DMS Intensive Seminars

Dates for the second half of 2013 of the 2 days intensive seminar enterprise content management: archiving, DMS, collaboration Sulzbach, 15 July 2013. The dates are fixed Zoller & partner ECM intensive seminars for the 2nd half of the year. In total, six events in Germany, Austria and the Switzerland are planned. Who wants to expand his knowledge around the topics of collaboration, enterprise content management, archiving and DMS, refresh, or get a first overview, is in good hands at this event, taking place successfully for over 15 years. “This is confirmed by the consistently positive reviews of participants: one of the best seminars that I’ve ever attended!” or entertaining, dynamic, good! About ++ “or” presentation: 10 out of 10 points. ‘ ” Reference character”. The two-day agenda covers all aspects of ECM solutions. Focuses on document management and electronic filing with topics such as market – and provider – product overview with Outlook to 2014, Document capture, differences in products to the automatic invoice processing, distinguishing features DMS – / ECM solutions, E-Mail and file system archiving, legal basis and procedure documentation and the development of an ECM strategy.

The seminar is rounded off by experience for the speakers, which can rely on a knowledge, the graphic representation of the topics with many practical examples, the views of current industry issues and the inclusion of the supplied tools and checklists. In this half of the dates found on 16th and 17th September 2013 in Hamburg, September 30 / 01 October 2013 in Zurich, 14 / 15 October 2013 in Frankfurt, 16 / 17 October 2013 in Vienna, 04 / 05 November 2013 in Berlin and 25 / 26 November 2013 place in Frankfurt. In addition to the extensive seminar documentation, which includes both checklists and project tools, the participants receive the current market overview documents management systems 2013 (62 systems, 1,200 pages).

State Education

On this Menegolla (2005, P. 10) it concludes saying: In this manner the professors start to perceive that the planejamentos requested they do not pass of bureaucratic requirements or defenses of certain pedagogical modismos. Such procedure, in accordance with the perception of the professors, would result in the pedagogical envaidecimento of certain sectors of the school. The planning must be instrument of organization of the pedagogical-administrative work for all the sectors of the school, therefore together they are imbudos in one same objective that is to prepare man to construct its to live well. Leaving of this transforming vision of planning it is defended idea only not to depend on the action of the professor, but of a collective work inside of the school, especially a critical conscience on the part of the management and coordination of the school that must be involved in all the educational process. The Pertaining to school Controller must know and know to use theories, principles, concepts and methods of organization, planning and organizacional change.

He must understand and know to explain the relation between general educational objectives with the Lines of direction of the National and State Education and with the Proposal Pedagogical of the School. He must know still to set in motion the mechanisms that take the school to reach the objectives. In this direction, it is important to place that the planning, when taken the serious one and with dynamism, provides changes of a real situation. Menegolla (2005, P. 27) says: ' ' The planning cannot be limited for an individualistic vision, that it looks to conform the human being to a system of restricted vises, without its basic necessities are satisfeitas' '. It contributes when the bureaucratic work of the school defends the fact of the supervisors not to be able to limit it, they are organizadores of this didactic and pedagogical action, together with the professors, and are co-responsible for the process to excite, in the professors, the taste in planning the pedagogical work, since they are them actors who work directly with the professors and search an education more democratic.

Basic Ensino

The blocks of contents are detailed and specified in concepts, procedures and attitudes. To the end, they are presented referring criteria of evaluation and some didactic orientaes to each block of content. It is possible to initiate the reading of the document for the part that if it relates to the topics of bigger interest of the professor, but is essential to read and to argue it all, so that it has a vision integrator of the possibilities of learning and the obstacles that the pupil faces when learning Matemtica' '. (Source: #PCN-MTM) OBJECTIVE GENERALITIES OF BASIC EDUCATION the PCNs indicate as objective of Basic Ensino that the pupils are capable of: to 1.Compreender the citizenship as exercise of rights and duties social politicians, civilians and, adopting, in day-by-day, attitudes of participation, solidarity, cooperation and repudiation to the injustices and discriminations, respecting the other and demanding for itself the same respect. to 1.Posicionar itself in critical, responsible and constructive way in the different social situations, respecting the opinion and the knowledge produced for the other, using the dialogue as form to mediate conflicts and to take collective decisions. to 1.Perceber integrant, dependent and agent transforming of the environment, being identified its elements and the interactions between them, contributing actively for the improvement of the environment. to 1.Conhecer and to value the plurality of the Brazilian partner-cultural patrimony, locating itself against any discrimination based on cultural differences, of social classroom, beliefs, sex, etnia or other individual and social characteristics. to 1.Conhecer characteristic basic of Brazil in the social, material and cultural dimensions as half to construct gradually to the notion of national and personal identity and the feeling of relevancy to the country. to exactly 1.Desenvolver the knowledge adjusted of itself and the feeling reliable in its capacities affective, physical, cognitiva, ethical, aesthetic, of personal interrelation and social insertion, to act with perseverance in the search of knowledge and the exercise of the citizenship.

Seminar Mass Training

Professional trade fair communication and tracking in this course is to ensure the expertise of the conversation as well as to coordinate the distribution of roles among the participating employees. At the same time, the trade fair objectives on the part of the Executive Board must be clearly defined and communicated to the participating employees. Only in the last step the whole team of exhibitors is in terms of fair behaviour and his fit to make. This exhibition training with practical character”reflects and optimizes the appearance and behavior of your booth staff. Your staff with current strategies are at the same time and made – for effective customer response measurement, as well as a demand-oriented and goal-oriented interviewing of visitors familiar result: successful talks and more qualified leads! As a trade show exhibitor you will be after this seminar able to estimate what visitors to speak are and which are not and how they initiate the fair conversation successfully with the appropriate opening questions and interview techniques and can lead. The special feature of this open trade fair training is that we cannot use actual booths on the Deutsche Messe Hannover in addition to the actual part of the training for individual practical exercises as realistic as possible to form off the trade talks. “” Objectives and contents of this seminar include: goals and expectations of visitors of DOS and Don’ts in the behavior of the knife and contact your trade fair appearance: important steps for a successful adjustment and preparation body language, appearance and appearance participants check “: fair types and stylish conversation strategy conversation getting started: the correct opening questions about the opening effective leadership techniques for exhibition talking degree in the trade fair contact: adoption and whereabouts after the conversation is before the conversation”: The seminar at experts and executives from exhibitors of all industries are aimed at consistent follow-up system and fair while tracking, plan which exhibitions or your Fair want to make professionally and successfully.

Technical Study

If you are a student or have children who study probably you’ve heard about the importance of implementing appropriate study techniques to succeed in their learning process. Education professionals tend to train their students in the handling of certain study techniques such as underlining, the realization of schemes and construction of abstracts in the hours of tutoring, educational or even in regular classroom support. However, the rate of failure and dropout fires each time. What can this fact be due? The majority of students applied techniques of study involving a single sensory pathway: the visual. Indeed in schools, most of the information is still transmitted equal that was done in the last century, i.e.

in graphic books, posters or blackboards supports. Many researchers believe that the process of learning to study demand a multisensory training, where students can smell, touch, see, hear or even taste what they are studying. This makes little sense if we take into account that the majority of the events that we remember with ease are related smells, sounds, colors, touch or certain flavors. Other discoveries suggest they are intrinsic to the student factors as they are the attitude or motivation, those that will determine the success in studies and advising teachers training in strategies to promote the development of personal skills in students. This does not mean that the learning of traditional survey techniques is not necessary to learn how to study, but that they can improve their effectiveness if they are supplemented by other techniques that involve a greater number of senses such as the viewing of small videos on Youtube or interview with an expert on the subject. If anything is clear is that learning to study is a process that lasts a lifetime, which improves with practice and that as it says in the title, goes beyond the learning and mastery of traditional techniques of study..

Basics Seminar Bach

The Bach INTERNATIONAL EDUCATION PROGRAMME (beep) international training program – level 1, 2 and 3 the Bach INTERNATIONAL EDUCATION PROGRAMME (beep) discovered in the 1930s the English physician and homeopath Dr. Edward Bach wild growing plants, positively, to affect emotionally stressful conditions such as anxiety or impatience. He succeeded 37 plants and a source water an easy to develop secure and integrated system that is easy to understand and free of side effects. Dr. Bach believed that each of us is responsible for his well-being and his health. In a gentle way, the Bach flower remedies to restore inner balance and pave the way for the recovery of body, spirit and soul. With the international training program of Dr.

Edward Bach Foundation, it is today people all over the world possible to learn how to apply the remedies within the meaning of Dr Bach’s and how to help yourself and others so. “We in the Bach Centre have committed ourselves to continue Dr Bach’s work and in its simplicity” receive – and it is a great pleasure and honor us.” Judy Clement Howard (Director of the Bach Centre, England) Basics Seminar (level 1) mediation of sound fundamentals objective of the seminar, to facilitate the ease of use of Bach flowers in your life. Continuing vocational training, the desire to help others feel the need to do something good for yourself: the reasons on a level 1 seminar to participate are as varied and individual as the usage possibilities of the flower essences. In a relaxed atmosphere, learn the 38 Bach flower remedies and RESCUE. In exercises with numerous case examples from the practice you can immediately implement what you learned and strengthened. An introduction to the philosophy of Dr. Bach, detailed q & a sessions and an insight into the work of the Bach Centre, complete the basic course.


I, the undersigned, being of sound mind and clear memory of the day I take responsibility for everything that happens in my life for themselves. I am a person who loves to live. Therefore, I seek not just to survive but to live with dignity, full advantage of all the good things of life. But I realize that nothing is taken for granted, simply because what I want, so I strive to be successful in every area of your life. As a reasonable person, I understand that there is a law Cause and Effect, whereby in every phenomenon there gave birth to his cause.

And that reason is not visible or obvious, does not mean that it is not. What I got and I'm now in my life, also has a cause. AND reason for this – my choice. Every day, every hour, every minute I make a choice. Small or big. Significant or not. Pleasant or unpleasant.

Consciously or subconsciously. To act or not. And even the decision not to do choice – a choice too. And this whole series of elections in the amount of brings me closer to success or alienated from it. I understand that in whatever way I did not choose, consciously or unconsciously, under pressure or not, I'm doing it, because I want and I think most beneficial to themselves and, therefore, only I am responsible for what happens to me in life. The choice made by me in yesterday, gives the result today. The choices that I made today, will result tomorrow. That is why from today I start to make informed choices. I pledge to make decisions that bring me to success, rather than alienate him. As of today I do choice myself, but do not let yourself do it for someone another. After all, I understand that if I follow the choices made for me, it's just my choice. From now on, I choose to take responsibility for their lives for themselves. I promise not to shift responsibility to others State laws, circumstances, destiny, because it is unproductive and does not lead me to success. As of today I do choice to live life with joy and pleasure. Because we realize that to be a bleak, miserable and unsuccessful, it is also my choice, but I do not want. From now on, I choose to tell people about principle of responsibility. Because we realize that the more people become responsible for their own lives, the more harmonious environment I live, and it helps me even more success.

Coaching and Education

In the wake of – crises require decisions – decisions require great depression knowledge women are half of all employees… The proportion of female managers should be in top positions of German companies on average only 10%… Many women want to make a career, but few succeed. Studies have so far shown: men with the same qualifications to occupy higher positions than their female colleagues in the hierarchy of a company. Some studies questioning the reasons: the compatibility of career and family is difficult? Is it still the structural circumstances? The women are about “fault”, because they are less trained, her career goals to pursue vigorously the cause for this result could be many reasons. Some reasons have social backgrounds, show some knowledge of the opportunities at the right time the person himself…

Apparently we have in our society with the still widely used Understanding of the role to do. Studies, international and national, proved not only a different communication style between women and men. No, they were also a different approach when it comes to represent the professional interests and to enforce. We do not employ us here to lift grown structures. Why also? Rather, we see a virtue in that differences may exist. Exactly this diversity can be moistened as an opportunity.

Just now can show up very crucial training for success in the economic crisis. A coaching education can be important not only for a professional career. Successfully used a trained coach for example: collegial case processing, moderation of groups, Losungsfokussiertes, Perspektivenwelchsel, nonviolent communication, etc. She can be used as well as in private life. Not for nothing a coaching includes training areas such as: non-violent communication, communication after Schulz von Thun, comprehensive insight into the method NLP/neuro linguistic programming, moderation of groups that regard interaction in the systemic environment, cooperative case handling and supervision by the education management coaching cases from practice, Burnout Syndrome, intervention in the coaching, creative methods, Losungsfokussiertes work, confrontation and provocation in coaching, the Interior team according to Schulz von Thun, work with metaphors, change of perspective, team development process u.v.m. A basic knowledge which is used for the different work areas, fields of activity. In addition, learning various forms of coaching belong to a good solid coach training. As coaching, job – and Karrierecoaching, the Motivationscoaching etc. A coaching training solves many “nodes” in the private sector. So this may very well for the development of private uses are. Conflict resolutions, dealing with problems up to the detection of existing family structures. The broad based knowledge enables a more subsequent specialization in different areas. 1 certification exam: written coaching practice case description 2 exam: oral Colloquium – case studies, which will be presented in the context of a presentation prepared.

Venice Film Festival

The film highlights the danger to which humanity is exposed to new epidemics. Matt Damon, Gwyneth Paltrow and Kate Winslet star in the tape. Soderbergh, winner of an Oscar for Traffic, has presented Contagion out of competition at the Venice Film Festival. American filmmaker Steven Soderbergh presented his latest film, Contagion, which addresses, in an apocalyptic manner, the rapid spread of a deadly virus and hitherto unknown out of competition in 68 international Venice Film Festival. The tape, which took a discreet reception this Saturday by the press of the Mostra, has an outstanding cast of actors, including Matt Damon, Jude Law, Kate Winslet and Marion Cotillard, Gwyneth Paltrow, very important part of this plot in which, sometimes, it is difficult to distinguish the thin line that separates fact from fiction. Contagion, story written by Scott Z.

Burns, highlights the danger to which humanity is exposed at the emergence of a new epidemic, especially in times where carriers make that a virus can spread from Hong Kong to U.S. in a matter of hours through a plane. The film is the initial result of a debate with Scott. Our impression was that all the scientific part on the film should be extremely careful. All scenes in which spoke of virus must be realistic. If it were not so, not we would have been able to contribute to this kind of genre, Soderbergh said during the press conference of presentation. The story is framed within a globalised contemporary society which has already had to deal with alarms about global epidemics and in that sense, plans to during the nearly two-hour film example of influenza A, a real case that can bring bad memories to the public you are going to see the film. That allusion to recent epidemics, among which a flu is avian on that global authorities are already warning of a possible return to large-scale, make the Soderbergh film finish looking at all less fiction and launching a message of concern to the population.

Course Work

Course work for a couple of test stands with the final stage of passing students of any discipline and results in some research that enriches the theoretical knowledge and practical skills student. It will show the level of theoretical and practical training of students in this science-based self-study and synthesis of the literature and practical experience. The text of the work shows the ability of Developer critically describe the theoretical principles and current practice, the ability to draw their own conclusions and reasonable proposals to improve the analytical process. The value of the work boils down to that during her student writing establishes and applies this knowledge on the subject, and improves the skills required of independent research. Development of the course work is the final verification specialist training to work independently, in addition the most important form and method of improving the skills of independent work of students in the final phase of training.

Objective – to identify the class theoretical and practical training the student, asking him to prepare his own practical and research work in this profession at present. Student work should be written by him, contain a description of different perspectives on the topic and the necessary formulation of meaningful recommendations. Results of performance and job security is largely predetermined by the receiving threads. At determining the topic the student should be guided by their skills, themes previously written essays, research papers, just not important enough writing experience in other disciplines, based on the content specialized literature on the subject. Just in the selection of title of the topic to get into a site with free lectures, such as abstract Download set-off or any other, where there is a similar free term papers, and select a theme finished course or lecture. Then a student, a little fix it immediately able to write and defend its a good score. Information made from course work describes the ability to critically describe the student theoretical concepts and current practice, the ability to make correct conclusions and reasonable proposals to improve the analytical process.