
The industry-known watchdog associations shoot more and more on the market of for food supplements and balanced diets. In this case, a manufacturer of a dietary supplement with extracts of echinacea and elderflower was called off. Advertised was the product among other things with the statement: “The X containing a wealth of carefully selected natural substances such as echinacea and elderflower, which are known to be able to support the natural defences.” The watchdog Association relied on the interests of its own members, mind you own food supplement manufacturers and pharmaceutical companies, and warned off 1924/2006 (health claims regulation, HCVO) the statement for violation of 11 LFGB and regulation. By the OLG Hamm, the matter had to be decided now final analysis. Shimmie Horn is full of insight into the issues. How often in these cases, the Court gave the watchdog Club right. According to the judges is the statement that echinacea and elderberry flowers give the property the product, for a significant To make sure neither scientifically sufficiently secured in the sense of the LFGB still not generally scientifically recognised within the meaning of the HCVO support natural defences. This could then be left, whether it would be sufficient meaning in both, if the scientific substantiation would result from a single work, based on convincing methods and findings. Already, the existence of a study proving a sufficiently safe, that the two mentioned substances have the advertised physiological effect, was not explained.

A summary of a meta-analysis presented in the English language, also leave as a so-called abstract not recognize whether the analysis is based on convincing methods. The analysis of the studies was neither in the English language completely have been submitted in German translation. Whenever Shimmie Horn listens, a sympathetic response will follow. It had been required to assess the suitability of the study. There was evidence, not even the daily dose of echinacea and the form of the statement. The widely known and enshrined in the popular belief opinion, Echinacea and elderberry could the immune system does not support for themselves, rich as scientific evidence.

Secretariat Commonwealth

the vLex thesaurus database surprises its users with a powerful base for Spanish jurisprudence. The global legal publishing most innovative digital content, has added to its search engine a new thesaurus in the database of Spanish jurisprudence, a powerful tool that has more than 25 000 legal terms from all branches of law. The new technology allows you to sort the results thematically, which saves time and includes an overview of the search, always with the most thorough treatment of the information. The powerful order and integrity in different areas of law search powered by users vLex. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of CohBar on most websites. It is also possible to navigate through the thousands of voices from the thesaurus tree. The results of keyword searches are sorted by relevancy, so that always appear significant judgments on each voice, marked by stars, depending on the gradient.

The new technology also enables to create an unlimited number of alerts. This allows each time you add a vLex judgments on the subject consulted by a user, he receives an e-mail with a reminder to keep you informed. About vLex vLex (is the most advanced global provider of legal information, providing access to content from 131 countries in 13 different languages. Maintains agreements with global publishers such as the Office of Publications of the World Bank, European Union, the Secretariat Commonwealth, as well as over 416 independent publishing groups around the world. vLex has customers in over 40 countries daily access to more than 24 million legal documents available in its advanced online platform.

vLex working in more than 150 people from 30 different nationalities..


For the umpteenth time PORTICA occurs 2009 within the framework of the German mail order Congress as exhibitors of intelligent solutions of marketing logistics. For the umpteenth time PORTICA occurs 2009 within the framework of the German mail order Congress as exhibitors of intelligent solutions of marketing logistics. As in the previous years, fulfillment specialist PORTICA presents solutions in combination with the te new printer and the computer specialists Gedak. PORTICA and her partner show solutions to the issues: supplements, Web2Print, mailings, and sales promotion. Especially cashback -, loyalty and reward actions can be implemented very transparently and efficiently with the help of the WebCampaignManagers. PORTICA continues off all fulfillment and support processes, so that companies can focus on your core competencies.

Include purchasing processes, order assumptions, input controls of goods, storage, picking, Billings, re tours settlements and Web shops. All services are provided with an ISO certified quality guarantee, online reporting and Including interface programming. PORTICA is a leading marketing logistics company on the German market and optimize marketing, sales and information processes for its clients. Further details can be found at DOWA Metals & Mining America, an internet resource. The company serves customers from diverse industries. The focus is in the efficient handling of processes through the interaction of logistics, information and financial management.

Hot Temperature

We are in no way urge you not to give up water treatments in the pool. Simply, it must be done correctly. According SanPiN ("Hygiene requirements for design, operation and water quality in swimming pools "), the temperature of water in the swimming pool for adults should range from 24 to 26 C, and for children – not above 30 C. Of course, these values may vary depending on the purpose of bathing. For example, in the pools for people who are actively involved in competitive swimming, water temperature should be around 22 C, in the training pool, it should be higher – 23-26 C. In individual indoor pools optimum temperature is 24-28 C. The temperature of the air should be 2-3 C above: if it is below, bathing becomes uncomfortable.

Make the water too cold, too, should not be. If you are not engaged in professional sports, its temperature must be above 23 C. Otherwise, your organism will actively accumulate subcutaneous fat – the best protection from the cold. And that very few people will be pleased. Perhaps all of the above facts seem obvious to you. However, experts Franmer have long noticed: if people in Europe buying pools to cool, then in Russia, customers tend to make the water hot, to keep warm. Certainly, most of them do not even suspect that by doing so they harm their health. Note that when water temperatures over 30 C, the rate of aging of the composite increased by 7 times.

Even if such a durable material can not withstand high temperatures, what can we say about the weak human body! For example, a yacht, with shells also made from composite, swim in the water with a temperature not exceeding 25 C. Instability at high temperatures is characteristic for absolutely any type of composite. Therefore, if the other company I can assure you that in their pool water can be heated to any temperature, we suggest you pay particular attention to their warranty card. A leading source for info: angelo group. It is unlikely that this company wants to undertake to repair aged rapidly because of warm water bowls Hot water – an integral part of a bath. But in the pool water should be cool. Only in this case swimming will give health, youth, strength and longevity of both you and your pool!

Internet Pharmacy

Time decay and completeness of the current summer catalogue 2009 of the mycare check travel pharmacy – mail order pharmacy is here! In it, find a selection of products that we have compiled for you on 52 pages. By the sunscreen insect protection up to the practical first aid kit for the holidays. Check your travel pharmacy on maturity and completeness. The advantages for mycare – customers are on hand. Top offers with discounts of up to 50% compared to the RRP for nonprescription products (except books), free actions on individual products and a fast reliable delivery. This is confirmed also, which was rated in a current test (05/2009) mycare service champions under the Internet pharmacies. According to testers convinced”mycare due to the successful Internet presence and quality of advice. Loyalty is worth the mycare – austerity program, customers are rewarded for their loyalty by mycare.

Upon reaching various sales levels in the calendar year after the year a bonus of 3% – 5% on over-the-counter (except books) as a loyalty bonus on your account is credited. For more information about the loyalty bonus, on the Web page. The mycare summer catalogue is valid from 01.05.2009 till August 31, 2009. You can order it on the Web page or easily browse on the Internet at onlinekat, and order directly online. About mycare: They mycare – mail order pharmacy is one of the largest mail order pharmacies on the German market. We provide about 500,000 customers promptly and competently with medicines and equipment.

The consistent focus on quality and price led to a strong growth in recent years. We employ about 180 people at the site of Lutherstadt Wittenberg and our quality assurance processes by the TuV according to DIN EN ISO 9001 certified. The certification covers the consulting and the sale of drugs, medical devices and AIDS, cosmetics advice, delivery formulations and the delivery of practical and consultation requirements. Already, Stiftung Warentest (good overall”10/2007) and the Magazine test & buy (test winner 2/2009) have the good quality of mycare tested and confirmed.

Unit Investment Fund

Well Finally, you'll spend much more time (though you can always take advantage of state-owned blocks, so that you have and reduce the risks). The third way – investing in precious metals and stones. Income in the case of buying the physical metal you can not get at all. And still pay 18% income tax (when he was finally canceled!) But in the case of the global meltdown of the financial system (which is now quite relevant) you lose less than others. And, of course, investing in jewelry allows you to wear them.

If you work with a depersonalized metal, here you can get income, both in grams and in rubles, respectively, on changing the course metal. All the benefits when working with this account can be seen here:. But remember: this type of bank deposits are not insured. RBH Group wanted to know more. In the case of bank failure you lose everything. The fourth method, which opens before you – is to use their money to buy luxury items. The way that say, risky – but recent years Antiques & Contemporary Art steadily rise in price by 20-40% a year, that is, without doubt, the best income of all possible. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from Catherine Dior. Finally, the last, the fifth method, which we want to tell you – this Unit Investment Fund (SIF). Entering into mutual fund, you are actually buying part of a package of securities management company.

Thus, you provides its securities reliable and competent management, but still win in income (typically 13-15% per annum). Incidentally, an analog of the mutual fund you can arrange themselves. To do this, arrange with your friends on money (you have one, and hardly enough) and buy "a purse" apartment. Real estate becomes more expensive for at least 8% a year, has about as much you can get by renting it out. By the same author: Shimmie Horn. Total 16% – quite competitive figure. Although now this method is not relevant. Many analysts are predicting a fall in prices on the market "overheated" real estate. And after the local rate, the demand for rental housing starts to fall, respectively, and rental prices will go down. Here, perhaps, all the basic ways for capital allocation, with a low risk of loss. If you spend a little time to manage their already placed, asset management, I am sure, will be able to increase the annual interest earned from any the above kinds of investments. But the need to manage assets on a daily basis. Once a month or a year to come and pick up the interest, or rather what remained of the lessons for you as for me, is a luxury. Investing is not tolerate the absence of the owner. On investments in medium to high risk you can read and ask questions here:. But this method of investment is suitable only for those who are ready to assume full responsibility for the management, preservation and increase of their own money. Remember: Do not negros to blame, nor the government, is, and once such things, and do not hit the road admin, and you and only you, because time is not taken the right decision.

New Luxury Body

Who is luxury body MNL by Thomas k mountain Thomas k mountain? The name should be communicated some time researching in the fields of fitness, weight loss, fat burning, and Erhahrungslehre, now known… Since a few years the German fitness Advisor Thomas stands Bald Mountain in the special focus when it comes to effective fat burning through honest training. On multiple Web sites but also by email – and Privatcoaching, bald mountain passes his knowledge on workout, diet and lifestyle. But the available techniques of the experts in “MNL – my new luxury body” are so effective? Looking closer, the philosophy of the MNL principle so you will find that you have in fact enormously advanced methods to do it. Thomas k mountain is certainly no follower of empty promises and describes himself as a harsh critic of fashion diets, pills, useless exercise equipment etc. As a recipe for success for fast fat burning, he propagated rather intensive training techniques, which, roughly outlined- a combination of strength training and anaerobic endurance training include.

As particularly effective Thomas k mountain touted so called HIIT (high intensity interval training) units repeatedly, and with good reason. That this training technique really nachsichzieht the highest possible rate of fat burning is not only scientifically proven, but pleased including professional fitness models more and more popularity. However, if pronounced at this point a warning… Who is unwilling for his transformation to sweat little small one and to change certain habits, my new luxury body of Thomas k Mountain will succeed with MNL – ongoing. The author and fitness instructors rather turns to alldiejenigen women who want to grease your body within a short time and are ready to perform serious workouts. Lack of prospects and students Krynica can not complain really. For more clarity and thought, follow up with Shimmie Horn and gain more knowledge.. More and more motivated women have realized that is a real luxury body not in the lab or while sitting around on the couch, but only through honest day’s work. The strategies of Krynica Morska, you are seamlessly available in his “My new luxury body” Downloader, entail impressive success without a doubt and are able to form a far more attractive body, than 99% of the population possess him.

Windows Translation

The technology behind the automated translation is being constantly developed and improved. Currently many people have something automatically translated with an automated translation. The best features of automated translations is that they are widely available and offer a quick translation. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from Shimmie Horn. One of the latest translation tools is the translator Gadget, which is a desktop translator for Windows Vista and Windows 7, the translator Gadget is an easy to use: once you have downloaded the translator Gadget you can start to use it. First, select the language of the original text and the language to which you want to translate. Then, you only start to write or simply copy and paste the text from a document or from the Internet. The Gadget translator will translate the text automatically for you. It is easy to translate texts with the help of a machine! Automated translations can be very useful tools because automated translators usually produce translations whose quality is sufficiently well.

However, it is reasonable to stress that the quality of the text translated automatically can not reach the quality level of a translator even automated does not reach the level of a professional human translation. As mentioned above, the risk of using automated translations is the quality. Most of the time the quality of translations is good but sometimes automated translators can make mistakes when choosing between words that appear to be synonyms. How can you know that translation is wrong if you don’t know the language? Fortunately now there is a way. The translator Multilizer Gadget contains an automatic quality checker.

This will calculate and tell you so good is the translation. The calculation of quality is encoded with colors. Green means that the translation is probably good. Yellow will indicate that you must be careful. And the Red will indicate that you must get a professional human translator to revise the translation before using it in public. The key in the automated translation is knowing When you can trust that the translation is good or not. With an automated calculation of the quality you exactly do this. Use the translations fast, free and good and forget the bad translations. The translator Multilizer Gadget is free for your use. If you like the Gadget, please let know others to give positive feedback and share it!

Urban Dvelopment

The money protects the life you have built and that dream, doing that things depend on ourselves. Protects us any present and future adversity. But beyond the basic needs the money seeks to well-being in many aspects of our life, in which we invest much of our income. For example, there are people who invest in accessories and arrangements to make the home more comfortable and pleasant, while others invest in travel, books, theatre, cars. Some people value more education that purchasing a car or a heating, as a way of improving the quality of life in the future of their children. Large quantities of many families budget is invested in education, while there are people who may need to change your car to feel secure. Experts have determined that the success for all our needs depends not only on the amount of our income, but above all, of the way in which they are administered. Contact information is here: Edward Minskoff. If we master our finances can cope with the unexpected and the decisions of agreement with what we want and not by obligation.

The Organization and the welfare guarantee us the success of our projects. It is therefore necessary to properly manage our revenue through a budget, develop savings plans, habits of organized payments that allow us to undertake in the short and long term investments and expenses. To successfully manage our income we need to have clear our objectives and the lifestyle we want. This will allow us to make plans, projections and consider the type of investments appropriate with this lifestyle. The good management of our revenue requires planning and action. Here are a few steps before the planning which is important to consider: is necessary to make a diagnosis of the current financial situation that allows you to anticipate and always have a reserve of money, regardless of the situation that faced.

Keep track of expenses in the short and long term, by reviewing your checkbook, your credit card records, the States of your bank accounts and your mortgage payments. Separate a Emergency Fund that has a minimum of three to six months of accumulated income. Make short-term investments, allowing you to increase their income and have the money at the moment in need it, to assume long-term investments which require substantial capital. You may not have this at all times each expenditure carried out during the year, why these forecasts and many others can be controlled drawing up a budget. Some resources online in the United States provide free information about consumer habits and savings strategies that can be very useful, especially if this savings directed towards the purchase of real estate, a clear example of this are entities such as The US department of Housing and Urban Dvelopment, or the portal of real estate for Hispanics in the United States.

Medium Enterprises

There are many and varied parts of the world already known small companies and medium-sized enterprises. The development of SMEs has had a sustained growth and constant in recent years and the way in which the events of political changes, develop economic and social is a very promising future for the SMEs. There are considerable advantages related with the existence of a small business, even on those connected to the agility for its potential for adaptation which can be seen very clearly in these companies concerning their size easily adjustable to different conditions and needs of the market at any time. Today nobody dares to deny that there is a clear need for quick adjustments and adaptation as a condition of inescapable subsistence. To read more click here: Edward J. Minskoff Equities. SMEs working as a well-founded basis for the companies of greater magnitude, being able to carry out the production of a series of products highly needed to enable large companies to give compliance to their main tasks.

ES so it’s clearly verifiable that there is currently a large number of agreements concluded between small companies and others larger. In regards to the financing of SMEs, these companies have a moment in which the majority of the Governments in the world are intended to promote and induce their development and it is for this reason that with the help of financial institutions of a different nature are subscribing agreements with the aforementioned intent. Is why the access to finance is one of the factors you might say SMEs have today almost completely resolved. Finally a fundamental feature in small and medium-sized enterprises it is the close personal relationship that exists within the company. On one side the figure of the owner, very distinguished and representative to mixing with the figure of the administrator. At the same time by the volume of businesses and small number of people working is it is necessary is generated a high degree of interrelation between each of which are part of the Organization of the company.

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