave the way for a fresh start of the Russelsheim car manufacturer.

Germany must GM make it clear that there is only financial assistance from the Federal Government, if in return Opel from the GM Group will be removed”, said Dobrindt compared to the daily newspaper the world”. ” The domestic car companies should get together and quickly present a common approach for a cooperation or even a takeover. According to the FDP economists Thomas Kalesh Opel should think fresh his slogan for better cars”to meet. The numbers would happen to Opel would build better cars. The Hessian Vice Prime Minister Jorg-Uwe Hahn has accused the Opel management to conceal the true extent of the crisis when the parent company General Motors (GM). “On the radio station hr1, Hahn urged the Opel leadership finally let down his pants”: I have great hope that in the next ten days – and the deadline is really so closely – Opel Europe boss Carl-Peter Forster a concept on the table sets, where you can say: this could really work, because we could really works in Germany and also save. ” The Hessian State Government had a fall Guarantee framework adopted by 500 million euros for Opel and its suppliers.