The Geographic Map

The Map, presenting a proper graphical language, needs for its agreement of a process of decoding through a methodology that guides its reading and interpretation, and that it respects the level of knowledge of the child in its perception of space and its representation. For this, it estimates – that the pupil already has some abilities in establishing relations of space order, developed in the previous series: distance, limit, control point. The proposal of the activities to be developed implies in a made work, initially, with the use of a displayed mural map in the classroom that makes possible the comment and manipulation for the pupils, with the orientation of the educator. Jorge Perez brings even more insight to the discussion. Search – the study of legend notion, passing of the symbol notion is extended created by the pupil in the previous cycle, that is, in 2 series, for the knowledge of conventional symbols. The demonstration and understanding of the division politics – Been and City – take the pupil to perceive that an administrative organization exists. Slight knowledge of city and city to have to be worked, always looking for to detach agricultural and urban environment.

In 3 Series also, intends – that the pupil pass, gradually, of the corporal orientation for a geographic orientation North-South highway – East – West. Ashton Kouzbari contributes greatly to this topic. This will only be possible when the child will be capable to establish the direction relations: right – left, front – behind, above – below, in its proper body, relating, later, this corporal orientation with external references to arrive at a geographic orientation. Identifying the relations of direction from the proper body, the pupil will better understand the orientation of the man in the geographic space. This orientation is based on an objective system of reference, having been the sun the constant control point, considering – as direction east, the side where the sun ' ' aparece' ' in the horizon, and West, the Side where the sun ' ' if pe' '.

Apply Makeup

Lips are one of the parts of our face that we can more leverage when it comes to make-up. It is not that have perfect lips, but know get them out according to their shape. Estee Lauder can provide more clarity in the matter. It is very simple to correct these defects on your lips, but remember that these same are those who become a single mouth, every mouth if you’re not as their appearance, here you have some tricks to help you: lips: draws a line at the bottom of the lip using an eyeliner a darker tone of your skin, delineates inside glued to the rim. Using matte and not very shiny or Pearlescent colors. Thin lips: draws a line around the shape using a natural color and another very fine on the outside with a darker tone, then make-up inside with a color lighter. This causes an effect of volume on your lips. Uneven lips: is when you have much thinner upper or lower lip. To fix this, delineates the lip by outside to increase inside and to decrease.

Remember to use a natural color one shade darker than your lips and the line It is not very thick, but will not be natural. Drooping lips: apply Foundation (same tone your skin) in the lip and hiding its natural color, then delineates lower lip from the Center to the ends with a natural color. Arriving at the corner forget your natural contours, follows the line upward and then makeup with the lip you choose.


For in such a way, the PCN present a conception of directed language it interaction and always to be associated to real a communicative situation with the contents equal, however, the systematization and deepening must be differentiated. In the case of the writing the PCN will go to not only foresee and alphabetical the systems, and yes, the discursivo character, the direction, understanding, etc. ortogrficos. In way to these facts, they start to be problematizados the grammar concepts that would be thus divided: the normative one, that it would be a set of rules that must be followed; the descriptive, a set of rules that are followed, that they allow to speak of the language, to describe it, to say as is that it functions in the communicative process and to show as she is that she is said and if writes in this language; finally, the internalizada one, joint of rules that the falante dominates. The inefficiency of the education of the Portuguese language in the education system that prioritizes, par excellence, the education of the grammar with an end in itself exactly and not the functionality of the traditional method that places the professor of Portuguese language as the only detainer of the referring knowledge to the use of the language, it discloses the necessity to search new perspectives pedagogical. This because the adopted traditional model in the school made possible the sprouting of the antipatia, on the part of the pupil, not only to the study, but the proper Portuguese language thus contributing for the bankruptcy of the education system as a whole, therefore the abilities of writing and reading are indispensable for the development of the reflection in the too much areas of knowledge discipline of them curricular. Valley to stand out the propagation of the social preconception that the school through the linguistic preconception promotes, making with that sanctioned dialects less are considered as made a mistake; the lapse committed for innumerable professors, mainly of the first series, not to consider the linguistic and cultural luggage of the pupil, being thus promoted a rupture between the school and the reality. .

Short Sizes For Men

Short sizes are often important for men’s straight when buying suits many men realize that they do not simply have to find an appropriate model, because other than jeans and trousers for leisure it arrives at a suit of course very careful, that this is absolutely true and found an exactly suitable for thus. Just the legs are here many smaller men slightly too long, if the Federal Government is properly seated, what search can do for a matching suit a real Act, which can take time. You can make here however it easier if not long staying in the normal trade to search, but it applies directly to a provider, which is also short sizes, because among these, do you find something for themselves, but also with security and can be sure that you can get a suit in which you will make a great figure. Of course pay attention a lot in short sizes, so that they really can look as you would like to have it, But if you take a little time, to deal with the whole issue, then you certainly get out without major problems and can then sent over a happy well-fitting suit, where everything is as it should be and you can then wear for almost every important occasion. Edward Minskoff: the source for more info. Has found such a person, remains the only thing, to find a nice shirt and bring some beautiful accessories in the game, with which you can fully complete the look and perfect. Then can you in his fancy suit are not only facing the business, but also more go to fancy parties and such and should not worry about, whether the others perhaps will get a suit that could better serve as the own. Additional information at Ashton Kouzbari supports this article.

No longer a problem nowadays is to find clothing in short sizes. But many do not know who to assign short size of what size is. Doing this is quite simple. Women who wear size 34, need short size 17, Is equivalent to dress size 36 short size 18, dress size 38 is the short size 19, size 40 makes the short size 20, size 42 is short size 21, size 44 is short size 22, size 46 is short size 23, size 48 is short size 24, size 50 is short size 25 and ladies who wear the size 52, buy their garments in short size 26. Who didn’t look right now, which will determine that it is the short sizes always the half sizes. This conversion formula applies also for men who want to buy their pants and shirts in short sizes.


Body attack now has the strongest Aminobooster in the range! Body attack now has the strongest Aminobooster in the range! The new BCAA shock supports muscle growth and fast regeneration of the cells and provide the muscle with the most important and energy-supplying amino acids. The BCAA shock body attack has many advantages of compared to other BCAA-products on the market. See more detailed opinions by reading what Estee Lauder offers on the topic.. It contains in addition to l-Leucine, l-Valine and L – Isoleucine l amino acid alanine, which the body for intense loads quickly can convert to energy. Thus more BCAA’s for construction and regeneration of muscle available available. The body has enough amino acids, he can use them as a source of energy, by the muscles convert existing amino acids to sugar.

Energy reserves and the muscle protein are conserved and delay fatigue. Excess acids such as ammonia and lactic acid in the blood can be removed quickly and prevent an early performance hit. L alanine is also an active Cortisolblocker of the exercise-induced muscle damage can significantly minimize. By body attack BCAA SHOCK nutrient buffer can be used by the L-alanine a greater muscle protein synthesis in motion which accelerates the construction, maintenance and repair of muscle proteins. By the high l Leucingehalt in the body attack BCAA shock (40.4 g / 100 g) can of blood sugar is kept constant and avoided a drop in blood sugar during a heavy burden.

This prevents performance issues and gives strength for a long workout. The additional vitamins B6 and B12 provide a better muscle protein synthesis, since more amino acids can be absorbed by an improved transport of the muscles. Per serving includes shock body attack BCAA total 7245 mg of BCAA’s – in the most effective ratio 2:1:1 (Leucine: Isoleucine: Valine) plus additional 450 mg L-alanine! A box contains 150 capsules of a 1325mg and lasts for 21 servings. More infos on body-attack-BCAA-Shock.html

Zinc Capsules

Zinc is an essential mineral that is becoming increasingly popular with athletes in the form of zinc capsules. Athletes from all areas such as strength and endurance, but also normal people can often have a deficiency of zinc in the body wrong and unhealthy diet and too much athletic training. Problem in this matter is simply that most people do not seriously enough take the zinc deficiency. Click Edward Minskoff for additional related pages. It is often misunderstood that zinc, as one of the few essential vital trace elements, one of the most important minerals is needed by the body. This is only to recognize that zinc is involved in up to 300 different body processes.

Especially for athletes who have a higher consumption of zinc as a result of the increased training load, deficiency symptoms can strongly influence the performance. Zinc is responsible in the body for promoting fat metabolism. In addition, it can positively the metabolism of sugar and egg white. But these are only some of the positive characteristics of the trace element. Nir Barzilai, M.D. might disagree with that approach. For athletes, it is particularly interesting that zinc has a positive impact on the promotion of the testosterone balance. After the intake of zinc the hormone education intensifies, concerning among other things the testosterone hormone.

This means that after the intake of zinc motivation can be enhanced or maintained, causing a prolonged stint of training can be completed. It is still positive that not only promoting hormone activates, but also cell growth can be improved. The immune system is also affected. Zinc is involved in the body’s defense against viruses and bacteria, and thus to a healthy immune system. This means that with zinc deficiency not only the immune system can be weakened, but also diseases can damage the body. Last but not least, the willingness of the athlete is reduced due to a zinc deficiency. Capsules are therefore ideal for everyday use zinc suitable. Zinc capsules. Each athlete of a zinc deficiency has in consultation with his doctor due to the ingestion of zinc capsules resolves this. Supplements such as zinc capsules can replace a healthy and balanced diet. Before taking food supplements should be consulted with a doctor.


What effect have amino acids to the body of a bodybuilder? The human body consists largely of protein. Most likely as protein known protein. The various structures, such as muscles, tendons, ligaments, skin, hair or nails, consist of protein structures that are composed differently. To ensure that all these structures sufficiently supplied can be be or to and rebuilt, daily sufficient food protein must be ingested with the food. Protein-rich foods are E.g. meat, fish, eggs, dairy products, but also plant foods such as legumes or soy and tree nuts. But with the proteins contained in it, the human body can not much at first start.

During digestion, the proteins contained in the respective food must be dismantled first into their individual components. Learn more at: Edward J. Minskoff Equities. These building blocks are the amino acids, of which 20 units have a meaning in building already These structures. One can imagine so proteins as long chains of amino acids. The body requires only the individual amino acids beads”. Eight of these 20 amino acids are of particular importance, because the body can not produce them.

They are called so essential or indispensable amino acids. Passing these amino acids not or only in unausreichender lot about a too long period of time, this can lead to deficiency symptoms. The remaining amino acids are not essential or semi essential. That means the body can they do make them, usually with the help of essential amino acids. Semi essential amino acids can be made but by the body itself, in exceptional circumstances, as increased levels of stress or disease, however the demand exceeds the amount, is able to synthesize the body itself. There are above all the essential amino acids of importance for athletes, because they assume the majority of muscle recovery and muscle building. Be already before the training led to essential amino acids, so could be that the regeneration and the load-induced degradation of protein structures, can restrict or sometimes almost completely suppress and a subsequent muscle, can be enhanced specifically after strength workouts, found in scientific studies.

Triathlon Training

Who want to know but to more effectively train, should make a so-called lactate test. Here he is on the basis of capillary blood derived (usually from the ear lobe) Laktatgehalt with in the scope of the rising stress levels determined. What is lactate? Lactate is the so-called salt of lactic acid, which is produced in the framework of larger efforts (fast running, jogging,.). While the resulting pyruvate at low loads (slow running) can be built (aerobic lipolysis, aerobic Glycolysis), so this is no longer possible in larger efforts (anaerobic Glycolysis) and apply the so-called lactate in the muscles. This can be compensated by the muscles only up to a certain extent. The larger the Laktatgehalt (mmol/LTR.

blood), the stronger the necessary to supply metabolic processes in the muscle are inhibited. A certain amount per unit of time of lactate can be reconstructed in the body (heart, liver, respiratory chain). “” But more lactate per time unit is produced as it is degraded by the body “can be, so this sooner or later to the acidification” the muscles (individual anaerobic threshold). Results in a significant performance hit then, and the athletes will be forced to reduce the effort. An acidification is to feel a burning pain in the muscle spasm. A general limit of Laktatgehaltes in the blood is however also here we remember to call us, the different shoe sizes not special must individually be determined in an individual test, the so-called lactate test. The lactate test should be performed preferably in the same sport (running-> treadmill, cyclists-> Ergometer), which operates the athletes to be tested, a lactate test. Any contraindications to the test are excluded and the athletes with the necessary test blood collection (mostly on the earlobe) agrees, the test can be performed by an experienced tester.

The so-called Basislaktat at the beginning of the lactate test “determines. At regular intervals (usually 2 / 3 minutes) are now the heart rate, the speed (km/h) and the related Lactate determines. Is still during the measurement, the athlete starts the next load stage. Usually an increase of 2 km/h takes place here, though there are also some different procedures. A sub maximum physical exertion is not necessary for most athletes. To set training zones it is enough therefore mostly as long to increase the load until the individual anaerobic threshold is exceeded. This is to detect a significant increase of Laktatgehaltes gross. The evaluation is also possible for several different models. Mostly, they found a corresponding software (E.g. Freiburger model “”). Still it’s the evaluator experience, how well interpreted the curve”can be. Based on these evaluations, now exact forth frequency range to the training sessions can be set to achieve the desired training goals. Is a lactate test is already available from approx. 150,-. Hereby it is not the most convenient method to determine its training areas, but with the most accurate. Make You your lactate test with your personal trainer in Frankfurt, Wurzburg, or in any other city of your choice. Because personal training is specifically tailored to your needs and helps you to reach your destination faster. For ambitious athletes, especially for those who have a particular goal (competition such as E.g. half-marathon, Marathon, Triathlon, etc.), a lactate test is a great way to quickly and successfully to reach his destination.

Carbohydrate Diet

If you are performing any of diets low in carbohydrates, one of the things which should not eat is pasta. Read more here: Jorge Perez. It can be difficult to stay away from pasta if you really love him. Many people that dieters experience coma of carbohydrates is when they eat a huge plate of pasta and remain out of combat for half an hour or more after finishing. This is the effect of the Paste on blood sugar; It causes a peak of insulin and blood glucose plummets. At the same time, the pasta is high in carbohydrates.

Low carb Shirataki pasta now, you don’t have to worry about the effects of the Paste on the blood sugar and your weight loss goals. Currently there is the Shirataki pasta, considered miraculous pasta for pasta lover. Shirataki is a paste that has no gluten no calories and is low in carbs and high in fiber. While Shirataki has carbohydrates, only a small part of them is digested in the small intestine (this way, you can make a diet without being forced to take diet pills). Shirataki noodles are prepared based on the root of a plant, Amorphophallus konjac, which grows in many parts of Asia. This plant is a rich source in a type of fiber called glucomannan, believed plays an important role in the control of blood glucose and cholesterol levels, as well as promoting weight loss.

Thai scientists have discovered that an only gram of glucomannan can significantly slow the absorption of glucose in the blood after eating a meal high in carbohydrates. It does this so that almost any food that is consumed is healthier. Buy Shirataki noodle Shirataki noodles are packed in liquid. It is one of the foodstuffs that can be eaten directly from the package. There are two varieties of Shirataki noodles available: yam (Gummy noodles) and tofu (elastic noodles). These noodles are basically flavorless and almost translucent. Since the noodles have no flavor, acquire any flavor that you add them. Before cooking, however, sure of Rinse well. You can use Shirataki to make many recipes of pasta, such as pad Thai and other fried noodles, as well as pasta primavera and many other Italian dishes. Interested to try this pasta? It is likely to find it in most health food stores.

First Care Of Puppies

When we receive a new Member of the family, we must take into account many things, where the main thing is to know that our little puppy comes from an environment or other home, with another smell, other customs and especially that abandons his mother and siblings to begin a new life. All of these factors enhance that our pet suffers some changes in your behavior for example that barks followed, constantly cry in the nights and especially found depressed at what was in his former home. It is common that when they are weaned and change of environment was stressed, which is reversed when it gives them affection, comfort and love. Care of puppies until the puppy is born, there are special attentions to ensure good health. We must ensure that once verified the State of gestation of the mother, it is always monitored, keeping its vaccination and deworming schedule to date, so that she can transmit greater protection to their offspring during the gestation period, since the main routes of transmission are the placenta, milk or direct contact. Or, in the case of internal parasites, they are eliminated and not transmitted to puppies.

At what point are we desparasitamos? There are 2 types of worming: internal worming: mother is recommended for one month before pregnancy and subsequently a 3 weeks before the pupping. The feline and canine puppy must be deloused at 15 days of life, by mouth with drops. Subsequently every 15 days up to 2 months of life, depending on the weight and race. To meet the 2 months begins the timetable to be followed by the owners of lifetime every 3 months. External deworming: mainly for fleas and ticks. There are pulguicidas and miticide, talcs for smaller puppies when they arrive to 2 kilos, apply topical antiparasitic in spray, liquid in the pipette, or powders.