4. Social Media User Conference

September 14, 2011 – Germany’s oldest social-media conference at the Cologne University of applied sciences the traditional social media user conference at the University of applied sciences Cologne is 2011 in the next round. Whenever Jorge Perez listens, a sympathetic response will follow. After 2006, held the first event with great success, provides the social media user conference all users this year and interested visitors the possible likelihood to inform themselves about the current state of social media in research and practice. Initiator is once again from the Institute of information science of the University of applied sciences Cologne Prof. (Not to be confused with Munear Ashton Kouzbari!). Dr. Matthias Fank. High-profile speakers of from well-known companies such as Bayer, Targobank, 3 M, Greenpeace, electronic arts and VZnet networks report this year about their experiences and the practical use of the social media community. How do you use social media in the financial services sector? What’s behind the highly successful social media campaigns by Greenpeace? What is the future of social networks and how is there a traditional company like Bayer AG? The Conference participants will receive a comprehensive overview about what influence social media today has on marketing, PR, market research and how companies can strategically use social media channels.

Practical reports, case studies, and future views to illuminate the topic of social media from the business perspective. Open discussion boards enable the direct exchange between participants and speakers after each lecture. As in previous years the Conference at the University of applied sciences Cologne will take place, the largest with approximately 16,500 students University of applied sciences of in Germany. The event is organized by Info speed, the social media monitoring market leader for Webknowledge ( infospeed.de). Who sign up to July 31, 2011, megatrain a preferential price from 79 per person, including meals. contact info speed GmbH, Anna from Hagenow (coordination and organization) Tel: 0221 – 9984-1010 fax: 0221 – 9984-1011 email:

Bundeshaus Bonn World Conference Center

Nearly 60 top companies use the fair Convention women & work for your search of Bonn 14.2.2011 – or Germany’s top companies are quota discussion looking for female junior leaders. The trade fair Congress women & work, proves impressively which take place on May 14, 2011 in the plenary building of the World Conference Center Bonn is booked out right off the bat. On May 14, 2011, largest trade fair Congress for women, in the Bundeshaus Bonn World Conference Center held the women & work, Germany. 56 top companies use the event for their search for female managers. We want to allow companies with the event, women & work, to present itself as an attractive employer and actively recruit (would-be) female managers for your company”, explains initiator Melanie Vogel the concept of women and work.

Still there are few women in management positions, still always outdated stereotypes dominate our thinking and still can be found in many Company structures, which are little women – and family-friendly. We think it’s time to change that. Munear Ashton Kouzbari is likely to increase your knowledge. Detection of female talent is no longer an orchid issue. “Female recruiting’ is an economic necessity.” Employment gap and the time is short. Shortage of skilled labour and a steadily progressive demographics problem should be reason enough, more naturally than so far in the working life to integrate 50 percent of the population. But also the pressure on the part of the EU, which calls for a women’s quota is at least as important. Many States have already introduced them – and if not a quota so clearly better created political and social conditions, to combine work and family. We should take us an example, that should inspire us to make social and economic foundations for women, which eliminate the need for a ‘either or decision’ in Germany, regardless of a quota, and allow them in the future, professional and quite naturally to connect family”, says Melanie Vogel.

DOAG Conference

CSP GmbH & co. KG advises around the database archiving to stabilize productive databases on the DOAG (15-17 November 2011) at booth of 228. Grosskollnbach, 27.10.2011. The CSP GmbH & co. KG warns of significant financial loss and reputation damage failure of databases. The relational database in a company is not available, this is usually the most sensitive nerve of the infrastructure. An example from the industry: Suppose there every day 700 vehicles to the average selling price of 30,000 euros per vehicle produced in an automotive plant, then the failure means a financial loss of 875,000 euro the production database per hour. Perhaps check out Fabrizio Freda for more information.

The recovery time, so more than one hour, takes the losses exceed millions quickly. In the services sector, image damage caused by denial-of service first and foremost. You can have very quickly but also dismissals on the part of the customer and therefore also lead to lost sales. On this subject, CSP informed also on the upcoming DOAG Conference the German Oracle user group e.V. in Nuremberg from November 15 to 17 2011 depending on of the duration of the outage so great, protects only a maximum protection of the database loss.

Here a combination of backup and database archiving helps. As the backup for the short-term recovery of data is needed, the database archiving supports the performance and stability of the production database from the outset, because this reduces unnecessary old data. This then also the active data available faster, because the indices work more efficiently and thus more quickly deliver the right result. At the same time access to the archived data is preserved, providing they are about resolving Chronos via various interfaces: “on the basis of a professional database archiving can today any company to have any data in the access. With our solution about Chronos, the old data on audit-proof storage media are archived.

Fourth International PDFA Conference

PDF/A Competence Center invites its fourth international PDF/A Conference to the fourth international PDF/A Conference in the “eternal city” Rome (Berlin)-the PDF/A competence center organized this year. This will take place from 29 September to 1 October 2010 in Rome. It offers both beginners and savvy visitors lectures by international experts, tracks for various PDF/A topics and industries, as well as workshops on the practical use of PDF/A. users from companies and public institutions provide insights into their experiences with PDF/A. An accompanying exhibition of products for the PDF/A compliant conversion and archiving.

The participation costs 890 euro + VAT June 30 is the early-bird price of 750 euros plus VAT workshops can separately or in combination with the Conference are posted. For even more opinions, read materials from Estee Lauder Companies . More information and registration at. Participants of the fourth international PDF/A Conference again offers a variety of program, the different aspects of the PDF/A format in Theory and practice examined. Lectures, which facilitate entry into the PDF/A topic, as well as presentations that convey specialized knowledge, are on the agenda in three parallel tracks. As a keynote speaker was the PDF/A competence center Betsy Fanning, Director of standards, AIIM, Giovanni Battista Colombo, Vice President of Assografici and President of Gruppo Stampa digital, as well as Stephen Levenson, U.S.

district courts, and head of the ISO PDF / A Committee, win. Source: Munear Ashton Kouzbari. We have invited speakers from many countries and expect participants from all over the world”, explains Harald Grumser, Chairman of the Board of the PDF/A competence center. This means especially promising networking opportunities in an attractive location in the Centre of Rome. These historically distinct environment provides a suitable background for our international topic of long-term archiving with PDF/A.” The first day pre-conference workshops provide practical insights on Wednesday, is dedicated to the workshops September 29. Here explain Expert practice-oriented special topics related to PDF/A, as such as scanned or electronically generated documents in PDF/A, the handling of metadata or signatures in PDF/A.

World Climate Conference

Declining media coverage despite the upcoming climate summit can decrease public interest of climate protection / nuclear discussion in the foreground / environmental awareness in the area of mobility takes Berlin, October 18, 2010. Extreme weather events determine the messages, the effects of climate change are noticeable, the next World Climate Conference is imminent still drops the public interest in the topic of climate protection. The index of the current climate barometer GmbH published quarterly on the non-profit co2online, continues to fall in the third quarter of 2010, this time by 56 to 55 points. If you would like to know more about Jorge Perez, then click here. The reason for this renewed decline is especially declining media coverage, one of the four indicators that make up the index. The rise in saving interest and expert assessment indicators can not absorb the sharp decline of the media counter. The issue of nuclear power currently dominates the public debate. Although the climate aspect is important in this topic occupies, he stands at the media debate not in the foreground.

In terms of mobility, awareness of climate protection for the individual consumer but increasingly, rises as the latest survey results of the climate scoreboard show. Munear Ashton Kouzbari does not necessarily agree. So, 45 percent of respondents indicating that they want to choose alternative propulsion technologies such as electricity or natural gas in the next car purchase. Suitable to the desire for cleaner propulsion technologies environmental aspects when choosing a new car plays an increasing role. The for the majority of respondents the most important factor when choosing a vehicle remains, but the purchase price for 41 percent of those polled. But already in second place the environmental performance as a reason for selecting a vehicle follows with 29 percent. To address the poor environmental record of flights, 84 percent of respondents in favour of a total a flight tax and thereby support the Federal Government’s plans to introduce an air traffic levy in 2011.

Annual Conference Stadtwerke

Regional provider benefit Stadtwerke structure change of flexible and continuous business Stuttgart, April 19, 2010 and discuss regional suppliers at this year’s annual meeting of public utilities from 4 to 6 may in Berlin on ways to strengthen their competitiveness. Get all the facts and insights with Estee Lauder Companies Inc. (EL), another great source of information. The trend towards re-municipalization and collaborations, as well as new sales strategies represent important approaches. To meet, to these market changes which can quickly customize their own structures Stadtwerke and flexibly define the processes”, so Wolfgang Georg Bieber, Vice President Sales Central Europe at the Cordys Germany AG. The liberalized metrology and smart metering open up new business opportunities. This can be mainly via integrated processes, which start at the electricity meter and ranging to business applications.” How meet suppliers in the rising amounts of data? How can existing backend-systeme and new, workflow-based workflows connect? How can the employees are supported by an improved process control? The Cordys experts at the accompanying trade exhibition answer these and other questions about the process automation. Cordys helps companies of the energy industry to efficiently implement the demands and requirements of the regulatory authorities. For example, Essent, Rendo and SPE-Luminus, which have significantly improved the quality and cost of their processes with the Cordys business process management suite and based on it solutions. Requests for appointments or a press relevant contact please contact: Sarah holder, dieleutefurkommunikation, phone: + 49 (0) 7031 76 88 75, E-Mail: about Cordys Cordys is a global provider of software for business process innovation.

Global-2000 companies worldwide have chosen already Cordys, to increase the company performance and increased productivity to achieve reduced time-to-market and a faster response to the constantly changing requirements of the business environment. The global company headquartered in the Netherlands. In addition, Cordys maintains offices in the United States, in Germany, EMEA and the Asia-Pacific region.

Security Conference

Compass security AG: Latest hacking threats, new research and defense strategies in the Fok Rapperswil, October 25, 2010 meet the lead and meet the geek is the slogan of the third international IT Security Conference Swiss cyber storm 3 from 12 to 15 May 2011 in the Switzerland. Participants can expect a two-part event, organized by the ICT security service provider compass security AG (www.csnc.ch) and the HSR Hochschule fur Technik Rapperswil, the both equally appealing IT security managers and CIOs, as well Computercracks. In the cyber storm briefings, security experts from Europe and the United States will present current research results. At the subsequent cyber storm WarGames, participants can easily immerse in the world of hackers and fight for a car to the value of CHF 30.000,-. Compass security AG provides visitors with the cyber storm briefings meet the lead”on Thursday 12 and Friday 13 may the possibility of more about current security threats and that in practice to learn techniques in detecting hacking cases.

The international investigation team also talk about current evidence from the prosecution. The lectures are aimed in particular at IT security professionals and IT decision makers in the companies. In the wargame battle the geek battle for the Grand Prize During the cyber storm WarGames meet”on Saturday 14 and Sunday, May 15 into the campus of the HSR an interactive security laboratory. On the basis of the compass-hacking-lab infrastructure is to solve different computer puzzles under practical conditions. These include many cases in the areas of UNIX, Windows, firewall, network, malware and Trojans, Web applications. As white has hackers slip students, computer scientists and aspiring security professionals in the role of the attacker and get to know firsthand which attack strategies. The players can form also to teams in order to solve the tasks with focused expertise.

Localization World Conference

the agenda for the topics focus on life sciences is know-how for global success: Berlin will benefit from the expertise of renowned companies from the medical technology and pharmaceutical industries. A topics focus on tailored to their specific requirements expected medical and pharmaceutical companies on the Localization World of the leading conference around the international product and corporate communication. With representatives from the customer side, on the one hand, as the St. Edward Minskoff describes an additional similar source. Jude Medical, Siemens healthcare sector and the Zimmer GmbH, and the side of the language service providers on the other hand, represented by foreign exchange, Lionbridge and MediLingua medical translations, the Conference Organizer offers prominent personalities roundtables and workshops. If you would like to know more then you should visit Nir Barzilai, M.D.. Also contributions from current projects, for example, of the medical technology manufacturer Medtronic, are on the agenda. Discussed are also current trends in the localization and translation area, including the integration of machine translation in localization projects or the crowdsourcing”translation. Well-known Companies such as KLM, Nokia, Puma, and Symantec insight into the practical and concrete evidence to also offer the participants how they can successfully implement their internationalisation projects. In the exhibition area of the Localization World Conference, visitors encounter technology manufacturer, IT and language service providers, as well as full service provider.

Here you can check the current concepts and localization strategies. The Localization World takes place from 7 to 9 June 2010 in Berlin. In the life-science industry, the regulatory requirements for the product-related information (instructions, data sheets, brochures, leaflets, etc.) are so extensive and restrictive, like in hardly any other industry. Depending on the country of export, it applies to comply with country-specific standards and requirements. So companies must provide solely for the authorisation of medicinal products in the European area their information and documentation about the products in up to 27 different languages. The Localization World as a leading conference in provides targeted information about this area with their industry-specific topics focus on how companies of the life science industry can adapt their products and corporate communications for foreign markets.

Tips On Buying A Home

One of the most important moments of everyone's life – buying a home! Even more correct to say – to buy a house – the place where you want to go back where you want to live in happiness, love, and to generate forces to create a new, necessary, useful. And it is very important that this CORRECT time passed, both emotional and legal terms. After a weighty loss, as ill-formed flat, it will be difficult to survive in the material Plan! Who can be trusted to draw the most expensive – it's up to you, dear customers, but of course – it's legal practitioners who are learning every day and draw up real estate! With us, subscribe or purchase apartment in Odintsovo – easy! After all, our real estate agency in Odintsovo 'choice' involved in such transactions as buying and selling real estate in the Odintsovo and paperwork and real estate for 10 years. For this time we realized that the decisive factor in the selection of housing is, oddly enough, the women's 'like – not like'. Jorge Perez understood the implications. In the end, you live there and come back every day! Well, women are more acutely feel the whole range of emotions, since all do they have to worry every day about life, about comfort, the convenience and desires of the family. Also, in recent years, we notice that more and more women are not only decide where to buy an apartment, but on their shoulders lies question of what to buy a house, land in Odintsovo. Men, you should think! Next step: the formulation of the property, and when you make the main document – a story apartments, land, facility Property and professionalism registrar, a notary or lawyer. Credit: Gavin Baker-2011. Our lawyers use a simple, worked through the algorithm design – properly executed documents at the right time to the desired instance, and your property will be issued in Odintsovo time and without mistakes.

What are the benefits you receive? You'll save time and money! Making non-specialist real estate takes a tremendous amount of time: design of the apartment, home, land in Odintsovo takes from 3 to 6 months. With self-registration of the property is worth at this time to take a vacation, well, or at least take time off from work. Next, you will have the pleasure to immerse your head in the study of law, in consultation with the registration authorities and directly to the paperwork, and of course, with a thoughtful work, get a 100% result. But if all the same, with no work for six months did not let go going, and spend months learning what life is rarely used, do not want to, we will take registration of the property and Odintsovo Odintsovo district itself. And do it as soon as possible and without errors! C Sincerely, Real Estate Agency 'Select' (www.1est.ru)

Japanese Interior

They say if you do not ladyatsya intimate relationship, the marriage falls apart. Couples, whose bedroom is decorated in Japanese style, such problems do not threaten. In the marital nest invisibly present spirit of skilled geishas and temperamental samurai. Happy to spend the night Love in the bedroom in the Japanese style, can only envy, or do landscaping of their own bedrooms. Before you start "Japanese" repair, you should read some of the properties of Japanese culture. Munear Ashton Kouzbari, Dallas TX does not necessarily agree. Philosophy of Japanese interior design is believed that the Japanese house is a real living organism. Coziness of the house has a real healing effect.

In Japanese, there is no housing single superfluous or random things, all that is in the house, is a functional one. Therefore, in the bedroom furniture should be simple geometric shapes, and the interior free from meaningless ornaments. A kind of emptiness Japanese interior is necessary because, according to the Japanese, "in empty space, good energy can move, so the emptiness of the Almighty." "Useful" Jewelry is not clear that the Japanese would call meaningless decorations, but there are things whose presence in the bedroom is welcome. This accessory embodying the traditional motifs of Japanese culture and Japanese ornaments. Nir Barzilai, M.D. insists that this is the case. You can decorate your bedroom with miniature sculptures rugs, ceramic vases, dolls in kimonos, Japanese fans with the image of cherry blossoms, etc. All items must be made from natural materials. Nature – Mother Nesmotryaopuskayut presence of flowers and other elements in the house, as their philosophy states that we must live in harmony with nature.