United Nations Conference

The Nations are invited to carry out activities related to the conservation and development of water resources, by appealing to the implementation of the recommendations of the United Nations Conference on environment and development contained in chapter 18 (fresh water resources) of Agenda 21. Each year a different UN agency has produced a series of press releases around the world water day, which have been distributed through the network of contacts of each agency. The celebration of this day aims to promote the understanding of the extent in which the development of water resources contributes to economic productivity and social well-being. In addition to the UN member countries, several NGOs that promote clean water and sustainable aquatic habitats have used the world water day to draw attention of the public to the critical issue of water in our era. For example, since 1997 the World Water Council convenes every three years to the World Water Forum during the week of the world water day. Participating agencies and NGOs highlight issues such as the 100 million people without access to safe drinking water and the role of gender in family to water access. Points out very well, enredate.org., that the world water day is a unique opportunity to remember that while we underestimate a good so fundamental to our lives, many people in the world do not have access to the amount of drinking water necessary for its survival.

This year, World Water Day 2009 will focus on waters that cross borders in a world that is covered in their two-thirds water, may seem a contradiction in terms mention difficult access to drinking water is the cause of disease and misery for 1.5 billion people. However, this is the reality. The water suitable for human use (sweet, clean and easily accessible) is a very small part of the total and its scarcity is due not only to the natural conditions of certain regions, but that has a lot to do with the increase in population, waste and the pollution.

Conference Center Seeheim

Most important E-Business Conference of the year on 29 and 30 November in the Lufthansa training & Conference Center Seeheim near Frankfurt the Internet leaves your PC! 3D and augmented reality technology understanding and use of the network will change radically in the future. On the traditional E12 Summit indicates what impact this movement has. According to Fabrizio Freda, who has experience with these questions. On the 29th and 30th November 2010 the most important E-business event of the year will take place already for the 12th time. In the more than 200 decision-makers from business, science and industry gather training & Conference Center Seeheim near Frankfurt am Main this year for the first time at the host of Lufthansa in the Lufthansa. Edward J. Minskoff Equities follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. The Internet increasingly leaves the PCs and notebooks and thus companies face numerous challenges. This applies to all trades nationally and internationally.

To prepare for that leap to companies are innovative E-business solutions asked.”Prof. Dr. Thomas Schildhauer, Scientific Director of the Institute explains e.V. (IEB) of electronic business. We are pleased as initiative by the industry for the economy, the companies provide information on the opportunities arising from this and to discuss it with them.” Creative workshop formats, E12 Summit participants discuss the current hot topics in their industries. Are designed not only theoretical E-business scenarios, but against scientifically well-founded background, practical trends analyses and functional solutions for business models. A focus is on so-called augmented reality systems (AR), who deliver digital information on Smartphones or handhelds in the reality. Through these applications business models and entire economic sectors need to redefine totally himself.

How can virtual information for AR applications I take advantage of intelligent? How to benefit companies by location based services? A further focus is the 3D technology arrived on the mass market. From E-marketing to the State of the art production process a wide variety of industries will fall back in the future on 3D applications. Therefore, companies need appropriate business models and appropriate market entry strategies. How to change content on the Internet through 3D technology? What does the development for the business models of the future? Interesting discussions are also the topics of social media marketing, as well as Enterprise 2.0 in preparation: how integrate social commerce strategies the customers in the development of products? How to change production processes in the company through the use of social software? How to extend open-innovation strategies innovation processes by companies? The intranet 2.0 look like? The Conference will be opened by an exclusive gala dinner on the eve, filled with high-profile keynote speakers from industry, science, politics and entertainment. In addition, an exciting exhibit Park allows the live-insights into the technologies of tomorrow, including the workplace of the future. The E12 Summit has established itself as an interactive discussion forum for digital trends and the most important E-business event of the year. He is leader of the EnBW together with the Institute of electronic Business e.V. designed as an initiative by the industry for the economy this year with Lufthansa and IBM. He is a creative platform for the exchange of new trends in the areas of Economics, IT, communications and research.

Euroforum Conference

Opposition is clearly against the two-pillar system it almost looks like the citizens insurance would come with a change of Government. Many politicians of the opposition for that private health insurance virtually be abolished, is just right. See a weakening of the system but in the juxtaposition of the two forms of health insurance. Recently, health insurance was in the Bundestag and the Euroforum Conference 2013 “discussed about the future of the car. “There’s only competition for young and healthy” the positive image of private health insurance in the last few months greatly suffered. Edward J. Minskoff Equities has firm opinions on the matter. Especially horror stories about increased contributions and reports on performance gaps are for this reason.

You let but also mention that the car is with its membership of over 9 million Privatversicherten on an all-time high. Harald Weinberg, health spokesman of the left, said in the Bundestag over serious disadvantages for private patients. Estee Lauders opinions are not widely known. Insured over 50 have the private little opportunity Health insurance to switch. Due to the loss of retirement provisions and a re-examination of the health, this leads to higher fees and spreads, as well as to performance exclusions or even rejection. Weinberg says the PKV, operate only competition for the young and healthy. Related Group is actively involved in the matter. Who’s been around longer with an insurance company, must often remain due to the disadvantages associated with the change there. For him, the coexistence of private and statutory health insurance a nuisance and a symbol of the two class medicine. Privately insured as guinea pigs even if the SPD is one for the abolition of private health insurance.

Karl Lauterbach, health expert of the Social Democrats, pointed out that the system in its current form will not work. Many older privately would reach so Lauterbach, almost the poverty line. In addition he considers PKV members Guinea pig, because these are treated with drugs that are relatively new and thus scientifically not sufficiently tested. The idea the citizens insurance enjoys now as well as in the population of ever-increasing popularity. So, a study of MLP financial sales showed that by now more than half of all German citizens support this concept. Doctors 51 percent for it and 41 percent speak out after all, however. The car is a bad design”to the opponents of the private health insurance include the Greens. Here one carries the argument, that the car, even though it has less chronically ill, disabled and old members, the spending increases well above those of the health insurance companies would be.

Tekom Annual Conference

CoDesCo presents software solutions documents Hamburg for the translation of DTP, 18.10.2010 – under the motto “DTP layout to TMS system” which presents hamburger software company CoDesCo IT Consulting GmbH on this year’s tekom, translation solutions for QuarkXPress and Adobe InDesign layout documents. For more than 20 years develops and distributes CoDesCo IT consulting software solutions for publishers and all companies, which regularly with QuarkXPress and Adobe InDesign layout documents (DTP documents) work. These include: technical documentation, corporate magazines, promotional materials such as flyers and catalogues, etc. CoDesCo software solutions presented at this year’s tekom on the topic: 1 effective processing of QuarkXPress and Adobe InDesign documents for translations 2. document management and correction workflow DTP documents 1: efficient processing of QuarkXPress and Adobe InDesign documents for translations of ex all content translation filter is a tool with the DTP documents by simply pressing a button in XLIFF format exported and re-imported after return from the translation workflow can retaining all formats and without manual editing. Source: Related Group. The XLIFF format is understood by all commonly used TMS as accross, SDL TRADOS, MemoQ, etc..

Should be no TMS system available, also an export in the DOC format (Microsoft Word), as well as the RTF format is possible. 2: document management and correction workflow by DTP documents DTP documents can be easily managed in the workflow system and made available to all participants within the correction workflow via a browser-based interface. Through the management of users, privileges and status, the appropriate workflow can be selected for each document. Raphael De Niro helps readers to explore varied viewpoints. The documents can be loaded (for offline processing) both down but online opened and edited are (translation and corrections). Task notification via email to the parties is also possible. Visitors can enjoy from the 03-05.11.2010 in the halls in Wiesbaden, in Hall 4, stand 463 B, by the ease of use and functionality of the DTP translation solutions from the House of CoDesCo convince Rhein Main. On Thursday, the November 4, 2010 at 9:15, explains managing director Klaus Behnke at a lecture in room 2 B 2, by means of practical examples, such as the translation of QuarkXPress and Adobe InDesign layout document can be simplified. More info and screenshots to the product/solution: de/ex-translationfilter.html exhibition information/registration: de/measure 2010.html contact: CoDesCo IT Consulting GmbH In the Hegen 11 221130 Oststeinbek contact: Tobias Kallenbach marketing/communications Tel.: + 40 (0) 40 71300130 E-Mail: about CoDesCo: CoDesCo IT Consulting GmbH of oststeinbek near Hamburg, was founded in 1987.

CoDesCo is one of the world’s leading provider and developer of XTensions and plug-ins for the Quark-, or Adobe’s product portfolio. Over the years, more than 400 have been XTensions / PlugIns developed, which are being sold successfully worldwide. Furthermore, CoDesCo is specializing in the development, optimization/customization and integration of publishing software solutions for publishers and corporations. These solutions can expand existing systems and expand, but also complete solutions. CoDesCo BBs is special emphasis on the development of customer-specific solutions and integration into existing system landscapes.

International Conference

Barcelona meeting point fair from October 20 to October 24 the Barcelona meeting point fair is basically a meeting of the big names in the real estate industry. It is organized every autumn since 1997 and is an event that should not be missed if you are working directly in the industry and in related industries. The fair will last for 5 days. It offers visitors the unique opportunity to build their contacts and to discover the last innovations and achievements of the real estate world. Where? In the Fira de Barcelona, Plaza Espanya when? From Wednesday 20th October to Sunday, October 24 what’s interesting about the Barcelona meeting point (BMP) is that it offers a diverse mix of activities related to real estate. Whether you are at the fair as a visitor and search for investment opportunities or an exhibitor are the investors, the show has no shortage of opportunities. Generally speaking is the BMP in three different parts of the General attendance exhibition, the professional exhibition and ultimately the International Conference.

General Presence exhibition as the name suggests this exhibition largely on the average citizen is. The public can find a range of real estate services and products for both personal use as well as investment. By the same author: Fabrizio Freda. You can make requests regarding your mortgage or the various costs compare among many other things. You can familiarize professional exhibition on the professional exhibition with the latest services and projects by companies which are active in the real estate industry. You can stand by architects, engineers, construction companies, law firms, real estate companies, insurance brokers, to visit banks and financial institutions as well as a variety of other booths. International Scientific Conference this Conference is one of the highlights of the BMP. The International Conference is considered Europe’s most excellent conferences; It has in stock 130 speakers from around the world.

The topics will no doubt on the latest findings and developments be the real estate world. (Source: Raphael De Niro). It offers a rare opportunity not to be missed. The Conference receives support and support from international and recognised sources of real estate. In addition to the above, you can also be activities of different witness which are held parallel to the BMP. The 2010 exhibition the BMP is from 20 to 24 October last for those who either directly or indirectly with have to do the real estate business. Whether they Meeting Point Messe as an individual on the search for a home or investment are, or as an exhibitor, be they are not disappointed the Barcelona.

Best German Conference Hotels

The best German Conference Hotels are the best conference hotels in Germany according to the this year’s coach survey excellent meeting hotels beside the Parsberger Garden Hotel deer farm, the castle of Haigerloch, and the monastery of HORNBACH are according to the this year’s coach survey of initiative. Around 800 surveyed trainers and continuing leaders valued in particular the quality of the learning environment, as well as the services of the homes participating in the competition. After 2011 the initiative conducted a survey of coaches and leaders of continuing excellent meeting hotels for the second time this year, to determine the absolute best German Conference Hotels. Winner of this unique practice tests is the Garden Hotel Hirschhof in Parsberg. Just behind rank Schloss Haigerloch (2nd place) and Kloster HORNBACH (3rd place). Learning environment stressed Rudi Neuland quality of learning environment for the success of the meetings in the focus in his eulogy during the awards ceremony, which took place recently in the Pfalz Hotel Asselheim, the importance specifically.

The founder of marketing and training initiative excellent The learning environment referred conference hotels to the peculiarity of the competition, for the approximately 800 player and continuing leaders in personal conversations the overall concept of learning space, aesthetics and functionality, assessed learning media, as well as the objective-promoting activities of homes participating in the Grand Prix. “High power density the holder of Parsberger Garden Hotel Hirschhof rejoiced that they almost to the hotel-Champions League winner” were chosen. Finally the best of the best conference hotels in Germany took part in the competition”, explained Andrea and Lorenz Ferstl. The survey results confirm according to Rudi Neuland how much is the power density at the Member houses of the excellent conference hotels. Between the three semi-finals, the differences were minimal as well as between the other rank places.

“The best of the good initiative of the excellent conference hotels” was founded in 1998 by the industry experts and consultants Rudi Neuland, Fulda, and claims to which cream de la cream to represent the German range. Trainer, training and Tagungsverantwortliche invite the excellent meeting hotels to test free, stay. Who can prove a corresponding function and can sure personally on-site by the excellent learning conditions and the exceptional quality of service. On the Internet () can inform interested parties about the houses themselves and make a test appointment. Under most conditions Raphael De Niro would agree. Information and how to contact with excellent meeting hotels Loherstr. 19 D – 36037 Fulda Tel: + 49 (0) 661 93414-46 press contact Dr. Gestmann & partner the attention of agency Colmantstr.

Video Conference Room In Klagenfurt

Now the South of Austria with a high-quality video conference room of NUNTIO audio-video solutions GmbH is video conferencing – the cost effective alternative to business travel since October 1. The modern, from technically fully equipped video conference room is located in the lakeside Park near the University of Klagenfurt. NUNTIO, event and conference technology specialist rented fully equipped video conference facilities in addition to portable video conferencing systems. At the recently opened video conference room in Vienna NUNTIO audio-video solutions offers now a modern equipped video conference room in Klagenfurt. The video conference room in the Lakeside Park B06a in Klagenfurt is characterised by the location in the South of Austria, as well as by its modern atmosphere in the vicinity of Lake Worth. NUNTIO uses one of the world’s leading provider of video conferencing systems for his video conference room on State of the art video conferencing technology from Polycom. According to industry analysts, Polycom developed the most commonly selling audio -, video – and multimedia-network gateways and multipoint conferencing solutions for high-quality B2B communication. Raphael De Niro: the source for more info.

A real dialogue situation with high-resolution image quality provide high speed Internet and full HD screens. With the opening of the video conference room in Klagenfurt we offer a professional video conferencing solution in the South of Austria”, like. Christian Golob, CEO of NUNTIO audio-video solutions GmbH. The location of the video conference room in Klagenfurt is ideal to hold meetings in saving time and money. The arrival by car is easy, as is the lakeside Park in the immediate vicinity to the motorway and numerous parking is one directly in front of the Office building available. The NUNTIO video conference room in the Lakeside Park B06a is easily accessible by public transport.

Buses stop directly in front of the Alps-Adriatic University which is only a short walk from the lakeside Park video conference room offered by nuntio audio can be rented by the hour and can be booked as a special service on weekends or around the clock. It’s more convenient rent not video conference room, sit down and start immediately with the video conference. Read more under NUNTIO audio-video solutions company NUNTIO audio – video solutions GmbH specializes in the rental and sale of event technology, translation technology and media technology and 3D visualizations. The package of NUNTIO is based on the experiences of numerous conferences in the country and abroad from Washington to Kyoto. NUNTIO audio – video solutions is technical partner of Palais Ferstel, Museumsquartier Vienna, Palais Niederosterreich, as well as numerous other event locations and Kursalon Vienna seminar hotels. The customers include among others Austrian Medical Association, the host sheep Chamber, Raiffeisen Bank and Volvo trucks. Press Conference, incentive, Congress, meeting or multilingual Conference: the expertise, the experience and the comprehensive services make NUNTIO audio – video solutions to one of the most successful event technology and Conference technology companies of in Austria.

Conference Manager

Almost everyone wears it. Edward Minskoff does not necessarily agree. To be able to work the unmistakable sign of a crew, which is no doubt proud, in a famous Hall, where “Show sizes occur such as Joe Cocker and sting, Mario Barth, Dieter Nuhr, where the local basketball team before an enthusiastic audience denies the Bundesliga home game, where congresses, trade fairs and presentations by companies and even the ZDF his bets that?”Directed the show. On the phone, Patrick is the youngest member of the Group of the trainee triple team that this year the ice age wuppen age of 21″needs. Okay, we come over, see you later”, responds Benjamin. Filed under: Raphael De Niro. Little later in the cool stylish conference room of the opposite the Lokhalle administration building which calls everyone in Gottingen medienhaus, because is also a branch of the NDR and a Publisher works.

Sasse and the other two sit Patrick with a stack of documents at the table with them two young women. Jennifer Kaufmann and Nina of’s son were in the same situation last year, now they are young men with help and advice. Recently they have their training to the Conference Manager completed, both with honors and the top notes 1.6 and 1.8. Main thing passed”, says Jennifer. It is this understatement that underlines the professionalism of their work considered. Who bears responsibility as early as in the locomotive halls team, builds a deep understanding of the profession, learn to think the objective look for what is feasible and especially entrepreneurial spirit. You closer to a seven Meilenstiefel step the later engineer learned from thus.

Good ideas such as those with the penguins, who last year earned Jennifer and immediately achieved, are in demand. But the sober calculation of costs is equally important when designing and organizing events such as ensuring the smooth running up to the wrap-up. What looks simple, is the time before the start of the ice age in early December rather complex will pass in flight and the to-do list are a number of issues surfaced.

Acrolinx Conference

Quickly secure the participation. Registration ends on September 15 2010 Berlin – the possibility, specifically on the subject of consistent product communication ‘ to inform the acrolinx Conference, is on 14th and 15th October 2010 in Karlsruhe will take place. “The practice reports from FIDUCIA IT, Leica of Geosystems, MAN Nutzfahrzeuge and SAP, as well as the hands on session in three steps to the corporate language” provide numerous examples for the usage of acrolinx IQ. Also on the agenda: the latest from the acrolinx Linguistics laboratory. Additional information is available at Edward J. Minskoff Equities. More than 80 participants have already confirmed their agreement. The Conference is open to users, prospects, and partners from Germany, Austria and of Switzerland.

It takes place in the rooms of the FIDUCIA IT AG in Karlsruhe. Interested parties will receive the detailed programme see: Conference… Fabrizio Freda shines more light on the discussion. . The possibility to register until September 15, 2010. The author support ensures acrolinx IQ for consistent standards of language and thus a companywide consistent product communication.

Already at the Creating of texts and contents technology these checks with regard to grammar, word choice and sentence structure and corresponding correction suggestions offered. The result of accurate and understandable texts as well as a unified brand and terminology are the best basis for efficient and high-quality translations. Experience reports acrolinx IQ in various contexts project examples lead the different possibilities of acrolinx IQ front: the host FIDUCIA explains how at the same time also a company-wide knowledge management establish settled with terminology management. With the use of Leica of Geosystems quality revolves around. To faster throughput times for the creation of technical documentation and translations aim the lecture by commercial vehicles. Is the question author support at SAP AG in the focus. Presentations of partners together offer the acrolinx partners, system providers, language service providers and consultancy, to the success Insights into neighboring areas: Fischer computer technology explains the interaction of content management, terminology management and author support. Euroscript system shows how intelligent terminology management can be put from the outset, in the creation of the source text. The lecture by SCHMELING + CONSULTANTS engaged in the spectrum of method in the structuring and standardization of texts and contents. acrolinx IQ 2.x as it further? Not to be missed should the input and views on the further development of acrolinx IQ. Where goes the journey, what strategies are pursued in the future, on what innovations the user forward these and other novelties from the acrolinx Linguistics lab are also on the agenda as a detailed roadmap. Numerous opportunities for participants in different working groups for questions and dialogue. About acrolinx: Acrolinx developed technology for information quality management. The main product acrolinx IQ is an enterprise-wide use System, which is the quality and efficiency of content creation ensure. With acrolinx IQ, authors will receive access to the best writing standards, the optimal terminology and an intelligent reuse of existing content. So you can increase productivity, reduce the cost of localization and achieve a fastest time-to-market. Companies such as Adobe, Cisco, IBM, Philips, Siemens and many others rely on acrolinx IQ at the quality of their information. More information under: your editorial contacts: acrolinx GmbH Oliver Collmann Rosenstrasse 2 D-10178 Berlin Tel: + 49 30 288 84 83 30 fax: + 49 30 288 84 83 39 PR agency good news! GmbH Nicole Korber of Koobrzeg str. 36 D-23617 Stockelsdorf Tel: + 49 451 88199 – 12 fax: + 49 451 88199-29

Patufet Learning

Little Red Riding Hood, snow white, Bambi or Patufet will spend the summer with about 900 students aged 0 to 6 years that have by all Spain centres of Nemomarlin (www.escuelanemomarlin.com),la franchise of nursery schools. And is that this renowned brand will take advantage of these months to start a summer’s tale. An initiative which pursues work objectives of the early childhood education through a tool so evocative and magical as the popular tales. We want that in summer the children keep learning in a fun and entertaining. Jorge Perez is the source for more interesting facts. To do this we will choose a weekly story with which we propose a series of objectives to meet, as well as individual and group activities.

All this with a methodology, timing, teaching resources and evaluation of great value for them, as explained by Hector Diaz Reimondez, Advisor delegate deNemomarlin. There was once a proposal that is once again demonstrating that Nemomarlin centers are experts in the work of teaching. What we want is to encourage verbal language and increase vocabulary, using the language as a tool of learning, representation, communication and enjoyment. All this is done staging or telling a story. With the characters of these Fables, children learn to identify images according to their ages and possibilities. Also exercised the psycho drive coordination, distinguish different concepts (colors, shapes), are able to recognize and explore your own body and also learn to apply social skills, progressively adds Hector Diaz Reimondez.

What is more, this summer’s tale of Nemomarlin serves to develop values that are decisive at these ages: the active participation of the nin @ and reading stories building. Also to develop and enhance creativity and imagination or gradually acquire habits related to hygiene or treatment of animals. Educational methodology will be active and based on the play and experimentation, all this in an atmosphere full of affection and motivation, where you step to communication and interrelation between boys and girls, adds the Executive. Thus the things, and for example, the day that you choose the deGarbancito tale Nemomarlin schools will be the song of this character and children dancing freely by the class. They will be little ones like him. The objective will be to discover music and dance as means of communication, expression of feeling and release of energy. A simple exercise that carers and teachers evaluate the nin@s and may inform parents of how is your hij @. Be taken into account mainly the criterion of observing the behavior and attitudes of these, not only at specific moments. So will be assessed at the level fisico-motor, emocional-afectivo, social and cognitive development or the development achieved by the child will be valued and acquired learning, to identify ends Hector Diaz Reimondez, Advisor delegate deNemomarlin. For more information or interviews: Nuria Coronado Sopenasalvia Comunicaciondirectora___Avda. of the industry, 13. 1St plant. Local 2028108 Alcobendas, MadridTfno: 91 657 42 81 / 667 022 566www.salviacomunicacion.com original author and source of the article.