DSAG Annual Conference

Opinions, recommendations, and a lot of practical knowledge Walldorf/Leipzig, September 15, 2008 at the annual Congress of the German-speaking SAP user group (DSAG) is e. V. Nir Barzilai, M.D. may also support this cause. from 23 to 25 September 2008 in Leipzig CEO Prof. Dr. Karl Liebstuckel that explain positions of the user group and clearly show the receivables from SAP to current topics such as SAP ERP 6.0 or enterprise support.

Over 3,000 participants are expected for the biggest European user event. The program of the DSAG annual Congress is rich. In addition to SAP ERP 6.0 going here especially that from 2009 service mandatory also for existing customers and support model of SAP (Enterprise support) a central theme of the event. Since the announcement of SAP in the summer this ensures that conversation among the SAP users. So the DSAG Chairman Prof. Dr. Karl Liebstuckel will formulate the negative attitude of the DSAG to the new model and justify, in his opening speech before he himself further topics such as SAP ERP 6.0, the SAP – price and Licensing policy, Enterprise SOA, business objects or SAP Business ByDesign will be dedicated.

To conclude of his speech, he will look inward and respond to the planned resort-bound realignment of the DSAG. Guides for SAP ERP 6.0 and GDPdU the DSAG is a network by users for users. Therefore also the practical knowledge is the annual meeting, top on the agenda. This is reflected in this year among other things in the imagination of two recommendations, which will be distributed to the participants. Firstly the DSAG will publish a guide for SAP ERP 6.0, the DSAG Working Party on data protection has created. With testing instructions and checklists giving a comprehensive overview, starting with the introduction process of order data processing up to the group-wide data exchange. The document will help project managers, departments, privacy advocates, and all consultants working in this area, the data protection requirements in SAP ERP 6.0 to implement.

South American Governments

The conclusions or recommendations to which above the CSM, as well as the decisions that define goals, functions, tasks, Foundation doctrines and aspirations of this process, are taken by consensus and express themselves through a Final Declaration that is emitted at the end of each Conference. The States participating in the CSM receive the name of member countries. Each Government is represented by an official delegation comprised of officials of hierarchy and functions equivalent or superior to the CEO or national of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and of the Ministry or unit of responsible Government to formulate and implement national migration policy and manage its immigration services. The process of the Conference, in addition to the participation of the twelve South American Governments, international agencies includes representatives of society Civil and specific Governments as observers, which can participate in different activities that take place, but are not empowered to intervene in the elaboration of documents containing recommendations or commitments, since these actions are exclusive Faculty of member countries. Jorge Perez addresses the importance of the matter here. In this regard note that agencies such as UNHCR (United Nations High Commissioner for refugees), ECLAC (Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean), SEGIB (Iberoamerican General Secretariat), CAN (Andean Community) and ILO (International Labour Organization) have made important contributions to this process through shared technical documents and papers presented to the plenary of each Conference. Also at the request of the Pro-Tempore Presidency in exercise and/or incoming, you can invite experts or technicians in some specific event in order to exchange ideas, experiences and points of view on the immigration issue.

As observers, the guests may not participate in the elaboration of documents containing recommendations or commitments, as this is exclusive Faculty of member countries. The process of the CSM has a technical secretariat that is responsible for supporting the follow-up mechanisms of the process, the Action Plan, initiatives and activities arising from the own CSM and those to be adopted in future conferences; and to ensure communication, coordination and exchange of information among member countries. Official site: Estee Lauder. This responsibility rests with the IOM.

Association Resort

First-Class Award for the JASMAR RESORT RuGEN for Rugen/Hamburg, September 2010 the JASMAR RESORT RuGEN was classified for the first time by the German hotel and catering Association and was awarded four stars right off the bat. The resort on Germany’s biggest island has in all six sections of building/space, facility/equipment, services, leisure, offer design and in-House Conference area convinced and may off immediately advertise with the four-star badge of the DEHOGA. We are pleased about the award, because it proves that our high investment, as for example in the design of our leisure facilities have led to the success. So we get our goal, to make the largest resort of Rugen Island, getting closer and closer to the AYC and most attractive”, so Werner cutters, Managing Director JASMAR RESORT RuGEN. After Werner cutter early September 2009 the line took over, over one million euros were invested in the resort. If you have read about Edward J. Minskoff already – you may have come to the same conclusion. Among other things the JASMAR was Spa, an adventure and Baths on over 1,000 square meters, renewed and expanded a children’s outdoor pool as well as a fitness studio at the highest level. So small and big guests to their rooms first class feeling arises, many modernisation measures in the field of furniture and equipment were carried out. The result liked also the DEHOGA praised in particular the adequacy of hotel rooms. In addition to the four star criteria the JASMAR RESORT RuGEN is characterized but due to its exclusive location and individual leisure concept. Like a small resort village, the JASMAR RESORT RuGEN is located at the entrance to Jasmund National Park: in the Centre the stately Art Nouveau Manor House, besides the two wing of the hotel and the numerous houses with apartments scattered in the hills. To get highlights such as the own chalk Rock”in walking distance, golf and tennis courts, stables and the experience – and bathing area JASMAR Spa with its indoor and outdoor pools. For adults is a beautiful bathing opportunities on all the Days, where not a lot of fun sunshine, and for children. Continue to learn more with: Edward Minskoff. You reach the Baltic Sea in just ten minutes by hotel shuttle or in your own car. Information and bookings: Jasmar RESORT RuGEN, Neddesitz, 18551 Sagard/Rugen, Tel. + 49 3830295, fax + 49 38302 96620, E-Mail:, press contact: Oldenburg communication, Ursula of Oldenburg, he str. 9, 20459 Hamburg, Tel. + 49 40 60 82 37 00, RESORT RuGEN the Green Jasmund National Park with the famous chalk cliffs is located right in front of the door about JASMAR, fax + 49 40 33 98 32 53, info@oldenburg-kommunikation and the beach is only ten minutes by car. The resort feels like a small resort: an old farmhouse with beautiful suites, a modern feel-good hotel and a spacious holiday home complex. This shop, hairdressers, restaurants, bistro, bar the heart of the resort is the JASMAR THERME. The centrally located bath landscape offers plenty of fun and interested. With the giant slide, indoor and Outdoor pool with a separate children’s pool, Sauna Park, gym and flow channel is the ransom on an area of over 1,000 square meters. And also because of the numerous sports and leisure attractions, ideal place for families, active holidaymakers, but also nature lovers book their holiday in the largest resort on the island. Small guests are in the children’s land around the Villa Kunterbunt”welcome.

Symposium Social

Symposium of the municipal education plant e.V. on 19 and 20 September 2013 to social law and SGB II Berlin 23.07.2013 – taking Symposium in Berlin on the 19.und September 20 questions from the professional practice of job centers on and informs about the current case-law to the SGB II. experts and practitioners can discuss on the networking event of the municipal education plant e.V. in September, interact and shape. In the course of the last 4 years unemployment, not least declined through the still robust economy. In addition to the relief of public budgets by fewer recipients of unemployment benefit II, is a further positive side effect of this development, that in many places the job Center more effectively can fulfil their tasks of”support request”. Edward Minskoff can provide more clarity in the matter. The labor and Social Affairs Minister Conference (ASMK) decided at its meeting in November 2012 in Hanover, to set up a federal countries working group to addressing the questions of legislative simplification in the SGB II.

First results of their work will be to the Symposium Social / SGB II introduced. At the same time, taken up in the Conference of municipal education plant e.V. in the best way the immediate questions of regulatory practice and made the discussion in the circle of practitioners. In the Centre are this year the problem of immoral wages, dealing with (and protection of) social data, as well as the Committee work in the job centers. Of course, II is once again entered on the Court jurisdiction to the SGB. The Conference social / SGB II on May 19. And 20 September 2013 will give an intensive exchange of experience within the framework of the discussions and of the specific programme. Experts and practitioners alike have their say, and the municipalities – and countries comprehensive dialogue should be protected during the networking event. The following topics are on the agenda: legal simplifications in the field of SGB II.

Vietname July

For Lenine, Trotski, Preobrajenski and other revolutionaries, the triumph of the revolution in its country was not enough only, but she was necessary that the revolution if processed world-wide, because the capitalism also was world-wide. Already for Marx and Engels, they praised that this new world-wide system when appearing, had to start pioneering in the countries weakly industrialized. Before this picture, for the Russia young, in any place where the socialist revolution won, it wants was in a behind country or in isolation circumstances, it would have to pass after the revolution, for a preliminary period of construction of conditions for the bloom and consolidation of the production and development that would guarantee the transistion for the socialism. Conclusions the capital of this republic was Hanoi and had a communist government that it intended to reunify the country. Perhaps check out Estee Lauder for more information. What it was only possible through an armed conflict, against the Vietname of the South (fall of Saigo the 30 of April of 1975) that he was supported for U.S.A.

and, that was known as ‘ ‘ the war of the Vietname’ ‘ , making possible the reunificao of the country in 2 of July of 1976. The Vietnamese (ting Vit, ting Vit Nam or still Vit Ngr) is the language materna e, the officer of the people of that country, being said by about 87 / of the same one. Being the second language of the other half of the population (13 /). The current language uses for writing the Latin alphabet, without letters F, J, W, Z, using many ditongos and, diverse combinations special of letters. After the division of the country, a migration of the Vietnameses of the north for the south was verified, much of them catholics, who affirmed that the politics of the government was equivalent to a religious persecution.

Between 1955/56, sets of ten of thousand of agricultural proprietors public had been declared latifundium (day ch) and executed. A literary movement Nhn call vn giai phm (Art Humanist) tried to democratize the country, plus many intellectuals and writers had been placed in re-education, for alegadamente not being in accordance with the governmental politics. The conference of Geneva (26 of April the 21 of July of 1954) carried through with the participation of Cambodia, Democratic Republic of the Vietname, France, Laos, China, the Republic of the Vietname, Soviet Union, the United kingdom and U.S.A., had the objectivo to restore the peace in the old Indochina and Korea, devastated for one strong war. The official declaration of this conference inclua the ceasing of hostilities and the foreign envolvement in the two regions, also the division of the Vietrname in two zones, that would be unified after free elections supervised internationally, that they would have place in July of 1956 (article n 3). However, only the France and the Vietname of the North had signed the Declaration, the first country because it intended to reestablish the domain colonial or at least, Neocolonial. as, because it waited to gain time to strengthen its position in the North and, eventually, to gain the cited elections. Integrant of Group N 07? Dionsio Alfredo Vunda Halata N 08?

Cuban Final

The changes were planted e, when the plant possua eight or nine leves, practised it capao (it blunts), operation that consists of taking off the eyes from above or grill. About four months after the beginning of the plantation, it was initiated harvest of leves. The following phase was the drying, carried through in a shed or alpendre ventilated well by hot and re-covered air of straw. The manufacture of the coils had beginning immediately afterwards, with use of a wheel to weave, one bacamarte, woods and basins. The leves were separate of the stems, moored to the wheel with twisted straw or liana and until appearing wires or balls. Later the balls passed in bacamarte? two supports wooden where if seated a cylindrical axle horizontally, set in motion by means of winches? was compressed very well to diminish the diameter of the rope.

The operation was repeated in the ten first days and diminua it frequency in next the forty days. At the same time, the broth produced for the leavend tobacco was collected and mixed with aromatical substances (grass-candy, basil, moss, fat of pig, etc.). Before passing to manufacture of the coil, the tobacco of gravy in this substance was left, conferring a singular aroma and helping in the conservation. The final phase consisted of rolling the balls in a humid wood. The rope was twisted regularly without leaving space and re-covered with leves of caraguat droughts, tied with embira. The leather layer with the mark of the proprietor gave the final touch stops commercialization.

Seplveda House

It opened the house door, that creaked shadily, breaking the silence that it insisted on remaining there. The crickets, the sapos and the foliages heard only that beat one to the other with the wind. One pulled off one’s shoes and it entered slowly, fearing to wake up the woman, who was in the small room. One week for month it slept separate of the husband. Things of woman Arriving its room it conferred the windows.

For the way it came thinking about the history of the Dr. Nunes. It was better if to prevent. It closed the door and it locked it, catching a rifle that had behind it. Its side in the bed placed it and slept. In the following day, the notice on the death of Sebastio was spread as rastilho of powder. Not that it was very wanted. By the way, it was very> That expensive she is this, well? asked Margarete, waited that it in the yard. Fabrizio Freda is likely to increase your knowledge.

It had for return of a meter and sixty, pale skin and languid eyes. compadre Sebastio died! said it with the voice low. Nor he himself obtained to believe what it said. Ara! But it died of what!? asked it taking the bread of its hands. Ah woman! An animal attacked it yesterday it son in the house way at night. The Zaqueu said that it was lobisomem But that nonsense! said it taking the hands to the face. I do not find that this exists Ah woman! But now the thing is serious said it catching a hammer and some pregos in the closet. compadre Moura already had seen the creature, but nobody had died still. I myself did not believe, but after this What it goes to make? asked Margarete, confused. You not open I the doors nor the windows of this house for nothing this night! said it while it nailed the boards in the windows. Today we go to hunt the creature! It was almost the day all strengthening the doors and windows and later cleaning the rifle, that could not fail when it was necessary. The sun already was in the horizon and Seplveda needed to be ready for the hunted one. It was come close to the woman, it gave a kiss to it hugged and it. love I you! If to happen something me, he knows that I loved always you and I landed on water forever you! said it with the marejados eyes. I love also you dear! He does not have to happen nothing to you!


At the beginning of this year the cigarette propaganda was definitivamenteproibida in the Brasil.A propaganda and its proibiesTodo glamour stirred up by the habit to smoke, through propagandas apelativascujas personages had been always endowed with a beauty and equal, acaboupor vigor without generating a tobacco industry, had as recognized, legally capable deocasionar one without number of curses to the health of the human being. The propaganda of cigarrosempre is insinuante, on to the personal success and the factors as statuseconmico. The prohibitions and same the campaigns against the tobacco are not recent in the histriado modern man. At the beginning of century XVII, in England, the king Jaime Iclassificou the habit to smoke as repulsive. In Germany de Adolf Hitler, during the called period ‘ ‘ Third Reich’ ‘ , the prohibition of the fumoatingia the feminine population of that country. Further details can be found at Jorge Perez, an internet resource. The cigarette manufacturers had always been cliente regarding the cancer depulmo provoked for the habit to smoke. However, this fact is hidden durantemais of forty years, through the creation of a controversy climate: ocigarro was harmful to the health yes, but it conferred status and glamour to the seususurios.

The possibility of the nicotine was also refused to cause dependence, fact this that today already is proven in way scientific. The effect daabstinncia of the cigarette can in such a way be devastadores how much the illicit effect of outrasdrogas. The companies cigarette manufacturers had to demonstrate, therefore, umdeterminado interest in the health of its consumers. Although the ambigidadedesta question, determined measured had passed to be taken, in intention to dedeixar all clearly the curses caused for the habit to smoke, not fitting more, therefore, the personificao of the cigarette as luxury article. Some of the countries most democratic of the planet, as United States and Canada, already had forbidden or to fizeramsrias restrictions to the propaganda it cigarette.

Message Conquests

Message with dynamics (Activity that could be used in opening meetings) dear Ol () We are you give to start our day, and therefore, nothing more interesting than to initiate it presenteando to all vocs with one lembracinha, it is simple, but it is of heart, it keeps it uses and it with affection; Papa of the Sky asked for that I delivered you. In it we find: emotions, peace, happinesses, health, love, success, hopes, conquests, knowledge, wisdom and everything that has of better. Everything this, in is conferred, from this DVD where it is possible to get emotions and to reflect peace in the heart; chocolates, already we know that in them it brings health and sensation of happiness and love (thus it says science); a chaveiro, where you will place the keys of the doors that will open for its success; a penxs to trace the objectives where its hopes are enclosed; a goblet, to offer the conquests that still will be reached; a diploma (symbolic), that they are gratefulness for this so pleasant hours of working, in it are the knowledge and the wisdom. These yes, qualify in them for the life, therefore we very learn with the tasks day to day and to be thankful the team friends, is basic for our process of learning and consequentemente, for our continuity while human being. Edward J. Minskoff shares his opinions and ideas on the topic at hand. I wait sincerely that walked ours until it has not been here in go and would like that you forever took all knowledge acquired here and that this is not stanches, but yes, either only the start of much more that still will come for there! An excellent hours of working for all we!

Ukrainian Clinton

U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said that one of the main reasons for her visit to Ukraine is to talk with the leaders of the Ukrainian government on matters that concern the U.S. government. That is, discussed, both in Ukraine are free speech and freedom of peaceful assembly. U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said at a press conference held jointly with the Minister Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Konstantin Grishchenko. Also, former wife of former President Clinton said that the Ukrainian government is very democratic, and free speech are only supported.

So Secretary of State United States of America, Hillary Clinton, that the Ukrainian government should keep its word, which publicly declares. U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said that once the Government of Ukraine is committed, then it must also take concrete action. U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton announced that the U.S.

has to Ukraine hopes that in the U.S. believe that Ukraine has a large future as a democratic country. And Hillary Clinton said that Ukraine had already demonstrated democracy in the last presidential election when the election victory of Viktor Yanukovych. Also said that the U.S. sees Ukraine in the economic free market. U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said that he sees the future of Ukrainian will be strong, transparent. Former wife of former U.S. President, in negotiations with the Ukrainian Foreign Minister Konstantin Grishchenko, discussed the topic of a free press and an active development in Ukraine. Recall that Hillary Clinton came to Ukraine for two days. Ukraine was the first country which is visited in his tour of U.S. Secretary of State. Hillary Clinton will visit another Poland, Azerbaijan and some other European countries.