DNUG Autumn Conference

What’s new for experienced and prospective Lotus user Jena, November 26, 2009 – the second Conference for Lotus users this year took on 17th and 18th November 2009 at Hotel Esperanto Fulda instead. The European launch of version 8.5 of the IBM unified collaboration and communication platform Sametime was embedded in a wide range of topics that are in the central interest of the user. With the integrated University Day, the user group for the umpteenth time promoted exchanges between academia and industry. The European launch of Lotus Sametime 8.5 coined the first day of the Conference and moved through the complete conference programme. In the keynote address by Bruce Morse Lotus Vice President unified communications, was about how communication and collaboration in the future on the basis of Lotus Software in modern enterprises, how the communication and travel expenses significantly can be reduced with the new possibilities. In the subsequent technical presentations the experts presented specifically the IBM Sametime product management, phone functions in Lotus Sametime, Lotus Notes and other environments are integrated, how integrate Sametime into existing audio/video infrastructure works and the benefits from optimized programming. The installation of a complete Sametime 8.5 infrastructure time needed two hours could be tested in the hands-on lab.

On the previous day reported migration experiences, which made DNUG members with Sametime in conjunction with the Lotus connections-based platform EULUC. This preparatory work to give the members already before the final release the opportunity to try out the new features and plan their own migration strategies. The live test in an existing environment also gives opportunity to sign also difficulties to the development team; an advantage that ultimately will benefit the product and thus all users. Social software for DNUG members first and foremost, EULUC, means to take advantage of the platform of the user group and become familiar in this way with the new medium.

The Culture

No less effective stimulants were corn steep liquor and yeast karatinoidnye. In aqueous emulsions of corn steep liquor (5 mg / l), the number of bacteria reached 0.5, and karatinoidnyh yeast (5 mg / L) – 0.4 mln.kl. / ml. Making them into the culture medium allowed to maintain a supply of trophic brahionusa at a high enough level. During the experiment (11 days) in the number of bacteria ranged from cultivators to 116.8 223.7 mln.kl.

/ ml. The results are show that stimulation of growth of bacteria when cultured brahionusa, other species of rotifers most efficient use of feed mixtures of fodder (hydrolysis) of yeast enriched with 6% lysine (10 mg / L) corn steep liquor (5 mg / l), karatinoidnyh yeast (5 mg / l) and chlorella (1.5 – 2.0 mln.kl. / ml). Each component must be soaked for 20-24 hours prior to the introduction of cultivators. Chlorella should be made fresh daily.

To obtain Culture brahionusa used dried resting eggs, harvested early. After drying at 35-40 C temperamtype they remain viable for at least 4 years. Original culture can brahionusa receive introducing a small amount of resting eggs (3-5 mg) in a glass of water 50 ml, containing at 24-26 C. The period of egg development for about 3-4 days. The day before hatching of juveniles, to ensure food needs, the glasses have made the culture of Chlorella, the rate of 2.0-2.5 mln.kl. / ml. After the appearance of juveniles initially seated in the small blood vessels (100-150 ml) and with increasing numbers of culture depending on the needs were transferred to larger capacity.

Separate Things

After going through a relationship and breakup, get back together is not easy. Try to forgive and forget the problems that may have led to your ex to break such a wonderful relationship. So, what I can do to win back my ex? The simplest situation is if your break was for something minor. Simply say that you are sorry might be all you need to fix things. If your ex listens and accepts your apology, it is likely that you can start right where you left off the relationship. Not much time has been lost and things will return to normal.

And if things were serious as I get back to my ex? When you are trying to retrieve to your ex in more difficult times, it is important not to rush things. If you do presipitadamente things to win back your ex only it will worsen things for you. Your ex is very likely to try to avoid you if you keep harassing the theme. Let your ex in your space at least a couple of weeks until the two have had the opportunity to calm down. Break can be made that the people are angry and frustrated and this is not a condition for treating the topic of get back together. When you’ve calmed down (a) can think rationally, hasle, a call to your ex and ask if you could meet with you.

If you agree, then this is the first step forward. When you begin to keep the conversation light. It talks about the good times and avoids discussion of bad things amongst yourselves that led to their breakup. If you’re meeting goes well question if you can go to dinner with you at a later date. Up here this very well if the date of the dinner goes well, then forward and tell him how you feel about get back together. It is possible to tell you that you feel the same way, or you can say that it is not something to consider at this time, but if you think about it. Don’t push the problem; and gives you space to think about it for a while. You can feel good because at least you gave something in what think, for now. Give them a couple of days and hasle another call only to a small conversation. Do not remember the quotation, let’s continue the conversation. If you do not you receive a response back immediately be patient, if you start to search desperately for your plan will not work in your favor. You plan on another excursion with your ex, but that is simple. Ask him if he would like to accompany you to an amusement park or neutral somewhere. The pasiencia to win back my ex just have fun and not talk about get back together. How much more time together in a relaxed atmosphere, you can see how you’ve improved and will give a positive impression of you. The process of retrieving my ex can take awhile, but if you do well you will have the opportunity to start your relationship again. Remember, be patient and do not use caution you. If you want to save your relationship, it would be essential to learn everything you can. If you just by improvising you have possibilities of making the situation worse. This site is one of the best to help save the relationship, make sure you review it. As retrieve your wife how to recover your man

Want Language

What grades did you get in school in a foreign language? It is better not to remember? And as was the case in the institute? Indeed, it is good that some things in the past. For example, such as evaluation of someone your English or another foreign language. Rather, this evaluation is now, if you're in the process of life takes a job in a foreign company or surrender of any tests. Even when you travel, the local population is quite can discuss your accent whispering while you order coffee, or ask how to get to the library. However, all is not so terrible – so we teach the language to use them in appropriate situations and not worry about who and what We think. And here in the U.S. city of Dallas is not so long ago the incident occurred, which was almost turned into a public scandal.

Some woman was fined on the street for … that she did not speak in English! Cop first stopped her car because she made a prohibited turn. For some time he was studying her papers, and then started asking questions and discovered that she does not speak in English. It turned out that the woman had recently arrived from a east of the country and not really had time to learn the language. Diligent police, not taking into account its circumstances, sent her a card penalty for not knowing English! Later it turned out that a police officer in addition to being overdone, and yet no law.

The U.S. does have a law prohibiting individuals who do not speak English, drive a car – but only cargo! More concerned taxi drivers, who by law must know the official language of the country, but not common people! As a result, police were accused on several counts, including the racism against immigrant women. All ended well, the incident deemed accidental, but Police and his colleagues were sent to courses to repeat the law. Therefore, if you were going to go to the U.S. and take a ride on a rented car, but not yet speak English, do not worry, no you will not be arrested. However, this is not a reason not learn the language. You're not just going to ride in a car in the U.S.? And now – an interesting resource about the development of foreign languages: – Want to practice the conjugation of verbs studied your language? Then go here! Language Resource – English. Sincerely, S. Vasilenko e-mail for communication: serg753 (dog) rambler.ru 'Universal methods improved foreign languages! '- Master the language independently and effectively

Message Text

On the other hand, simultaneous translation is required create the translation together with the receipt for the translator of the original text, so the translator seeks to begin the transition as soon as he received the information within the meaning of the group. Here, the value of a unit process transfer is determined by a segment of speech, have a relatively independent meaning, and allows the interpreter to choose the structure of a sentence in the translation. In simultaneous interpreting is often the minimum unit translation process is a whole utterance, especially if at the end of its elements are essential to understanding the message. Consequently, the actions of the interpreter is always possible to find two interrelated stages of the translation process, different nature of speech acts. The first stage of the interpreter are associated with extracting information from the original (clarification of the meaning). At this stage translator receives the information contained both in the translated segment of the original, and in the linguistic and situational context, and based on this information, make any necessary conclusions about the content, which he will play in the next step. The second – the entire procedure of choice in taking the necessary means of language when creating text translation. In the first stage of the translation act translator acts as a receptor of the text original. In a sense, an understanding of the original translator differs from the understanding of the same text receptors perceiving it without the intention to transfer.

Harvard University

Richard Wilson, researcher at Harvard University, the Earth swallowed up by a black hole: some seven years ago, when relativistic heavy Lion catcher was building in NY Brookhaven National Laboratory, there was concern that could form a State of dense matter that had not existed before. At that time was the largest particle accelerator built in world and would make gold ions that they chocasen with great force. The risk was that it could reach a stage that could make a black hole. Although the possibility of a black hole to engulf the earth over the next 70 years is perhaps too low within a few decades, with other particle accelerators. Another interesting contribution is that of the researcher and the best-selling author of the New York Times Gregg Braden. . After 22 years of scientific research, the new book by Braden, the time Fractal explains why the 2012 mark the end of a 5,125 year cycle.

Did you know that the Earth is currently moving across the equator of the milky way? When we talk about the changes that are emerging in 2012, some of these visible changes on the ground are apparently in response to the astronomical changes that are being created by the crossing of the land by the Ecuador of the milky way. nuevaeraespiritual. blogspot. Eng. industrial, lawyer. EGADE (ITESM), UC, University of Chile, postgraduate master’s degrees in administration of companies mention markets, human resources; Quality and productivity; Education Doctorate in education professor and researcher Faces UC graduate Area. Program coordinator of postgraduate management quality and productivity, Faces, UC consultant – business advisory DEPROIMCA.

environment-business. com EXATEC Blogs related Gaia Cheat Gaia Hacks Blog Humor: laps with the mayas The Blog alternative Apocalypse 2012/Nostradamus/Mayas/end of the world (1/4) the old testament and anatolicas beliefs. Connections. The commenting on photos, 44: civic activities find South The Commentor several people commenting on a design at the same time Terribas is a journalist to interview with very bad host and Target: Sobe Water Deal (Starting 3/21) Port tasting in Vila Nova de Gaia Rishi Sankar: Ah Trini Radio the new Republic Mexico: They are met by the?

Recommendations For Pregnant Women

Pregnancy is a very desirable state for most women, especially when the couple is seeking to expand the family. Can also be an undesirable state for various reasons, either one way or another, which is being formed within the female is sane new life that depends solely on us. These are some of the most important recommendations to consider for a woman who is pregnant or wants to become pregnant: 1. The age The older a high risk of having children with chromosomal defects. In fact parental age is associated with the birth of children with a type of dwarfism: The Marfan syndrome and Down syndrome. But the father’s age is also important since the sperm can be affected in mobility, quantity and form. 2.The type of nutrition Feeding the mother is one of the most important things in the proper formation of the fetus, especially in the last trimester of pregnancy where the fetus may experience a loss of brain weight. Overall a poor diet, unbalanced, can lead to delayed maturation in the fetus, increased future risk of heart disease drinks and diabetes in adulthood, and distort the structure of organs like the pancreas, liver and so on. 3. Caffeine: the daily consumption of more than 3 cups can cause abortion, abstinence syndrome in the newborn (vomiting and irritability), lower birth weight. Ideally abseterse coffee consumption. The snuff: trabaco consumption causes the placenta grows abnormally, reduces the weight of the fetus, affects the nervis system of the fetus, can affect cognitive and psychological development of children such as attention deficit hyperactivity etc., sudden death newborn baby, long-term alterations in attention and learning of children and studies have shown that children of mothers who smoke during pregnancy have a 50 increased risk of developing cancer in childhood. Alcohol: Alcohol consumption during pregnancy is associated with mental retardation, decreased attention, hyperactivity, fetal alcohol syndrome, lower cranial development, halting the development of body structures. Keep in mind that alcohol crosses the placenta porduciendo the same concentrations of alcohol in maternal blood. Cocaine, heroin, hallucinogens: the use of these substances can cause serious deficiencies in the developing fetus and severe physical defects, deformities, genital problems, strokes etc, in the child.

Pressure Systems

The air always flows from high pressure areas to low pressure areas, trying to find a balance. But there is a deviation which is caused by the Earth’s rotation (the Coriolis effect), and makes the flow not in a straight line. Instead, the winds are a spiral: upward and inward in the low pressure systems, and downstream and out into the high pressure systems.

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This Province Was

This province was established on November 23, 1944 under the name of the province of Bani, the December 1 of that year, the name was changed to Jose Trujillo Valdez. Was opened on January 1, 1945. aside from her singing career, she has spawned an acting career, so Its current name was given the Peravia November 29, 1961. Appointed by the Peravia Valley, a place where the provincial capital.
According to the historian Manuel Valera Banilejo Peravia name derives from a corruption of the Spanish surname Pravia, who had been the lady Ana de Pravia, daughter of Francisco Ruiz de Pravia and Beatriz de la Rocha who lived on a ranch that existed at the beginning of Cologne period property located on the flat part of the province in the land of the community named Cerro Gordo. The same lady was the wife of Pravia Columbus and Toledo
In the Valley of Bani, the family-owned Columbus and then tied to the house of Dona Luisa Guerrero, consort of Brigadier General Captain Island Don Ignacio Perez Caro, the first teachers were Jesuits. They were both the owners of a herd of primitive Pizarrete, which later would have to belong to Don Tello and Don Juan Guzman Villegas.
The city of Bani was founded on March 3rd 1764 under the governance of the Spanish Captain, Field Marshal, Manuel de Azlor and Urries when the neighbors bought a property to the owners of “Cerro Gordo” in the amount of 370 pesos strong . In such negotiations, part of Don Manuel Franco Medina (priest) representing the owners, while the general Pablo Romero represent neighbors.
Segun Inchaustegui Joaquin, for the years 1789 Bani had 100 houses and 2000 inhabitants. In the year 1805 General Dessalines fire the city of Bani. When the attempted occupation of the emerging new Haitian republic. Rebuilt, the year 1810 is installed its first council. Previously owned a cemetery, located across the street where Santom and Freedom. This cemetery was in operation until 1828. After this time the dead were buried in the old cemetery (next to the softball stadium).
From its roots development is linked to the fact Bani education. In early colonial times, education was given by priests and Franciscan friars who arrived in Spain with the Admiral Cristobal Colon. Among older teachers Valley were the priest Don Juan de Dolis, in 1638, and Fray Juan de Madera in 1658. Bani was built in many years one of the first irrigation canals, called “John Knight”, and a regola that watered the land from north to south.
The town is inhabited mainly by Bani at its west side, families of origin for the Canaries, Galician and Catalan in the coastal south by families of African origin whose ancestors were freed from the system of slavery that were submitted by the colonizers

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Foundation Of Holistic Education

In his writings on holistic education, invites us to rule out superficial concepts of happiness, rooted in mental and material aspects, it says, this all changes with the circumstances and at some point end. He added that the suffering is not part of nature essential to man, conceived as an aggregate, as an overlay. The holistic view takes for understanding consciousness a scheme proposed by Wilber and offers levels that called memes, which relate to different times than men in their journey of consciousness is transcending. This approach is found in the book by Ken Wilber “the three eyes of knowledge.” Proposals of this author are a strong support that supports my experience, it allows me to ensure that happiness is part fundamental to any kind of education long as it is visible from spirituality. Holistic education as its main objective the development of consciousness, ie to realize our true nature and live life from this internal order.

We understand that a human being immersed in the education, experience and live from your spiritual being, shines its way with the light of its interior, is consistent and harmonious, full of love towards him and everything around you, free and respectful, viviendose from the certainty of his being, autonomous, independent and compassionate and therefore happy. REFERENCES. Ready, A, and Alfaro, V. (2007). Emotional education an alternative to social failure at school. Vasconcelos Journal of Education, January-June 2007.