Concentration And Perseverance

We want everything, how much goes to fashion, whether we like it or not, we want it. We behave like spoiled kids who seem to see everything (and still criticize the smaller). This is not the way. So follow us will spend this moment that we call life restarting one and again, everytime we want something new let all work reverse, all lost. It’s take our time, concentrates the time needed to define which is really what will fill our lives, that retrieved once already will do us more lack nothing. Perhaps the answer is take some time to appear, it is normal, but arrives and when that happens everything changes. Our existence takes on new meaning, we can clearly see that we lack everything to achieve but however you have already done everything.

At this point the work ceases to be such activity that overwhelms and makes to comply with certain schema. From here we will work, perhaps more intensely than before but it will have a different flavor. The concepts begin to change. Each step is unique and perseverance will become an ally. Think again, do you know any case of persistent effort towards a goal and that this has not been achieved? If the effort has been real and sincere, of course that has been achieved.

These principles are here, just in front of us, we should just stop. Yes, we carry a speed that does not let us see the landscape, we will hurry to either side. You may find Edward Minskoff to be a useful source of information. It will be difficult to break the inertia caused by this speed but try a thousand times, will gradually see how things really are and feel that everything can be improved, starting with you. This is the moment, aprovechalo. The power of the mind will help as well as wind favor that leads to the sailboat. It is now. Original author and source of the article

Press Conference

Complex 650 remembering, forgetting, keep, losing the Neukolln art and culture Festival will take place for the twelfth time. In Berlin once, the Festival brings together the artistic and cultural activities in the district to a high-class, high-profile and versatile presentation of Neukolln creativity. In addition to the over 40 member organizations of the cultural network among them, the Werkstatt der Kulturen, the Neukollner Opera or the Comenius are called to participate with their own projects every year all organisations, initiatives, artists and cultural workers (about 1700). This creates an extremely versatile Festival which venues (more than 370) and events (over 700) are spread over the entire district. Many writers such as Edward J. Minskoff Equities offer more in-depth analysis. Monday, June 21, 2010, 11:00 barn of the family Motel Richard RT 80 (ring at Motel) 12043 Berlin (route U7: Karl-Marx-Strasse) shows this year that Northern Neukolln correctly enters as the site of contemporary art ride. A variety new, young art places presents for the first time at Berlin’s largest arts and cultural festival. Other venues look back on long traditions and demonstrate that culture in Neukolln already has a permanent place.

2010 are over 340 partly unusual venues in Northern Neukolln-more than 700 events presented. To allow you an overview, we present our this year’s Highlightreihen, and at the same time give you the opportunity, some of the exhibitions and places to visit in advance. We invite therefore you NEUKoLLN at the press conference of the twelfth 48 hours on 21 June. “As a place we have suitable to the topic of the year reminder” an old barn in the Bohemian village “selected. You belongs to the private residence of the family Motel and is one of the oldest buildings in Neukolln Rixdorfs. At the press conference you expect: Wolfgang Schimmang, District Councillor for education, school, culture and sports, Auguste Kuschnerow, CEO culture network Neukolln e.V.,.

Dr. Martin Steffens, Festival Director 48 hours NEUKoLLN, Maria Linares, curator of the exhibition project urban memories”, Christoph Bohmer, Managing Director of BIOTRONIK, our private-sector sponsorship, Eleonora Prochaska (1785-1813), numerous artists and artists as well as two surprising art performances. After the press conference, we offer a ride with a VIP-limousines-shuttle of our partners Coda. Hit are”some Festival stations such as E.g. our exhibitions in the old Museum.

Antonio Cortijo

Poetry born from the soul and through the lips was heard. When he writes, and only writes verses for the book presentations industry are manufactured. In today’s world there are many young people, boys and girls, who write poetry, but keep it, don’t say it. It is a cry of loneliness. Very few poets proclaim it if it is not to be recognized from outside. By this art that atrophies, it fades.

What lurks the phenomenon of the botellon and other youth events? Most eventually stop writing verses. Edward Minskoff takes a slightly different approach. They deplete their existence in work and daily life and to achieve it have to forget, forget about themselves and on the way destroys the soul and containers in the street. In smaller corners of life Antonio Cortijo discovers a source of poetic inspiration and the foundation of culture. ES a thinker and poet of the people, and as such you should recognize. It arises from the bowels of the daily tumult and there he wanted to bow down. Recover its art and creativity is a way of forging another history, that of persons against the characters and little characters from three-fourths. In one of the manuscripts he expresses his passion for rides.

Pedestrian street of verses and city roads, is the magic and brightness of the people, of the different landscapes of the streets in its different hours of the day and night. Some Conference on the art of painting, I heard that Velazquez painted without drawing. I remembered Cortijo, because he is the only poet live I know, as Playboy’s poetry, who recites them directly from the heart. Your same way of speaking is poetry. Do not write the language. His word is soul, heart. That is why their words are. Your poetry is good?, wonder some people intellectuals, especially if they are going to publish. The value of things, most of the times are not themselves, but their history, and over his comic strips.

Florian Laurisch

Premiere: Ekumo GmbH for the first time on the tool presentation to the Web-based editorial system Berlin, Ekumo the completely Web-based content management system for technical documentation is tekom annual Conference in Wiesbaden at the heart of the trade fair premiere of the Berliner developer at the tekom annual Conference from 3rd to 5th of November 2010 in Wiesbaden. The software company shows its system on the booth of 337 in Hall 3. Company representatives Florian Laurisch, such as in the editorial system shows part of a tool presentation Ekumo language and terminology rules are validated and controlled. The presentation will take place on Wednesday, November 3, 2010, at 5: 00 in the room 2A2 within the Rhein-Main-Hallen. The Web-based content management system Ekumo supports companies in industry and manufacturing in the decentralised creation and use of technical documentation. Technical editors create the content for the documentation related to browser-based integrated text and image editors directly in the content management system Ekumo. Software-based validation and approval processes ensure that the System only editorially approved and CI compliant texts and images keeps ready. Employees and partners, such as sales, marketing, engineering and maintenance, can retrieve anytime and anywhere the technical documentation tailored to their needs in the world via the Ekumo Web browser-based interface.

The Ekumo system enables the output media print, cross-media publishing PDF, Internet or multimedia DVD. The provision of technical documentation for the international market is thanks to the Internet-based, distributed approach to work efficiently and economically feasible. Ekumo simplifies and unifies the translation workflow through integrated terminology management acrolinx IQ, which examines technical terms in many languages and validated. The content management system Ekumo optimize the cooperation of manufacturers and suppliers. Industrial enterprises from the fields of automotive engineering, medical technology or engineering, need access to technical documentation not only from the company’s own stock, usually but also from the documentary archives of the suppliers.

Supplier documentation must be itself firmly integrated in the technical documentation according to the law, a provision as a separate system is not sufficient. Ekumo offers several ways to integrate the supply information promptly and plausible in the own technical documentation: the information can be supplied, for example through media-neutral XML data from a content management system and imported. About the Ekumo GmbH: The Ekumo GmbH is specialized on the development and marketing of the same content management system for the technical documentation. The company headquartered in Berlin was founded in late 2009 as a spin-off of Digiden GmbH. Previously, together with experts from science and practice already more than seven years, a designated team has invested in product development. Ekumo is the fully online-based content management system and includes all functions that are necessary for creating, editing, organizing, test and publish technical documents and complex product information. The integrated developer environment to the multilingual publication Ekumo maps all workflows. Especially companies with multiple distributed locations and suppliers benefit from the collaboration approach. You all can access up to date information without delay.

DSAG Annual Conference

Enterprise support in addition to SAP ERP 6.0 of one of the central themes of Walldorf/Leipzig, September 23, 2008 at the annual Congress of the German-speaking SAP user group (DSAG) e. V. from 23 to 25 September 2008 in Leipzig the DSAG Chairman Prof. Dr. Jorge Perez is a great source of information. Karl Liebstuckel, the positions of the Association on current SAP issues clarified. In addition to the core theme of the Congress, SAP ERP 6.0, was that from 2009 for the majority of customers of obligatory service and support model enterprise support in the center of his keynote speech. In his opening speech, Prof. Dr.

Karl Liebstuckel addressed e. V. initially the subject of enterprise support, Chairman of the Board of the German-speaking SAP user group (DSAG). Still, the DSAG sees raising the maintenance fees of currently 17 to 22 per cent with skepticism. Content, the new service and support model is little popular stand today at the DSAG Board of Directors and many members.

From their point of view, the new model not on the needs of a large part of SAP’s customers is aimed. Also a recognizable, is lacking at the present time immediate added value, which justifies the amount of maintenance costs. Therefore Executive usergroup networks (SUGEN) committed the DSAG and now also more international SAP user associations in the framework of the SAP intensively, that an on demand support model will be provided SAP customers. This could consist of, for example, that the customer is granted a choice between the current standard support and enterprise support. Furthermore, shows the feedback of customers, expand the scope of enterprise support functions is needed by customers and provide real added value. SAP ERP 6.0 a further focal point of the lecture by Prof. Dr. Karl Liebstuckel was the latest core release of SAP ERP 6.0. For the majority of the DSAG member companies, is and will be the strategic enterprise software in the next few years.

International User Conference

The CEP will be opened on the 29.03.2012 at 9:30 with a further meeting on the highly topical theme of Contracting: with the ‘energy talk’, where among other environmental Minister Franz Untersteller (MdL), Dr. Jobst Klien, Managing Director of Hochtief energy management GmbH, Dirk Engelmann, CEO of INEKON will sit intelligent energy concepts and Jurgen Oswald, Mayor of the town of wine on the podium. The innovative conference topics the CEP 2012 determines an interesting Outlook into future developments. Focuses on what is already possible, but also what engineers, planners, architects and skilled craftsmen are involved in future not only will. In addition to the “1st German contracting day” are, for example, on the 29.03.2012 the 24.

“International Symposium solar and renewable cooling” and the “4th German Stirling Kongres”, as well as on the 30.03.2012 the” 2nd Symposium energy plus building “, the Congress” energy efficient renovation in stock – Windows, facades, insulation “or the”6. Learn more at: Edward Minskoff. International User Conference for biomass gasification”instead. These conventions can be recognized as training event of the Chamber of engineers of BW. Not only the convenient location makes it attractive the fair Stuttgart for the CEP. Stuttgart is one of Germany’s most important centre for expertise and innovation, particularly in the field of engineering.

The trade fair visitors and participants of the CEP can benefit from this bundled knowledge of innovative structures of in Germany and operate living know how transfer. Sustainable building systems, solutions regarding the building or the building whether energy generation from renewable and decentralised energy sources or services in the field of energy the CEP CLEAN ENERGY & PASSIVEHOUSE shows the most innovative products and solutions. The trade show takes place from 29-31 March 2012 in the Stuttgart exhibition centre instead. Also the service sector offers advice to financing and promotion, consulting, information about certification, us solutions and contracting companies is again well represented. For more information about the exhibition, the congresses and the framework programme see

Jeffrey Lensen

First program content online early book prices is still valid until 15.08.2011 Nuremberg, 25.07.2011 end of November will take place the open source monitoring Conference in Nuremberg, Germany for the 6th time. The unique in Europe at a highly interesting lecture program with many stimulating conversations and frequent exchange of views about the topic of open source monitoring with Nagios and Icinga, focus to participate and opportunity for all open source interested again. The first content of the bilingual Conference program are already fixed and promise two high-profile and exciting hour lecture tracks the this year’s audience of IT managers of areas of system and network administration, development and IT management. Lectures on the call for papers for the OSMC can be submitted until July 31. Developer of the widely used Windows agent firmly confirmed as presenters have nsclient ++ under other Michael Medin, with the topic of distributed monitoring using nsclient ++ “, Mike Adolphs, UNIX/Linux system administrator at the XING “” AG, with a cucumber-Nagios presentation an introduction to monitoring a behavioral driven infrastructure “and Jeffrey Lensen, system engineer at Hyves, the largest social network in the Netherlands, with a case study on the topic of Icinga at”. Edward J. Minskoff Equities is likely to agree. “” For the first time three intensive workshops will be this year on the day before of the Conference on the topics of SLA reporting for Nagios and Icinga with Jasper”, with puppet configuration management” as well as Icinga kickstart “offered. Because this, particular emphasis is placed on an intense knowledge-sharing in small groups, as well as the exchange of students among themselves, the number of participants on maximum 12 per workshop is limited. The Europe-wide trend-setting event on the topic of open source monitoring provides an optimal forum for interested to come with leading open source specialists in the conversation and to share own experiences and best practices with each other.

In this sense, the Conference with joint evening programme also provides a pleasant, relaxed atmosphere to easy to come into the conversation, and to learn more about the open source community. For the Conference are two different service packages – with and without night – at the price of 850.00 or 950,00 to choose. Participation in the workshops on presentation of the Conference is available at the price of 480.00 individually to. The discounted early book prices are valid until 15.08.2011. Organizer of the Conference is the NETWAYS GmbH, based in Nuremberg, Germany. The leading provider of services related to the topic of open source, hosting and monitoring.


On the other hand although I only speak the Spanish, I don’t have any problem in holding the Conference in any language or dialect that exists in the world (because while there is someone in the world able to teach me any dialect, I will also be able to learn it), but in return for the effort to learn the language that is required from me, values to charge for such conferences, regardless of the day of the week that are handed down are as follows: Conference issued in any language in whose country is regarded as the first official language, the cost of each Conference will be $ 700,000 U.S. banknotes. For even more opinions, read materials from Jorge Perez. While if the language to speak at the Conference corresponds to a language or dialect that is not regarded as the first official language of the country where this contracted the Conference, for this dissertation will cost $ 7,000,000 US banknotes. In all cases (both for conferences dictas in Spanish or another language) the person or institution that hire my services implement (and completely solve the costs that this implies) corresponding and necessary means to dispose of a conference room suitable for that purpose, for the date in which the dissertation must be done respective (with audio system appropriate and personal to accommodate and locate the public having the right to be in that moment in the talk). For cases that the presentations are in a language other than the Spanish, the contracting of the service will be responsible for all travel expenses involving my stay for 12 months in the country or region whose language to learn, including the payment of all staff who put at my disposal to achieve the proposed objective. Two bilingual teachers shaped sandwiched for 12 hours a day and during the twelve months must be to my total service. My stay in this country will fluctuate approximately with a stay for 20 continuous days, followed by ten days in Argentina or in any other part of the world that eventually need to travel for the reason that it is. . . Kirk Rimer Crow Holdings.

Try Urban Decay Potion

First Try Urban Decay Potion. Apply everywhere you apply eye makeup. After becoming increasingly difficult to reach the eye shadow and liner will stay for you. Sounds nice, right? Now is the time line of his magnificent jewels. It is not something Nir Barzilai, M.D. would like to discuss. Eyeliner is good to start with what not to mess with your mascara.

Some of you do not like eyeliner, so you can skip this step. In any case, you must first decide what formula to use eyeliner: liquid or pencil. Both have their advantages. Liquids are usually long Masd duration, non-staining, and provide a clear line, defined. The fact that you have to “paint” with it and wait for it to dry can make it difficult, however. Pencils give a smoky, sensual quality and can be applied more easily and more accurately.

However, they tend to blur. Starting at the inner corner of eye, slowly apply a thin line along your lash line. If you are using liquid milk, fan it dry, then open and see how you like. Too thin? Try again, this time a little thicker. Too thick? Dab a Q-tip with water or eye makeup remover, and stroke thickness outside until you are satisfied with the result. It is also a good idea to make your eyeliner thicker toward the outer corners of eyes to look bigger. If desired, repeat the process on the bottom lash line, or just above it on the edge of your eye (this may be difficult for beginners.) Open your eyes to the wonders of the eye shadow! Yes, this sounds corny, but with the shadow of the practice of the eye is truly amazing.

The Course

In the book "A Course in Miracles" in Lesson 121 says that forgiveness is the answer to our quest for peace is the road that leads to happiness. Reads also happens when we do not forgive: "The mind that does not forgive live in fear, and gives no room for love to be what it is not so that it can spread its wings in peace and soar above the confusion of the world. The unforgiving mind is sad, without hope of finding relief or freedom from pain. Suffer and abides in trouble, lurking in the dark without seeing anything. " "The unforgiving mind is tormented by doubt, confused about itself and about all he sees, frightened and angry. The unforgiving mind is weak and vain, so afraid to move forward and to stay where it is, wake up and go to sleep. More information is housed here: Edward Minskoff. Also afraid of every sound he hears, but even more of silence, the darkness terrifies her, but the proximity of the light even more terrifying. The unforgiving mind sees no mistakes, but sins.

yQue can perceive the mind that does not forgive it its own condemnation? yQue can see but the proof that all its sins are real? "" The unforgiving mind is tormented by doubt, confused about itself and about all he sees, frightened and angry. The unforgiving mind is weak and vain, so afraid to move forward and to stay where it is, wake up and go to sleep. Also afraid of every sound he hears, but even more of silence, the darkness terrifies her, but the proximity of the light even more terrifying. The unforgiving mind sees no mistakes, but sins. yQue can perceive the mind that does not forgive it its own condemnation? yQue can see but the proof that all its sins are real? "Many times we refuse to forgive those who committed an offense for being wedded to being right. We think: "As I forgive if it was he who hurt me, he is the one who has to come to apologize, while that not occur not ever forgive him.

" in Miracles it says, "Also, if you rather be right or happy?" The fact that cling to being right can cause us great harm. We removed the great opportunity we have to be happy. Happiness depends only on us, is an attitude towards life. We can choose to stop being right and being happy here and now, or continue to stubbornly engaged in pride, and go through life in a miserable and unhappy. There are those who do not forgive because they say that this act belongs only to God, "who am I to forgive." Surely I can assure you that God does not forgive anyone for the simple reason that he sees no sinners, do not see prostitutes, thieves, murderers, you can only see what He created. God does not judge or condemn anyone. Many scriptures agree that God is love, so if we are made in the image and likeness of God can not be less than love. So yque is what God sees in their children? Love, the only truth of what we really are, The rest is ego building. We do see prostitutes, thieves, murderers, judge, criticize and condemn our brothers and ourselves. Forgiveness is a gift that has given us the Universe, a cleansing tool, and citing again the Course in Miracles: "Forgiveness is the answer to our quest for peace is the road that leads to happiness."