Disaster Reduction

Recognition by the UNESCO Centre of the Autonomous City of Melilla, Spain. Official certification issued, signed and sealed in Melilla, dated January 17, 2005, by Dr. Arthur F. Burns follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. D. Juan Antonio Vera Casares, President of the UNESCO Centre of the Autonomous City of Melilla, quote certifies that agrees to support and recognize Humanitarian Public Utility, express the method Ark "N, training and intervention system for Canine Rescue Equipment Disasters, Method and the Course Chest Canine Rescue Level I and II. Recognition by the United Nations, granting the Certificate of Distinction of the Sasakawa Prize 2005. Chest Method is recognized on September 23, 2005 by The United Nations, Secretariat of the International Strategy for Disaster Reduction, with the Certificate of Distinction of the Sasakawa Prize United Nations, Disaster Mitigation, the first time is accorded worldwide recognition in this important area, one Spanish, Jaime Parejo.

The relevant decision of an international jury composed of experts from five continents, was put into effect based on his outstanding career for the mitigation of disaster victims and ultimately behind the creation of Chest method, recognized and important progress scientific and technical support for the enhancement of disaster rescue. Among the numerous congratulations from various countries, which make him come, citing for example the Government's own Spain. a Concedido Jaime Parejo Garcia recognition of his outstanding contribution to disaster reduction, thereby promoting the objectives of the International Strategy for Disaster Reduction . Jan Egeland, Under-Secretary General for Humanitarian Affairs United Nations 5) Official Determination Method Chest level of effectiveness at the national and international listed below are some examples of leading experts in Search Dog Behavior or USAR, Latin America and U.S.

World Gemelasa

During the war a The axis of evil, some government “Democratic ” violating civil rights innate in human beings. If I have to admit that the destruction of the World Gemelasa “September 11, 2001a ” was an unfortunate and very sad for the American people, but we know, and at such times, keep a cool head but our hearts blood, pain, pain of thousands of dead … Hatred always sows hatred “including our own blood brothers. Credit: Jacobs Engineering Group Inc.-2011. a When we do make mistakes under the principle of freedom we all have, on this principle, Augustine, he wrote: a OEDI I did it without me, without me I can save . A team of American psychologists have developed tests to predict why pilots make mistakes aircraft surgeons, bus drivers … I refer to the familiar Bible: a Quien is blameless cast the first piedraa . Well, Americans (Akhaians study all!) discuss the early detection of cases that may occur a despistesa humans, including: stress, mental and physical fatigue, depression …

This is all very well, but perhaps these exhaustive studies have been entrusted to them by the insurance companies have paid as much money for errors earlier committed by professionals. They want to build a man-robot, which has no faults. American civilization is completely different from Europe, fortunately yet. They value the success and triumph, and who do not get is regarded as a failure.


"Guide to Referral Part 2" 5.Use social networks and the latest Internet to attract referrals: Bone uses all forms you have to socialize, and similar contact you via the Internet, to publicize your profit system, without seeming advertising to get his eyes, or so obviously and really efficient it is. As in the tips mentioned above, it is enough to put a brief with your link Ylist, if you can accompany with any youtube video, file, put it as news, events, show and write it as an article interesting or funny, count it as an opportunity that turned out for you, or something useful, and so on. The possibilities are endless according to your creativity. FACE harnesses the potential of book; Twite, blog or if you own, or virtual community e-zine for you to participate, other social networks where you are, send emails to your contacts, etc.. Just remember not to force anybody not to spam spam osea people do not know, without exaggerating or lying on profits, not to promise things they can not deliver or offer false hopes, but if, highlighting the qualities of your choice and watch as they decide whether to participate or not in your opportunity. 6.Crear or use videos: Bone if you get some lazy writing both here and ally are a habitual user of Youtube, uses related videos you can find to promote your way to win and accompany with your link or better yet, create your own video and upload it to youtube and dalos released later in the network now there are many useful tools and easy to use to create videos without much complication of difficult or inaccsesibles ocostosas.Solo technologies have a web cam, besides being a fun way to advertise for you and for didactic others.


We forget that the DNA allows people to act with greater security and freedom and who knows and understands where he wants to get the organization and not have to prove every time that what is within the focus of the organization. DNA and helps create an identity for each component of the organization to understand and feel part it. Given this background, the question arises: Where will the future of the organizational DNA? He pointed, and Ignacio Diaz Ignacio Pulido (IESA, 2006) that DNA is presented as one of the most innovative ideas of the moment. It is said that this model is the distillate of years of experience and research about how organizations play now manageable enough to be used for almost any organization. It adds that the study of organizational DNA has advanced to the point where, by answering some basic questions, you can determine the DNA of a company. It is said that it is also possible to make large organizational transformation projects from the four DNA bases: structure, decision rights, motivation and information. These authors commented Diaz and Polished in the future DNA testing could be very useful for organizations to human beings. An analysis of the genetic material of an organization can isolate the causes of weaknesses, identify possible solutions and even resolve problems before they become obvious.

The biggest advantage of organizational DNA on DNA is that organizations biological they can adjust and adapt its four bases to get the results they want .. Consider indicate Diaz and Pulido, to transform an organization is not an easy task, since change requires changing the structure and decision rights, effectively making new decisions, employees often require new incentives and information other than that they manage. Change the DNA of a company means changing the organization at all levels, to enable it to adapt and corrected, becoming stronger with time. Of course, this does not happen quickly, it can take several years to develop basic skills, and always need feedback. Definitely, the DNA will allow the management to ensure what corrections should be made to enable them to organize their plans, objectives, those details to facilitate your operations, organize efficiently and getting the results that favor their growth.

Who is a Leader?

The leader is the key spokesperson of the organization: The leader has the responsibility to positively influence the opinion and image of the organization, both staff of the organization, and beyond, in order to attract the required cooperation, positive image and promote the use of the opportunities of the environment. The leader is a person who: communicates for or represent the mission of the organization. A person who intercedes with third parties for the mission. Take the initiative to develop a network and manage a variety of critical relationships that strengthen the management of the organization and whose absence or lack of articulation of limits. Glenn Hubbard pursues this goal as well. Communicated to those whose cooperation the organization requires, and who has no control, the needs of the organization. The leader needs to develop communication skills treatment, persuasion and influence to enable the organization to position favorably to much within it and in relation to the environment. The leader is the generator of relevant, reliable, clear and states: Good decisions require reliable and accurate information.

The leader is responsible for providing and facilitating the creation of structures, organizational systems and technologies to ensure the flow of relevant, reliable, clear and precise in setting goals, communicating expectations, delegating responsibility, etc. You may want to visit IBI Group to increase your knowledge. .. To generate the information is important for the leader to avoid two dangerous trends that occur in the organizational context, sub report or inform. In both cases the result is confusion, lack of productivity and loss of focus. The leader needs to ask: How to share information so as to facilitate the development of high levels of trust and responsibility? How to avoid that people get more information we can classify and take advantage? Or how to communicate so that people have the sufficient information needed to perform their work and make decisions within its competence? The leader is the organizer of meanings: The distinctive role of leadership is seeking to know why before I knew how.

Management Issues

The methodology recognizes that learning and growth is the platform where the entire system is based and where the objectives are defined. u The bottom of the methodology is not confined to only one perspective, but considered as simultaneous. Identifying the relationships between them. u establishing a chain of cause – effect that allows you to take the necessary initiatives at every level. Advantages. It is known that the Balanced Balanced Scorecard, as described by Norton and Kaplan (Balanced Scorecard, Management Issues, 1997) does more than measure, ie, if built properly, a balanced scorecard can communicate, provide feedback ( feedback), create, learn and align strategic objectives with daily operational control.

In other words, it can be noted that the Balanced Scorecard is a tool to translate the vision of the organization expressed through its strategy, objectives and specific terms for dissemination to all levels by establishing a system of measuring achievement of those objectives. The Balanced Scorecard integral box or demand, solves a critical need for management information that has been unsatisfied until now complements indicators for measuring results performance with financial and nonfinancial indicators of the key factors that will influence future results, derived from the vision and strategies of the organization. The Balanced Scorecard emphasizes the conversion of vision and strategy of the company’s strategic objectives and indicators. This is the organization from four perspectives: financial, customer, internal business processes, learning and growth. Of course, the scorecard can assist a powerful atmosphere of continuous learning within an organization.

The name reflects the balance between short-term objectives and long term, between financial and nonfinancial measures, including provisional indicators and historical perspectives and between external and internal action. The scorecard is something that a measurement system, the new measurement system to communicate and align the organization with new strategies, far from the historical approach and short-term cost reduction and low-priced competition to the generation of increasing opportunities providing customers with products and services with added value and as a vehicle to help the company to translate and put into practice the strategy. The balanced scorecard transforms the mission and strategy into objectives and indicators organized, it also provides a framework, structure and language to communicate the mission and strategy, is expected to channel the energies, skills and specific knowledge all staff of the organization towards achieving the long-term goals. The measures of the scorecard should be used in a different way, to articulate and communicate the business strategy to communicate the multi-departmental business strategy and to achieve a common goal. The four perspectives of the scorecard, the financial, customer, internal process of the formation and growth, allow the balance between short-term objectives between desired outcomes and inducers of action between these results and hardest objective measures and softer and subjective, although the multiplicity of indicators in a balanced scorecard can confuse seemingly dashboards built properly, as they contain a unity of purpose, because the measures are directed towards achieving an integrated strategy. Impact. u strengthen human resources, technological, and cultural information and these are aligned with the expectations of customers, which will eventually be the basis for achieving financial results to ensure achievement of vision. u The indicators are tools to control the behavior and to evaluate past performance, but the integrated control panel should be used to: articulate and communicate the business strategy to communicate the business strategy and to coordinate initiatives to align individual, organizational in order to achieve a common goal, not as a system of control.

Logistics Department

The fact that companies should focus more on the way of how to usher in a logistics management that meets the required functions to ensure their effectiveness, says Franco considered, taking into account that one of the fundamental principles of Logistics is that if given the network seeking to align, synchronize and optimize the entire supply chain from beginning to end (ie, including not only all parts of the company, but also their suppliers and customers as a whole), is can obtain better results than those obtained if given the different parts of the company separately. Unfortunately, organizational structures and incentives of the incumbents lead to a poultry-minded administration, where every manager looks after the interests of their own department, sometimes to the detriment of greater benefit to the entire enterprise. To all this must be remembered that since much of the efficiencies offered by the logistics are obtained by changes in territories that are not under the full supervision of any traditional management, many large companies have established an organizational structure Department Logistics (sometimes called the Supply Chain Department) to manage the integration, synchronization and optimization of the logistics network of the company management through traditional barriers, and working closely with suppliers and customers to the benefit of all. Similarly, the incentives of all managers and employees of the company was restructured to reflect its collaboration with global logistics goals and objectives not only of their own department. Definitely logistics management should take into account planning, procurement, production, distribution and return. .


Consider as Cardenas said, that every human being has the right to be who they are and say what he thinks and feels. When this is done ensures the most assertive respect for others and for oneself. An assertive style of behavior can peacefully and effectively communicate and what should be our own position and provide information on how we would like others to act in the future. A good assertiveness ensures group cohesion, sense of belonging, respect, productivity. The lack of assertiveness in the workplace influences quite significantly, the fact never receive a raise, or a recognition, to losing the confidence of your superiors or other co-workers, because of indecision and wrong judgments and behavior Assertiveness helps job as a technique to communicate and in turn change the behavior and thinking of others through negotiation correctly. Therefore, the person who addresses a situation assertively is more likely to reach a satisfactory solution not only for herself but for those involved is too much emphasis on who is actually the Decalogue of assertiveness: I have the right to be my judge. I have the right to make mistakes and run with my own consequences and responsibilities.

I have the right to change my mind. I have the right not to make excuses or explanations for my behavior. I have the right to decide whether or not for me to solve a problem of another person. I have the right to behave contrary to the logic (plurality opinion). I have the right to act independently of the goodwill of others. I have a right to say I do not know … I have a right to say I do not understand …

I have a right to say I do not care … Conclusion is not surprising comment that being assertive is something we can all learn and improve. The impact of increased assertiveness leads to increased self-respect and improvement of our social status. It is difficult to "realize" or accept that we are little assertive or passive or aggressive. The modern manager must be always alert to anything that undermines the organizational behavior of the business climate should begin by acknowledging that he is part of problem. Second must resort to new ways of doing things, new ways to lead his team to understand you no longer need protection because it will not be punished for his mistakes, but you will be rewarded for their efforts and successes. Third, the manager should be more self-awareness to identify the characteristics of his personal style that limit the development of themselves and their peers and also identify the characteristics of their personal style most beneficial to their development and personal growth, learning also take advantage of those skills to help their colleagues and peers to get the best out of themselves. The leadership style would be outlined as a participatory and assertive, where the manager can distinguish the moments discriminating situations and issues where it can be more democratic and moments and aspects which should be more centralized and authoritarian. Without falling into contradictions, but managing the complexity and ambiguity present in the workplace and in business management

The Essence

In this way, the company could receive additional net profit organizations, benefits to be distributed more fairly. These new values are generally the names of social responsibility, social responsiveness and social commitment. No wonder people say that ethics and social responsibility are concepts which refer mainly to the quality of our relationships over time Consider that the term ethics has been defined as the study of how our decisions affect others, outreach social responsibility and ethics in organizations have changed substantially, it will fly today to the analysis of ethical decisions, and has also been a concern of managers and academics responsible for the organization to society. It is equally necessary to study the rights and obligations of individuals, of moral rules that people apply when making decisions and the essence of personal relationships. Click Kelly Tisdale to learn more. Impact is noted that social responsibility and ethics in organizations often is controversial. Some observers argue that it is healthy others are in decline and others that is dead or should be ignored.

Investigations in this regard have been made, indicate that there are large variations between the views. The proportion of employees with work ethic varies significantly between each survey group, depending on factors such as personal background, job type and location of it. Consider, as it analyzes the chair of Issue of the Venezuelan administration of the School of Management UC Faces, that the dramatic societal changes that occurred in the past half century has also brought the decline of ethics in the workplace.

Contemporary Life in El Salvador

Jaime Parejo wrote and published a book in 1998, with two subsequent editions to date, which would include essential chapter fundamental schematic summary of the results of their research and scientific creativity and culminated, Method Chest. Hear other arguments on the topic with Jacobs Dallas. INTERVENTIONS IN INCIDENTS From April 1998 to date Jaime Parejo has been involved in numerous incidents involving the burial of persons (earthquakes, landslides, explosions, structural failures) in Colombia, Turkey, Taiwan, El Salvador, Chile, Spain … Official site: Chiyoda Corporation. directing and active involvement in search operations (both outside and inside confined spaces collapsed structures), Canine Rescue teams from different institutions and countries, formally trained and certified with Arcon. Please visit Douglas Elliman if you seek more information. The method based on the proven high the results of many operations, has received official recognition from governments and institutions. Conference has been selected by the respective scientific committees and organizers, as lecturer for major institutions, such as:

The Second National Meeting of the Medical Department by the National Board of Fire Chile School of Psychology at the Universidad del Mar (Chile) School of Veterinary Medicine, University Extremadura (Spain), University of San Carlos, Guatemala, where he teaches graduate course Conference on Disaster Management Specialty Exercises in International Humanitarian Allied Forces, coordinated by the United States Government through the Command United States Southern and CEPREDENAC (El Salvador), where in addition to teaching at the Delegates Conference of the 27 official members of the Fahoum, directs the UCR drills National Fire Corps in El Salvador, evident the very high Chest effectiveness of the method and report that Major General Keith Huber Southern Army Commander of the United States, along with one of his most important advisers, Robert Pelegreen said Jaime Parejo direct interest in the training course for Army teams with the method Bunker The IV International Congress on Veterinary Medicine Disaster, Universidad Central Marta Abreu, Santa Clara (Cuba) selected for presentation by the Scientific Committee VI International Congress of the International Working Dog Breeding Association, to disseminate among experts and scientists from many countries on all five continents, the most important scientific advances worldwide on the dog’s senses in the service of man and made in the Flanders Museum Field, Ieper (Belgium), in which, for example, the military command Krapez Saso, official representative in the event of the Slovenian Armed Forces, presented him with Jaime Parejo Recognition for their important work for humanity.