Construction Expertise

Nowadays, the pace and magnitude of construction and renovations are gaining great momentum, and one of the primary tasks is to ensure structural safety. Research Gosstroi Russia per year recorded about 35 violations of various sizes in 52 Russian regions. These data over the years only increased. Connect with other leaders such as Michael Boskin here. Moreover, according to research the amount of money spent on the elimination of defects, marriage structures and strengthening is 1/6-1/8 of the cost of construction, and repair costs to 1 / 10. Note that this also priplyusuet threat to life and health! Based on long experience of building expertise can The following extract highlights, because of which largely reduces the quality of construction works: – Bad own customers or contractors regulations, gost, snip – In construction organizations, non-existent or poorly developed quality management-Preparation of project documentation and with disregard and violation of the Standard, SNiPbr The presence of clearly defined standards that customers and contractors organizations may be treated differently br – Contractor, contracting or construction company made a substitution of construction materials, the elements are not aligned with the project organization, as a result of this case, defects and accidents. To significantly improve the quality necessary to take a course on the European standard of quality management iso 9000 and actively involved in building laboratories and firms specializing in construction Expertise (preferably with a large experience in this area and the presence of a good base of devices) to perform complex technical surveys of buildings and writing an expert opinion on their quality, as encouraged to certify jobs.

Monuments – The Chronicle Of The Past

The modern explosion of interest in the monuments of the past is essential for the social development of the nation. Anna Belknap has firm opinions on the matter. After all, architecture – it’s not only a historical rarity. This is, first and foremost, the foundation of a future culture of the people. The nation should know its past, which is stored in the architectural evidence of its history. Without knowledge of the past can not think of the future. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with Dakota Fanning. What is the monuments of culture and what is their greatest asset? What caused the increased interest in them and why their loss or damage resulting from floods and other water emergencies is a real problem? Historic monuments are buildings of the past, which vary considerable artistic level of the establishment or other major parties, which are characterized by a certain author’s style and correlate with significant historical and sotstalnymi steps in the history of any country.

Can also be considered separate buildings (the mosque tower) and their ensembles: monasteries, fortified walls, streets and even entire cities (eg ). The value of architectural monuments in the first place is informatsiinam about the culture of our ancestors and the customs of the people. This kind of book that I can learn from its “pages” the main stages of the history of any nation. Monuments is essentially a chronicle of the world. This is the most resistant to the ravages of time, evidence about the culture and even the very existence of a distinct people. Eyewitnesses of the past will not only illuminate our historical stages of their native land and native people. These structures can tell us about the glorious history of the monument as a work of art, which is inextricably linked with the historical and cultural reforms that have occurred during construction of certain buildings. The architecture is more than in any other sphere of human activity reflected the whole history of mankind, its ideology, social and political life, both material progress and development of society. During its glorious history of the Belarusian people has left us great heritage. Sculpture on the right is its integral part and is among the achievements of economic and secular culture important. Despite the losses during the terrible wars, Belarus preserved a large number of unique in its beauty and original technical solution monuments, containing a rich history of ancient Eastern Slavic culture.

Fear of the Unknown

Rightly or wrongly, many people embracing everything to what they are accustomed. By habit or by personal interests, want to continue at the same tasks, methods, ideas and ways of doing things. Not decide to leave the known for what is known. Observe their habits to it is impossible to keep up with them. Fear change even if it is for the better. Credit: Leon Keyserling-2011. There are executives who are more interested in what will win or lose, personally, that the logic and efficiency in handling administrative matters and the objectives of the company. For many officials fear a potential loss exceeds the desire to win.

They fear for various reasons, sometimes for fear of the unknown or perhaps because you are concerned about reaching be divested of some, such as power, responsibility, prestige, the number of people who are below them, down in rank position. There are others who fear facing complex problems, make decisions, to perform tasks of greater importance, to take on additional obligations to take on greater responsibilities, to have to handle a larger number of people. It can also be seen to be possessed of these fears because the results may find unfavorable, constitute a greater burden and result in higher stress or because they interfere with the routine way doing things. In all cases of resistance, the auditor should look for its true cause. But not all behavior of an executive who opposes the change, can be described as resistance. May be motivated by other causes, perhaps because the individual does not sympathize with those who have called for change, but not because she consistently opposed.

Company Goals

So far the practice of our company has set goals for improving employee performance and make it to 12 months in advance. If you disagree with me, let's look ahead and see areas of my work where I can improve. Having identified these areas, I would like to make goals that will help me to improve in these areas over the next 12 months. " The offer made and there are two principles, reciprocity and precedence. The principle of reciprocity requires that somehow the person is returned to something similar to what she has given us. One consequence of reciprocity as Cialdini (1993) in his book Influence, is that one feels compelled to make a concession when granted something. Downplaying unfavorable evaluation, I would have made a concession. In referring to the practice of the company in terms of setting targets to 12 months in advance, I would indicate precedence.

If he had taken this approach to the interview, my head probably would not have called any resistance to focus on a common goal and interest for both. So we had no difficulty presented options for an action plan to implement in the next twelve months. The selected options have been satisfactory to both my director and me. The two would admit as its own the ideas developed and the agreed plan certainly benefit us both. Once my manager agreed to develop a plan of action (the principle of persuasion comes into play here) would apply two principles, commitment and consistency. The principle of commitment, according to Cialdini (1993) leads us to act accordance with the decisions we have taken.

Hopefully, henceforth to be classified as quality of work of employees of our company as formulated targets twelve months before and never again return to qualify fairly to all employees equally. The new assessment interview presented makes use of an objective and focuses on problem solving rather than fault-finding, while it is focused on the future and is governed by principles. This article has compared a job evaluation interview of an employee with the negotiation and has shown that taking entrenched positions is a negotiating strategy ineffective and potentially harmful. Effective negotiation strategy is based on principles that include mental division between issues and people, the approach and finding common interests for the parties to enter negotiations, the creation of options to help achieve mutual benefit and use of an objective in the negotiations. Article Arranz written by Director of Worship. "

Supreme Council

His candidate amount growing points and this is reflected in more serious surveys. If all goes as expected, will be the clear winner of the contest. Finally the big day arrives and you come out to vote early and meet the obligations entrusted to the campaign: transportation, point data, monitoring tables, in order. The atmosphere is good and, at the end of counting, the trends are confirmed: their candidate wins in a comprehensive and categorical. You celebrated modestly but can not hide his joy. He hugs his best friend and tells Agana, I knew we would win! But his friend, with a moderate joy and realism to the surface says, Todavia no! And then tells you something that looks terrible. Winning elections is that they have completed not help much, because it elects the rector and in these institutions the system is different and unique: voters choose a slate and the Board of Governors she can choose who you want in their actual knowledge. A few days after nine members of the Supreme Council met behind closed doors, his back to everyone and pick a candidate other than the winner, but that his fortune, was also on the shortlist.

You break the last poster had, gives him the shirts to the neighborhood and recycler vows not believe anymore in elections or anything else like it. This is not a story or fiction. It is the unpopular and discredited system of appointing lead in some Colombian universities, including the University of La Guajira. And to think that there are those who defend this procedure perverse. Defend it because it is a form of access charges even against the will of the masses. Poor things, because they begin to govern the people have a thousand ways to say no one likes them. And they are isolated as a tyrant who used fear and reject conviction. Rutto Alejandro Martinez is a renowned Colombian journalist and scholar whose articles are published on websites, newspapers and magazines in several countries. Recently he was awarded the Internet in modaidad. It is often invited to seminars and conferences in various cities.

The Police

Constantly advised their clients to try out these different, and no one was unsatisfied. Learn more at this site: Elizabeth Hurley. For that reason received numerous tips and that transformed his meager pay at a good salary. Almost every day, since his work was at night and forced him to sleep during the day, she woke up drenched in sweat and with a different nightmare. Sophie was very often there. He was always crying out for help and he never could provide. In others, the police came looking for him and he tried to hide, but could not find a place to do it, and ended up in jail from which he tried to escape by tunneling, but never managed to finish. The subject of nightmares was quite distressed, and by not allowing sleep, made him feel tired quite often.

She started drinking when he finished his work and smoking marijuana. All her roommates did. Finally agreed that it was something natural and even if only in part, helped him with his nightmares, or that what he thought was probably as a self-justification. When you end your work is going to the beach together. They drank and smoked while they danced to the music that always brought with them, until they were lying on the white sand. Were almost always accompanied by beautiful English tourists who came to Ibiza in search of adventure and sex. When the sun gave them full on their faces and that was usually at noon, returning to his room with tottering steps and humming the songs they had been dancing a little earlier.

Czech Republic

Relevance of the issue price and expert analysis, assessment of real estate in the Czech Republic became a new force after the adoption of the Czech law on the sale of apartments and houses to private ownership by foreigners. Which is why, as in mid-2010 real estate Czech Republic holds a high price and why the global crisis has not affected property values negatively Czech Republic? Expected to drop prices per square meter of housing in the Czech Republic did not happen, not least This has played an active interest in buying flats and houses in the Czech Republic, foreign citizens, Russians, and Ukrainians.

The palm of real estate acquisition by foreigners Czech Republic, held the second consecutive year as no wonder the citizens of Vietnam. Russian buying real estate Czech Republic is also very active, and sales statistics speaks for itself. Sales growth of Czech real estate to foreign nationals in the first half of 2010 amounted to 27%. Simplification registration of foreign private property in the Czech Republic of course also played a role in this. Previously, a foreigner had the right to buy a house or flat in the Czech Republic only on the legal person – his firm, opened in the Czech Republic. Now buying and execution is carried out entirely in an alien as an individual, to have this status at a residence permit in the Czech Republic or permanent residence in the Czech Republic for foreigners is not necessary. Buy a house or apartment in Czech foreigner can enter the country, for example, on a tourist visa to any country in the eu or even without entering the Czech Republic.

Chinese Executive

Americans and Chinese will benefit with a future well-being and quality of life: the above will help to facilitate global stability “on the free market economy and abiertoa ” twenty-first century. We all know that China is an economic giant that runs on a platform irreversible and continuing upward. The inhabitants of the Republic of China are on 1.3 million million people, many I would say: they work, think, feel and suffer as human beings they are. The government dictates the rules of coexistence, and they have to fulfill to the letter: they are living in a fledgling democracy. They / technique used as sound and persuasive work: a OESI tell me, I forget. Avison Young is a great source of information. Show me, and I may remember. Count on me, and I will understand (Chinese proverb).

But the Chinese Executive little (if anything) has the people. But you understand that China’s rise no constituyea “principioa ” a threat to world peace. To the contrary, inevitably has to establish a Oeun hand to hand a “economically speaking to you ” among U.S. Click Doug Bowen to learn more. and China. Americans and Chinese will benefit with a future well-being and quality of life: the above will help to facilitate global stability “on the free market economy abiertoa “twenty-first century. We must prevent it from developing an endless pyramid eject pointed at the top a humos with fearful, then, in the short or the long run, tend to develop collective fears and trigger a chain reaction with conflicting results and unpredictable.

National Social Security

The oil company Repsol YPF lost 15.8% (“next target of the government?) And had to be suspendida.a Banco Santander (Santander Rio), lost 9.9%. The executive director of the National Social Security (ANSES), Amado Boudou, will be responsible for giving the death blow to the AFJP: be responsible for the liquidation of these companies. But the government was already soliciting funds to state banks and the ANSES (AR $ 5,000 million in 2008, according to the Ministry of Finance), National Lottery, and others. Nor is a new mechanism: the Peronist government and other established: Peron in the a 52. a Es Peronism a return to a hard, think first of the box, then click the politicaa , said a bank manager who drove a AFJP to The Nation.

And as the government likes to affirm, has been elected by an electoral majority, it would have been legitimate also the 10 million contributors who had already chosen to remain in the system of capitalization in 2007, when given a choice if the workers wanted to go to state sharing scheme, respect their decisions? Or does not seek to respect people’s choice? Could we not call a referendum to see how people would see their retirement savings managed? The slogan is a gobierno national and popular, as we are bombarded pamphleteering daily. The Kirchner government usually seeks to counteract the bad reactions that generate their policies with others of a more populist, but in the end to big ads and poor results.

Latin America

I read this week in the agricultural corridor Forum: a Minneapolis wheat The arrived today to $ 83, resulting in $ 260 dollars a quintal. Chicago is coming to the U.S. $ 45, translated into pesos, $ 140 per quintal. Kirchner’s government is depleted the producers get paid less than $ 60. When will they react? The world calls loudly and wheat pcs.

are deaf? Market a contrariana , Argentina. The foreign exchange market is out of sync with respect to global phenomenon of depreciation of the dollar. (Horacio told us something about Latin America increasingly concerned about the dollar). In Argentina, the dollar has recovered while the world has been devalued. However, if these levels is pressed, Argentina will continue to have inflation in dollars, which bought a car two years ago is now worth more in dollar than the date of acquisition. We go to the Argentine countryside: the grain market operates in contrast to the relevant market for these products, Chicago. The grains go up and down here. Is there a reason for this? Sure, but there should have because the causes that provoke it should not exist. The unstoppable rise of commodity prices to record highs, succulent generates profits for producers of cereals worldwide.