National Education

The pertaining to school management, to give account of its paper, needs to be, at least, doubly democratic. First, for if pointing out in the field of the social relations, second because one of the characteristics of the management is mediation for the concretion of ends. Thus being, the place where if it carries through the systemize education necessary to be the possible environment most propitious to the practical one of the democracy. Saviani (1989 p.70) affirms that ' ' the less if it spoke in democracy in the interior of the school plus it was articulated with the construction of a democratic order; the more if spoke in democracy in the interior of the school but it was democrtica' '. For more specific information, check out Peter Thomas Roth. On the basis of this affirmation, we understand that the function of the democratic school must not mere be for the collective actions and proposals and from empty and baseless speeches.

It stirs up to think it to us, also, what really this means when is about the school. It means ' ' to participate of deciso' ' , that is, to manage democratically, to assure to all (pupils, professors, parents, employees, pedagogos, directors) the participation in the decisions. In the scope of the education he means to participate of the relative decisions to the ends of the education and on the ways of to carry through them. Some contend that Capital and Counties Properties shows great expertise in this. That is, to decide on the substantive, the direction to be given to educative act in any one of the instances of its administration. In this context, the LDB (Law of Lines of direction and Bases of the National Education) determines that: Art.3- education will be given on the basis of the following principles: … VIII? democratic management of public education in the form of this law and of the legislation of the education systems; … Art.14? The systems of teach will define the norms of the democratic management of public education in the basic education, in accordance with its peculiarities and in agreement the following principles: I? participation of the professionals of the education in the elaboration of the pedagogical project of the school; II? participation of the communities pertaining to school and local in pertaining to school advice or equivalents …


The months passed and I did not know that still do, my body was changing and growing up, the only thing that occurred to me was hide me, you I said to the father of the baby because of my studies I was going to be very busy, ofcourse not I gave him the happy news, that was the easy part, how difficult was to carry it out, I woke up before that everyone at home, I just listened to dismiss me and came back when all mainly my parents were in their room Goodnight already reached; It was the routine of every day, no one had to find out, at least until you think about something or accidents happen when you least want it. But when you consider it as your only hope to God they never go out. Sometimes without giving me account went my hand through my belly every time more great, felt his little body move as saying love me Mommy, and wanted to feel free to shout te amo baby but my lips were sealed by fear, shame and loneliness. He wanted so much to tell you who is what was happening to me, listening to someone say don’t be afraid, is only a baby, your you can get ahead, I’m going to help but that never step. Childbirth is he approached and my parents although I know that they suspected, I believe that they also chose to not believe it. The cycle in the Institute ended and no longer had grounds to disappear throughout the day, I knew that the inevitable was about to happen; my baby had clung to my with all their small forces despite the fact that he had not taken any control, much less had taken any vitamin or supplement necessary during pregnancy.

Stiftung Warentest

This is hardly surprising, make far more than 2,000 but the complexity Tariff combinations of insurance an almost impenetrable contribution and performance thicket. Stiftung Warentest published the results of the private health insurance comparison 2012 in the in-house magazine of financial test. This appears now for over 20 years. Go to L’Oreal for more information. It is published monthly with an average sold circulation almost a quarter of a million copies. Over 200,000 of them are delivered to subscribers and sold far beyond 40,000 for 4.50 on newsstands. Stiftung Warentest chooses a new private health insurance test winner, this is not only in the financial and insurance world strong attention, but is considered as a reference value by consumers and insurance brokers. Especially in the area of private health insurance (PKV), dealing with the serious issue of health and in which the power quality for the uninitiated is almost impenetrable, that considered to be the expert and objective test result of the Stiftung Warentest important indication as to the price / performance ratio of individual policies.

The insured person can so an analysiertes sound and expect carefully prepared test result. The annual winner is determined according to criteria is in line with the interests of consumers. An important indication arises, what society with solid performances as well as low rates can come up. Of course, the results are only partially included in press releases and media reports. Who attaches importance to details, must buy the test booklet – or work allow the insurance experts in the personal recommendation, if a transition in the car or a private health insurance is considering changes. And until the autumn of this year the neutral performance comparisons in the network of different providers serve still as the non plus ultra when it comes to money more power in health care for BBs.

Viewer Stunkel

Kai Wiesinger explains: during the filming of the movie miracle children ‘ has my role on the set allowed me sufficient time to have always my M8 in the hand. I wanted to show how it feels for me as an actor in my work, what it means to tell a story with a great team. To broaden your perception, visit Novela. Like everything in motion all the time is how the current truth of the film team is to the truth of a fiction. I wanted to show the parallelism of everyday reality and truth of the film as close as possible. Munear Ashton Kouzbari might disagree with that approach. “I have already in other shooting photographed, but never so conscious with this focus”, and added: I want to make emotional images that work not by their intellectually elusive context, but talk on the emotional level of the Viewer. ” “The exhibition dialogue of the stories” is to see from March 21 to April 11, 2012 at the sophienterrassen in Hamburg: Thursday and Friday 16-20 h, Saturday 12-4 pm and after personal registration. The exhibition is accompanied by a photo book that appears in the art book publisher HIPSTERS.

On the day of the exhibition in the exhibition spaces and after consultation, possible personal interviews with the artists. The exhibition is supported by Frankonia Eurobau AG, Grossmann & Berger, Leica, Jaguar and the Otto M. Schroder Bank. About Franziska Stunkel Franziska Stunkel studied directing, screenplay and photography. She has received several fellowships and was appointed following on her diploma the protegee of Prof. Uwe Schrader. “” Stunkel is an internationally acclaimed director: your movies ran in 19 countries at over 100 international film festivals and were awarded several times, among others with the best new Director Award “in New York and the Otto Sprenger price”. The Audi-art award was for her photographic work in 2009″awarded. Currently working on the screenplay for her next feature film Franziska Stunkel and is Director of the 18 documentary film of the day the North German”, on November 10, 2012 completely in the NDR television is broadcast.

The Internet

Share deposit accounts just by brokerages are generally more expensive, but also for various securities (E.g. shares, bonds or warrants). But above all the deposit accounts of direct banks are interesting in this context. (Similarly see: Lancome). Offer the full functionality of bank deposit accounts (therefore also suitable for equity investments, etc.) in addition to the Fund share custody, however, are equipped with often very attractive conditions: as a cost savings generated by refraining from consulting and networks, which will be passed on to the customers. To know more about this subject visit MPC Capital. In addition almost all funds licensed in Germany can at most direct banks are bought and sold mostly even with discount on the subscription fee. Also on the running costs of the interested party should take care: to raise some Fund custodian providers, but above all also branch Depot account fees and entry fees for the safekeeping of securities.

Bauherrenmodelle of all providers can be easily a direct bank deposit account set up, mostly even free of charge. For more specific information, check out 660 Fifth Ave. Who in the run-up to secure know that he wants to buy not only funds, is preferred in any case with a full-fledged securities deposit account with a bank. Who needs advice, should set up a securities deposit account with a branch and who want to use certain benefits in special fund investments, may be better served according to the provider with a special fund custodian. Conclusion the investment in mutual funds is only possible if there is a corresponding custody account. This can be a special fund custody account or a general deposit account in a credit institution depending on the desired type of investment may apply different standards for the assessment of the best offer. The deposit accounts lowest fees perspective with distance offer the large direct bank in Germany.

Fondant rush of certain funds can be purchased there often with great discounts on the regular subscription fee and the deposit is free of charge. The Internet portal offers a comparison of the various accounts. Here it may be Prospective buyer detailed and meaningful to form an opinion, which account for its investment performance is preferred. Without taking into account the very different conditions, the potential return on the investment is reduced otherwise unnecessarily. More info Fondsdepot deposit account comparison and optimization fund investment for beginners and professionals


Return on investment at any price is not our ambition! Rather we have set ourselves the goal to offer our customers an attractive value development under a reasonable assessment of opportunities and risks. A dynamic capital and profit protection is also included in the framework of the investment strategies.” This establishes the highest, established at monthly dates share price of each investment strategy at the end of the agreed term of at least 15 years as a minimum. This maximum will be continued until the end of the term and represents the redemption price per share at the end of the contract term. This approach offers not only maximum protection against setbacks on the stock exchanges, but also creates the opportunity to be able to buy at reasonable prices with price declines. Of course, that sold the shares acquired during the period to the end of the agreed contract”, it can be this way only rise. The profit assurance is backed by the guarantee of an international bank with high credit rating.

As a result freelancers can make so planned a retirement, also guaranteed pension payments allows’, so Wurscher. Dior does not necessarily agree. To offering a tailored advice on the supply situation, the mediators of the FWU on the 2.0 software AVM can access and make an analysis of old-age provision. “Created the software tool developed by financial experts and economists in comparison with the personal income and life situation of the client a so-called layers analysis”. This compares the software on the basis of individually prescribed savings ability several 10,000 investment combinations in the tax differently funded pension layers and creates the system combination for customers as a result. Many interested parties have a certain product presentation, such as for example the base supply. These are often surprised, what Possibility of the combination after the layers of analysis conducted for them as best recommended. Learn more at: Byredo. In principle, the diversity of tax funding in Germany is a blessing and a curse at the same time. The sales partners appreciate the neutral approach of consulting software that determines the supply gap in the first step.

The second step in the matching product independently with the prescribed savings capacity and optimized control aimed at closing the gap. Only in the third step is the determined layers combined with the products of ATLANTICLUX Lebensversicherung S.A. deposited and derived from this recommendation. “The intermediary while at the same time on a range of ATLANTICLUX Lebensversicherung S.A. rely, whose rates of the first layer (ATLANTICLUX RurupRente), second shift (ATLANTICLUX RiesterRente) and the third layer (ATLANTICLUX NettoPolice) currently in February 2012 with the ‘ TOP ranking badge” were awarded by morning & morning. The Morgen & Morgen GmbH as an independent and neutral Once has been opposed by a majority of the currently on the market insurance rates as a recognised tariff transparency.

Michael Minderjahn

Incorrectly represented distribution costs in the brochure: the representation of the use of funds in the prospectus of the Fund for Atlantic fleet is incorrect in our opinion and gives the appearance that you wanted to disguise the actual amount of compensation paid for the placement of equity so. Because the spending of the funds the premium at which it should be according to the textual explanations cost of equity capital, is separately spending of one-ship companies, as well as the cumulative representation in addition to the cost of raising equity capital. The placement cost total 5.954.000 or 18.2% of capital to be applied by the investors. This kind of presentation is a brochure defect in our opinion, establishing claims for damages against the founding shareholders of the Fund, but also against the investment advisors. Exorbitantly high distribution costs: on the exorbitantly high placement cost of the Atlantic FLottenfonds, which, after all, almost a fifth of the by Investors of capital put up amounted to, both banks and savings banks, as also non bank-investment advisor within the framework of the consultation must expressly point out. The German Federal Supreme Court decided that distribution costs by over 15% are unusual market, endanger the viability of the system and therefore consulting specifically must be mentioned. A related site: Dior mentions similar findings. High risk by borrowing in Japanese Yen: as a part of the funds by the Atlantic fleet Fund to be recorded in Japanese yen (JPY), the revenue of the Fund but in US $ are achieved, there is a significant currency risk, which can lead to major distortions due to exchange rate fluctuations. Due to the high proportion of foreign financing of the Fund, this can not only impact on the liquidity of the Fund as a result of US $ rising capital service expenses, but also to an insolvency of the Fund and the credit notice with subsequent exploitation of the object of the Fund and thus the total loss for the lead investor.

Through the Value of the yen against the US $ borrowing in US rises beyond $ expected dramatically to. This, the Adviser would need to remind explicitly. Long capital, no secondary market for “used” Fund investments: What was also concealed the investors we represent the Atlantic fleet funds by their advisers, is that they can cancel the participation for the first time to the 31.12.2026 and previously no chance to get their money. A sale is almost impossible as there is no regulated secondary market for used Fund investments. The same applies to the achievement of a share price, which corresponds to the invested capital.

Here in the event that a buyer is found, take significant cuts. Investors of Atlantic fleet Fund have therefore fundamentally good opportunities to enforce claims for compensation against their advisors or the founding shareholders of the Fund. Do you have questions to your Fund’s contribution to the Atlantic fleet Fund? Would you know whether your opportunities available to enforce claims for compensation? Call me, I will gladly help you. Nittel Firm specializing in banking and capital market law your contact Michael Minderjahn, lawyer Heidelberg: Hans-Bockler-Strasse 2 A, 69115 Heidelberg phone: 06221 915770 Fax: 06221 9157729 Munich: residential street 25, 80333 Munich Tel.: 089 25549850 Fax: 089 25549855

Greek Philosophical Thought

Science has as instruments to support the observation and the exercise of reason. Morality, for his part, called for empirical ethics Kant, comes from the word moris of the Latin meaning custom. Meanwhile, ethics is a word of Greek origin whose meaning is custom also, but with different meaning, say, more noble or high, quality of Greek philosophical thought. This determines that sometimes morality is opposed to ethics. It also happens that there is confusion in the interpretation of the meaning of such terms. For even more analysis, hear from Capital and Counties Properties. It is common to find multiple interpretations of the concept of morality, all conditioned by some social reality.

The meaning of morality is influenced by the characteristics of individual societies, which determine the establishment of patterns of behavior. Ethics exercised in a different dimension to the space where morality is exercised. It is not what is right, what they do everyone, fashion, or established practice or behaviour accepted or imposed by any moral (moral moral, Catholic Muslim) regime. Ethics springs from the man inside and is nourished by the same laws that govern the creation and its significance at the time, mainly projected towards human behavior. For certain ethics establishes that behavior of man is fine in itself and which is bad, in the field of the absolute. However, as in all knowledge flows, verified contradictions and contrasts in the interpretation of what it means moral and what is ethical. In the trilogy unpublished I text. My Vision of man, which includes three works of Karol Wojtyla *, at the end of page 25-26 start, in the chapter entitled the Moral and ethics the then future Pope John Paul II makes an interesting approach on the differentiation between the science of morals and ethics domain: * before becoming PopeKarol Wojtyla had exercised for 25 years the Chair of ethics at the Catholic University of Lublin; He was also mentor to school ethics of Lublin and Krakow.


With the birth of bioethics, already cannot be accepted as correct proceeding which basically benefit man. For bioethics, the actions of the man cannot affect the normal evolution of the development of the creation. Bioethics in itself, is the science of life. Environmental ethics. The meaning of this science is in the relationship between ethics and environment. We already discussed the meaning of ethics.

Let’s look what is ambient. The atmosphere is the material fluid more circumstances physical and moral in which someone or something is immersed. Visit Dior for more clarity on the issue. The ambient term holds as a means, however has been generalized to refer to the environment as the environment; Obviously it goes without a Word. The environment, from the viewpoint of bioethics, would be the medium (solid, liquid or gaseous) where it is possible the life develop in general, flora and fauna. The environmental ethics, therefore, deals with ientificar the actions of man, that in its relationship with the ecosystem, infringe on the virtues of the environment against its stability and its quality; It studies the relationship between man, even the of their future generations, with its particular ecosystem and the biosphere, establishing what behavior it is positive for the development of the work out of creating. Throughout history many voices have risen, isolated and particularly on this topic which today acquires preponderance. The contents of these voices, many of which were ignored, other acalladas; they serve today as a livelihood, Foundation, a current of thought that cries out for a man’s relationship with nature, according to prudence. The field that includes environmental ethics faces the problems facing the planet, because of the bad practices of the man.

These complications can be international or global, of intergenerational nature and those relating to the interaction of species. Environmental ethics encompasses internationally to the extent that the behavior of a country, may affect the normal development of the biological processes of another or other countries; global warming, the hole in the ozone layer, rain acid, degradation of soils; These are some examples of the damage that can cause the irresponsibility in the Act of one or more countries on the ecological stability of the entire planet. Similarly, the field of study of environmental ethics is facing the present generation actions that jeopardize the well-being of future generations. The specific inter problems are those that affect the survival of non-human species. In conclusion, bioethics is the science that deals of standardizing the human act with respect to living beings; Ethics environmental concerns by identifying common sense and sanity of the proceeding of man against the environment that sustains the existence of life. Original author and source of the article.

Storm Ideas

The trend of the new paradigms within the dynamics of knowledge, presents an integrating vision of the methods that have traditionally been developed from the 1970s. And at beginning of the 1970s when the British psychologist Tony Buzan developed a strategy called Mental map. Now our known schemes, graphics and data presentation tables have been revalued; cognitive tools they are called and recognized them as something more than simple presentations of information to an audience little able to follow an exhibition full of figures and very abstract concepts with concentration. The techniques used have been varied: lists, lines, words, numbers, prayers. While these systems have had their unquestionable usefulness, today is known, thanks to recent research, they all employ only a part of the cerebral cortex, preventing the brain to establish associations of stimulate creativity and enhance memory.

Anyone has had the perception of improving knowledge of an issue with a graphic aid. The main elements are visible, as if they were discrete objects, and relations between them are visible, can be seen with the naked eye. The mental maps developed by Tony Buzan are an effective method for taking notes and very useful for the generation of ideas by Association. To make a mind map, one starts at the center of a page with the main idea, and works outward in all directions, producing a growing and organized structure composed of words and key images. The fundamental concepts are: Organization Keywords Association Grouping Visual memory: Enter keywords, use colors, symbols, icons, 3D effects, arrows, highlights groups of words.

Focus: All Mental map needs a single Center. The mental maps conscious participation van resembling in structure to the same memory. Once you draw a Mental map, rarely needed to be redesigned. Mind maps help you organize the information. Due to the large number of associations involved, mind maps can be very creative, tending to generate new ideas and associations that it hadn’t thought before. Each element in a map is, indeed, a center of another map. Scopes the mental map takes into account the way as the brain collects, processes and stores information. Its structure records a visual image that makes it easy to extract information, write it down and memorize the details with ease. You must be accustomed to use schemas (words United with arrows). Accustomed to imagine situations where apply the concepts they learn. The effort to deliberate in this sense will be rewarding for more reliable memories (those that help to the) time of a review, or a question compromised). The creative potential of a Mental map is useful in a brainstorming session. You only have to start with the basic problem in the Center, and generate partnerships and ideas from it to get a great number of possible solutions. By means of presenting their thoughts and perceptions in a spatial and form through to add colors and images, earn better vision and new connections can be viewed. Mind maps are a way to represent the ideas related to symbols rather than with complicated words as in organic chemistry. The mind forms associations almost instantly, and represent them through a map allows you to write their ideas more quickly that using words or phrases. In everyday life we could apply it a: in planning the personal, professional, agenda of classes, lectures, workshops, distribution of activities, on research, to take notes, summarise information, prepare material, solve problems. Planning. I am a student. Work. Presentations. Storm Ideas. Distribution of tasks.