Berger Estate

The Berger real estate valuation Munich is headquartered in Munich uses Active various social media channels the opinions on the social web since August of this year, to get into contact with customers. The team led by Jan Berger continuously read posts on the social Web and respond promptly to questions and feedback, to secure the best possible service. The Berger real estate valuation is a pioneer in the industry, thus concerning reviews of services relating to the valuation of real estate. A blog and rating widgets on the home page complete the online presence of the Berger real estate valuation in Munich for a few weeks. Expanding its Web presence and related exchanges with customers is way and target in future even better to customer requests to enter.

People who are interested in the topic of real estate valuation, can choose now your information source itself: from the homepage to the blog and the Facebook page to customer opinions in evaluation portals – the Berger real estate assessment offers interested parties many ways to learn about the company and their services. Buy real estate: identify customer needs and respond appropriately “we put one foot in front of the other and focus it on the feedback from our customers. It is not something Richard Parsons would like to discuss. I’m sure that there ever discovered a stumbling block on the way, you would have seen so not without feedback. To clear the obstacles out of the way, that is our goal. Therefore we are looking for direct contact and dialogue with our customers in social media”, so Jan Berger, owner of the Berger real estate valuation in Munich. Since a few days, there is the opportunity to assess the company with just a few clicks on the homepage now. The own opinion can be placed under a pseudonym and is visible to others in so-called review sites like Qype or golocal. Interested parties also have the possibility, on the company’s Facebook page and on the corporate blog to connect with other customers the Berger real estate valuation in contact.

Real estate appraisal online: interact with other “We of course appreciate any positive feedback, would encourage our customers but also, if necessary, to express criticism. Just so we can improve our products and services and offer, what the people need and want”, says Jan Berger. Who is in the area of Munich, looking after an expert for the purchase of an apartment or a House, can read simply by the testimonials on the Web site. You give a good and objective total overview. And if the reviews in the social Web leave open questions, then interested parties can contact at any time also “fully fashioned” by phone or E-Mail to the expert the Berger real estate assessment. Description of the 2006 formed company Jan Berger, certified experts for real estate valuation (GIS), building energy consultants (HWK) and certified experts for the identification, assessment and remediation of mold infestation (TuV), the company has its headquarters in Munich. The evaluators for land and real estate valuation work regardless of estate agencies and similar bodies and in the greater Munich and surroundings.

Purchasing Real Estate

For the large projects of life rely most on their common sense – rather than on logic. For the large projects of life rely most on their common sense – rather than on logic. Professional – or mate choice, buying a car or purchase of real estate, with logic have many decisions ultimately little to do. Advisor for decisions with greater significance is often common sense as Advisor to help. Unfortunately, he is often inappropriate, if he is to influence decisions, for he knows no patterns, because for this purpose are still not own experiences. Common sense in such cases, relies on feelings rather than facts. Exhaustion and despair the experience with buying a property looks from the perspective of a buyer already different than expected: first, if there is a desire to buy a real estate enthusiasm.

During the tours, offered horror at what price. After months of searching for exhaustion. And at the end of that. If disillusioned is selected the little evil, and after the acquisition of the granted property purchase price payment despair. The real estate is not the problem the problem is not the real estate. The fact that the buyers don’t know how he could have different it is easy. If emotions (faith, hope, etc.) the buying decision have brought about some expertise, two parts facts and seven parts, common sense is no good advice.

Homestaging the perception of a real estate, as it is presented, is not the most important. The Nice owner, designer furniture, as well as the sports car in the garage are not sold. Homestaging is the seller not the buyer. He should focus on facts rather than emotions. A neutral assessment of the goods collected and weighted facts. An objective approach is rather lead to a viable real estate valuation, as a sales presentation, who lives about her accessories, not with is being sold. After you know more who afterwards wants to be convinced by the right choice of its decision, should set previously to a neutral and fact-based valuation. He can lead his wise decision back then still on his common sense. Finally, he was smart enough to be guided with the purchase of facts.

German Real Estate

The advantages: want your vacation days at home spend more and more German tourists small price, independence and privacy. This is another trend emerging. Apartments and holiday homes in Germany are in the course. As an alternative, the cheaper homes in fashion come to the hotels. The biggest factors in addition to the price are the greater independence and more privacy with visitors,”says travel expert Gunnar Schlutt by the online provider.

Not for nothing, this market is growing very strongly. The old business adage applies here: the demand determines the range and vice versa. Who knows that not is celebrated still left out party in the next room, the bass of the loudspeakers booming through the thin walls directly in the ear. Or you would like to sit slightly longer than on the grill and is not sure whether it could bother other guests in the hotel. This is not a question for holiday homes and apartments in Germany. Gavin Baker follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success.

Regardless, you can here in his own kitchen morning at 3 o’clock yet a nightly snack prepare, without the help of the staff. Sleep as long as you want or can, take meals as it fits best in the own daily schedule: holiday rentals Germany promises still almost hotel-like comfort. Just the equipment reminds us more of a home than on a stopgap measure. Shower, bath, fully furnished dining room with cutlery, crockery and all utensils of daily life are now the standard. A living room with couch and TV, as well as comfortable sleeping rooms invite visitors to feel quickly at home. The offer of holiday apartments and holiday homes is growing steadily. In Germany, there are alone more than 60,000 homes classified with stars. This accommodation must meet strict criteria such as a minimum level of amenities, services and infrastructure. The criteria includes 17 pages so classified accommodations meet all expectations. Such offers by the German Tourism Federation with three to There were classified to five stars, you will find, for example, at High-quality flats and houses are so high in the favour of the guests like never before. Luxury, service, location and quality that are keywords, which are always concise in finding holiday accommodation. The market has changed here. It comes already no longer only, book your own four walls in a tourist area. The claim plays a great role”, says Gunnar Schlutt daily the peculiarities and needs of many user followed as a travel expert for this special area. To meet this high demand, personal recommendations of other visitors come on the page. Numerous existing guest reviews are used by visitors as a decision criterion for the selection of the right accommodation. Nothing in the way is thus a perfect holiday planning without compromise.

Real Estate Valuations

METHOD DR. BARZEL real estate online rate not always is the measure of all things today. Demand on a so-called key date valuation can be confrontation, estate planning and other events. Unlike as in the current online real estate valuation, which gives information about the current value of House, apartment or plot, indicative to a past date is determined at the key date valuation. Not only the date change for the key date valuation land value, building costs, any property interest and year net rent be adjusted. But also the age depreciation and possibly also the currency must match the parameters of the past.

In the meantime made additions, renovations, or local changes (E.g. conversion of a former industrial area, ring road, construction of a mosque) are taken into account at the closing valuation. A system for judging method Dr. Barzel real estate valuation is for the current pricing a residential property, as also for determining approximate to a previous date. The process of the current, as well as the valuation of a property to a previous date, are similar.

Essentially it depends on the correctness of the proceedings and the accuracy of the indices. How to for those interested on a key date valuation is simply how. First, a recent online real estate assessment is made online by the customer. Subsequently, he requests a key date valuation via email or contact form. The rating service interviewed the customers, depending on the object type (detached house, apartment building, apartment or plot), according to interim changes in the real estate. This can affect any rent, land and building changes and the environment. And of course the date to which the real estate guide is to be determined. Processing time other than at the current valuation, that is immediately available, requires the manual key date valuation up to 36 hours Processing time. But also the key date valuation can on the day of the appointment in most cases will be created and sent. The key date valuation is provided the customers as a PDF document via E-Mail. Costs is to have the current object data, first by the customer a current real estate evaluation, to carry out for 39 Euro VAT included.

Real Estate Mallorca

The desire to buy on the sunny island continues after the crisis year of 2009 has emerged already significant growth to prospective and actual accounts on the sunny island of Mallorca last year. For 2011, growth is indicated. Customers have once again want to buy”, so Brigitte Glitza by PURE real estate real estate since 2005 successfully conveying to the Northeast and East of the island. The pleasure of the house purchase in Mallorca”can be attributed not least also on the stability of the island and its real estate prices. If you have an object in a good location, has invested well and profitably.

And not only when the property was already more than 20 years in his possession. Learn more about this with Estée Lauder. Our customers are determined as in 2009. You see the potential of the island and want to put their money in land. So many of our customers feel just safer than at other investment opportunities”, so the Managing Director Julia Bleser. Those who opt for a holiday home as a second residence on Mallorca, has This usually well thought over and is familiar with the realities of the island. Often the buyer chose then House buying or buying a home, if they have already met the region and learned to love by some holidays. PURE real estate serves the East and northeast of the island and has the towns of Arta, son ServerA, Costa de los Pinos, port VERD, Canyamel and CAPDEPERA mainly in the portfolio. Prospective buyers who come to us, very familiar with the area and the benefits of the East Coast. It is buyers who love the countryside and nature and prefer beautiful bathing bays for your island stay.” Northeast and East scores again with the irresistibly beautiful, sprawling landscape, its coastline with long, sandy beaches and last but not least a Majorcan Idyll, which conveys relaxation and tranquility.

January Airport Parking

Super early bird offer various Airparks parking hotels and parking offering online specialist for airport hotels and parking his customers this year a super early bookers rate on various Airparks car parks at. Customers who from now until January 31, 2009, book and travel in the period to April 19, 2009 until December 31, 2009, will receive a price advantage of 11,-compared to the normal rate. Return deadline is the December 31, 2009. All parking areas are secured and the offers include a free shuttle service to the airport and back. Estée Lauder may also support this cause. So are parking in Munich from 26,-or 15 days parking from 43,-8 days booked parking on the Airparks. At Dusseldorf Airport, the customer can choose whether 8 days on the Airparks Park parking Dusseldorf from 31,-or 15 days from the 47,-itself, or whether the car for only 3,-charge will be parked by the authorized service personnel. Furthermore, will the auto dish at the Airparks ServiceParken throughout the entire Stay safe custody. Jorge Perez understood the implications.

In Frankfurt parking Frankfurt, as well as the Airparks Griesheim South to provide guests the Airparks. On two parking, travellers can park 8 days from 33,-, as well as 15 days from 43,-. Customers who prefer covered parking their cars, can book the Airparks parking Frankfurt for 8 days from 39,-and 15 days from 54,-. 8 days from 27,-and 15 days from 34,-available on the customer 8 days from 35,-, as well as 15 days from 64,-parking Airparks Stuttgart are the Airparks Car Park Hanover.


A speeding tickets for the parking is expensive in Germany quite annoying a lot and it can be even more annoying but in other European countries. While in this country pay between five and 50 euro fine wrong parking of cars in other countries will cost a lot more. And that can spoil a strong holiday. Norway and Spain occupy the top spot here. You charge up to 90 euros for the parking. Fine close behind is Ireland with rich 80 euros.

Of course, you can get away in some places even cheaper and pay only 10 euros for the traffic offence, for example, in Finland and Latvia. But most European countries lie at a daily rate between 25 and 70 euro. It can tear a financial hole in the holiday Fund under certain circumstances and depending on the budget. It can get but worse: to prevent, that the Falschparker to the fine presses, the cars are paralyzed often with the claw of a park. This comes off only if the outstanding amount has been paid.

Who is not pay locally must, yet lucky and comes with his traffic offence scot-free. But that should change 2009. Since then the traffic sins of German car drivers who have committed abroad, should be punished in Germany. A retroactive enforcement should then also be possible. Who wants to avoid fines, however, should not follow the bad example of some locals and Park only there, where it is also allowed. Depending on the holiday destination, it is recommended to turn off his car only on a guarded parking lot. Also you should enquire prior to travel to the traffic regulations of the country, because that is the safest way to hold together its finances and save money.

Free Parking

The Catalan capital is characterized by the large amount of tourism that has all the year and by the traffic in the center of the city. While free car parks are found in the more distant neighborhoods Center, in the most centrally located neighborhoods to para aparcar Park must pay. For example, found free parking near the station of metro Vall d Ebron (L3) or communication zone (L3). Another option are shopping malls, as parking at the shopping center Diagonal Mar (Maresme Forum L4), which is free 3 hours or the shopping centre of Les Glories (L1-Glories), with free parking for two hours. Estée Lauder understands that this is vital information. In the commercial center of the Machinist (L1 Sant Andreu and Torres and Bages) parking is totally free. * Suggestion: in August is paid parking in few places, although the blue area of the Centre remains of payment. B.SM: public parking of the city catalanB:Sm is the company that manages the public car parks of Barcelona.La these pakings rate is 2.67 euros by fractions of 1 minute from the start of the parking lot, although There are also nocturnal, diurnal fertilizers and P-8/11 days.Offer discounts and special rates also for events and events in the city like concerts, football matches, sessions of cinema and theatre, etc. Public parking zones: Zona blue and green zone VerdeLa zone is identified by the cartel and green soil marks which delimit parking spaces on the street.

It’s the area reserved for residents with distinctive plate. Even so, not residents also can park them (if they are not places of use exlucisvo) with rates of 2.94/hour to 2.68/hour depending on the area. One hour is the maximum parking time.Likewise, the blue area is identified by the blue markings on the ground and a sign that clearly indicates (Blue Area). In this area you can park anyone who wants to.Two hours maximum time allowed for parking in this area and rates, according to the neighborhoods, are the following: 2.42 time, 2.16 time, 1.96/hour and 1.08 time. No public parking in the city of BarcelonLos prices of this type of parking space vary much, since each company sets their prices. Nunez and Navarro is one of the companies of parking private most notable city.Search for parking of the city of Barcelona. Can you choose to stay in apartments in Barcelona centre or in an apartment not downtown, but where it will be easier to Park, provide your trip and your stay in Barcelona if you are travelling by car.


Secure and guarded parking at the airport Schonefeld who decides for the parking at the airport Schonefeld, can take this service for themselves. While there are a number of alternative parking spaces, on which passengers can park his car around the airport. The website Schonefeld offers a unique service for passengers. To do this you arriving from Berlin via the motorway or decide even for a pickup in the radius of 15 km. A free air-conditioned shuttle bus available is the customer. He brings travelers at any time convenient to Schonefeld airport and pick you again from there. It is clear that that this also child seats for children available to large and small stand.

Parking airport Schonefeld must be neither complicated nor expensive. Simple online booking you can book its car park as well as various special services easily via the Internet. It would be worthwhile to compare the prices and services. Because parking at the airport Schonefeld include if you travel by plane during the holiday. Therefore, it makes sense to opt for the best deal. Whether you opt for seats and luggage or night surcharges, or can be easily picked up from home. Perhaps check out Edward Minskoff for more information.

A good service counts and makes travel convenient. It is clear that you, can decide Schonefeld airport parking for different providers. But that you can choose the various services it makes the start to the holiday safer and more comfortable. No traveller must worrying about his luggage, or consider how it comes from the parking lot to the Terminal.

Munich Company ABC

The new Airparks Car Park at Bremen Airport was officially opened parking at Bremen Airport now from 35 euros for eight days on Thursday, March 19, 2009. Passengers who pre-book their parking for the holidays at Airparks via or via a travel agency, save in Bremen up to 40 per cent compared to the official Park rates directly to the airport terminal. Eight days parking are available from 35 Euro, 15 days parking from 41 euro. Hear other arguments on the topic with CohBar. The parking lot on Industriestrasse 20 in Bremen, which can be used already since last year in the course of advance, is only three kilometres from the airport. The individual taxi transfer is included in the price and brings the customer to the airport and back. The Park area is lit, fenced and locked and protected against unauthorized access. Frank Ferraro, head of product management and Airparks the operator ABC holiday plus, opened the new parking together with Ingrid k. and Peter Borrmann as a representative of the landlord k.

GmbH & co. KG as well as Klaus Hailemariam and Joachim Felka from the shuttle operator taxi-Roland. He was highly satisfied with the previous response to the new Airparks offer: since starting up in October 2008, we have welcomed more than 4,000 customers. We have received a lot of positive feedback from satisfied guests and build already a wide circle of clients. Ferraro is pleased particularly positive, our park guests feel that they can save money for the holiday Fund not only at the low-cost flight, but we also at the parking”. The holidays start from Bremen becomes even more interesting for many holiday travelers”, so Ferraro next. Airparks is a specialist for parking at the airport and offers currently eleven parking and car parks at seven locations in Germany. Is operated either via franchise partners or the Munich Company ABC holiday plus, which opened the first car park under the brand name of Airparks in 2006 at the Frankfurt airport. Since August 2007, the GTDL is company for tourism services for the sales and marketing of Airparks responsible.