Editors Note

Happens that he also stated: there are men who are fighting a day and are good. There are others who fight for a year, and are best. They are those struggling for many years, and are very good. But only those who struggle throughout his life, those are essential. There then arises the hero, in the definition of the own Germanic writer. Ah, if Brecht would have known the Evangelio-Apocalipsis of Jesus! Obviously no cobwebs, as he preached Zarur, and Yes in spirit and truth in the light of the new commandment of the Christ, which is the law of solidarity without borders (love one another as I have loved you.

Only in this way can be recognized as my disciples () no one has greater love than this: give his own life for his Gospel of Christ, according to St. John, friends 13: 34 and 35 and 15: 12 and 13), would have understood that all active rebellion, born as a reaction to the cynicism that is scattered around the world, must move beyond iconoclasmto be able to lift, disorder, the bases of a humanity really better. Is not enough with destroy what is wrong; above all, what is necessary, and most difficult, is to build. Only love makes in depth. Its action is patient, both as energetic, but definitive. The light, then, would illuminate the path of men, freeing peoples from tripping in the dark, fed by Confucianist of all shades.

Do not will be happening with Brazil?, which, by signal, ended arrumando a hero without character, which have, in any way, happy and voracious imitators; Macunaima, which, like crazy, going destroying, without before not even build. Looks, therefore, that, in the plaza, Barabbas continues even today to be chosen. Quousque tandem, Catiline? Actually, poor people and the time they need false heroes! Editors Note: text published in the Popular daily, San Pablo/SP, on 30 April 1998. Original author and source of the article

The Best Offer Of This Summer To Come To Huelva

Hotel Monte Conquero, one of the best located in the city, hotels in Huelva offers you this summer, starting June 24 and until September 16, a sensational offer to spend 7 days in Huelva for the price of 5. Our Hotel is located in full Center of Huelva, perfectly connected with the nerve centres of the city.The best offer of this summer to come to Huelva by the Seville-Huelva highway access is direct. An ideal hotel for holiday customer, due to its proximity to the fine sandy beaches of the coast of Huelva and other places of tourist interest: the Ibero-American Forum, the monastery of La Rabida or the sanctuary of El Rocio. The hotel has 165 rooms. All of them recently renovated are equipped with air conditioning and heating, plasma TV 32 with digital satellite dish, direct telephone, letter of pillows, free and individual safe-box, minibar and work desk with Internet connection. In the bathroom, we offer a wide range of amenities, hairdryer and magnifying mirror. Highlights of its rooms its spaciousness and luminosity, taking all of them wooden flooring.

A quiet and relaxed atmosphere to enjoy your rest. If you want to make your reservations may do so via the following link: booking offer 7 X 5 in the HOTEL MONTE CONQUERO conditions: price per room and per night, on room only basis. Promotion applies to the concepts of breakfast Buffet and garage, provided that they buy through the website of hotels Monte. Non-modifiable stay. Non-refundable departures. VAT included. Not combinable with other offers or promotions of the chain. Offer subject to availability of the hotel. Promotion valid only through the web page of hotels Monte. Not available from July 31 to August 5, both inclusive.

LBV Children

The Legion of the Good will (LBV) promotes, friday, 16 of September, to the 16 hours, a lecture with the subject: ' ' Educating the children to the light of the espiritualidade Ecumnica' ' , given for the ambassador of the Religion of God, Peter Rafael Valadares, for the families taken care of for the Institution in this mining city. The socioeducativa action will happen in the Communitarian Center of Social Assistance, that takes care of children in situation of social vulnerability, by means of program LBV? Child: Future in the Gift! objective to contribute for the formation of the ecumenical citizen. Beyond this initiative, with the support of the LBV, the families of the taken care of children, and the population in general, receives attendance by means of the campaigns Child Note 10? Without Education it does not have Future! ; I Help Mudar! , Permanent Christmas of the LBV? Jesus, the Bread Ours of each day! ALONE Calamities. It visits, it is gotten passionate and it helped the LBV! In Ipatinga, MG, the Communitarian Center of Social Assistance, the Legion of Good will, is located in the Street Patrician Joo of Arajo, 225? Venice I. Other information for the telephone: (31) 3822-8600.

Center Function

-Cheerleader role: The Ludotecario coordinates, stimulates, encourages, reconciles, projected, participates, it implies, arbitrates, communicates, takes initiatives, creates ambient, pay attention, explains, helps, suggests, accompanies, organizes, question, designs, supports, enables, converses, proposes, welcomes, stimulates, prepares, invites, facilitates, collaborates, is available – enrichment function:-offers unpublished games. -Attends the toy lending service. -It uses the arguments of the symbolic and dramatic game. -Prepare construction with materials of recycling activities. -Empowers the active cooperation of other groups.

-It contributes to the Group’s tactics, skills and techniques for the game. -Programming function and management of activities: refers to the Organization and planning of dynamics, games, workshops, etc. Planning intervention is essential, to avoid deviations towards improvisation and disorientation. As planned always will be susceptible to be modified, will be an open and flexible programming against the unforeseen. It must be taken into account, that learning should be planned progressively, from the known to the unknown, from the easiest to the most complex, from closest to most distant. -In the implementation of activities: mainly we can highlight the following:-educational function: to teach standards of behavior, hygienic habits, etc. For this purpose, it is necessary to conceive the error as one phase of learning, as something positive that carries forward. Demystify the frustrations, valuing the effort, the attempt and the overcoming of difficulties.

-Promotional function: to promote values such as friendship, tolerance and the growth of the person. It is necessary to establish performance standards that allow group a nice coexistence and a wide margin of action from the respect. Guidelines and messages that occur must be clear and not contradictory, trying to contain messages that convey positive values. -Preventive role: to teach occupy the Leisure and recreation of properly and prevent thus marginal attitudes. -Integrative function: to minors in activities and resources include standardized community. -Research and analysis function:-one of its main functions is the previously know the performance characteristics of persons which is directed: children. More data are adjusted and adapted may be the methodology that you decide to use. -Investigate on knowledge that children have on the issues will be to try and take it as a reference or starting point to guide the expansion to new ones. Seeking, as well, that learning has an own significance, whether relevant involve a concrete sense. -Analyze the interests of children as a generator element of socialization and learning, allowing an experience living in that they are the true protagonists. -Know the resources of the community and the environment in which children, develop that way this influences positively when working with and for children. -Mediating function:-between the Center and the family: for tracking children belonging to families that are in phase of intervention from social services, or in cases of children or families at risk. -Between the child and the family: to maintain positive relations with the parents of the minors, and that this form of socialization is developed normally. -Evaluation function:-evaluation of the monitor itself. -Continuous evaluation of all activities that run. -Evaluation of the learning and development of children in the playroom. -Global assessment of all work performed and annual accomplishment of a memory where is collected everything he has done, and the results obtained.

The Promoter

Specialist the UGEL feels entitled to say who study in your school, institution, to reject the documents again and again, to soften and thus understand that only by paying him to him, giving him his monthly Commission, you can work in peace. All specialists of secondary, primary, occupational, monitor private educational centres, without saying so publicly, they consider that these are bound to solve them, to give them a Commission and who doesn’t, marked with an x, put the cross. It begins a systematic persecution of the educational institution, mandan trades after trades again rejecting their documents, with observations by all and until they get into the private life of the promoter, to say, that does not deserve to have the Institute, the nest, the center of his property. Then seek a standard repealed, antigua and apply it, so disrupting the activities of the Centre, of the Institute. This is the practice of the Administration public sector education in Peru. With regard to the certificates and diplomas, it happens something more or less similar.

If your show a participation Diploma, reject it, declare it as invalid, on the grounds that the student was not subjected to any evaluation and that the document has therefore no value. Or to say of the certificates of participation that give mothers clubs, civil associations, cultural centres, parishes, in the Peru they are considered nothing. They are not valid for getting a job and explain because: 1.-public entities do not accept participation documents to apply for a position as administrative assistant, accounting, logistics, 2.-private companies want diplomas by approval of courses, by specialization, with notes, qualifications, education credits, signatures of national authorities, credible and not from a Juan wool, owner of an association, Temple, club, Center without recognition, require they be University or the Ministry of education.

Hotel Hesperia Tower Awarded

Barcelona, July 12, 2010. The Hotel Hesperia Tower in Barcelona has obtained the award to best hotel in 2009 in the first edition of the European team awards, also known as the Tzoos. These awards recognize the European tourist companies that offered the most outstanding in the past 12 months offers. The awards ceremony was held at One Marylebone London capital and managed to gather more than 300 executives of the most outstanding European tourist companies of the sector. It is the first edition of the awards Tzoos in Europe, although these awards are held in United States since 2007.

This year, the American Tzoos will take place in the month of November. The Vice President Executive Team Europe, Chris Loughlin, stressed at the ceremony of the Awards team is proud to support, with these awards, high quality agreements that developed award-winning companies. For its part, the General Director of Hotel Hesperia Tower He pointed out that winning this award is a recognition to the important work being done to offer guests the best service at very competitive prices from the hotel in Barcelona. The proposal that offered the Hotel Hesperia Tower in Barcelona during the summer of last year, and that has obtained the award, it consisted of accommodation in superior room located on the floor with panoramic views of the city 15, daily breakfast for two people, entrance to the Beach Club that organized the hotel in Gava Mar and transfers to the Centre of Barcelona beaches for tourism. All at a very competitive price. The winning proposal as well as other offers that were made during the year in the hotel show that the hotel establishment seeks to always please the guests offering excellence and services that other hotels may not offer. The winners of the prizes European Tzoos according to categories, have been: best hotel offer in Spain: Hotel Hesperia Tower, Barcelona.

Free Species

On intraspecific competition as the driving force of evolution we can speak only in the event that the relationship of individuals within a population of birth to your own – intraspecific – natural selection. But in this case unit of selection is not individual, and population. Population of the highest quality to compete with other populations, increasing their number of individuals and creating new high-quality population, in the final finally, after some number of generations, the ecological niche of replacing all of its competitors. And if individuals of this population in the evolutionary process undergone significant morphological changes, comes a new kind of animals. Perhaps the evolution of the animal world is mainly done by denying the same species born again kind of negated. The divergence of species, probably occurs much less frequently when filling the free ecological niches.

Extremely simplified manifold interactions of animals with their environment, we can say that the kind of predator and prey species, form a system of dialectical unity of opposites. The emergence and resolution internal dialectical contradictions of the system will look like in the form of antiphase oscillations relative to each other quantitative and qualitative levels of these species. For example, the minimum level of quantitative predator species with the highest level in this period, its quality is the maximum level of quantitative form of the victim with a minimum during this period the level of quality. The maximum level of quality in the kind of predator this period is determined not only by the presence in him a certain amount of vysokouniversalnyh populations, but populations which, together with highly versatile features purchased, giving them some new benefits Suppression of populations of victims, the symptoms, the set which creates a kind of excess levels of quality, the predator species over the quality level of the victim.

Republic University

There is no doubt, that many concerns, controversy, opinions, it has generated the new Education Act adopted by the National Assembly on 23 December 2010, but fortunately the President of the Republic, Hugo Chavez cold, taking into account that this originated, has vetoed it by now and invited the main actors involved to discuss it in order to make the necessary reformsensuring many legal topics that violate as indicated by the Constitution and determine its scope in a way efficient, effective to benefit the education of the country. The new Assembly national (AN) at its first ordinary meeting carried out 11 Tuesday, unanimously lifted the sanction to the law of education of universities, LEU, vetoed last January by the President of the Republic, Hugo Chavez 04. The fact, that in the debate must be well rinsed institutional principles as: University autonomy, freedom of thought, plurality, participation of all players that it involves guaranteeing democracy in all its operation, functionality, what Constitution says. The important thing of it all, has been the reaction of the universities, of all your University community, involving its main actors: teachers, students, administrative staff, workers who have begun to discuss the content of the law to make known their views, proposals which lead to positive results for the Venezuelan education, where all this sheltered a uniform approach fully accepted by all. Thus, a group of student leaders from different universities in the country already attended the National Assembly, to record a document in support of the University Education Act, at the time that took the opportunity to deliver proposals that could be included in the report for the second discussion of the standard of University Education Universities Act, it should be noted and further elements which they believe are important among student organizationsCouncils of student people power, organizations need more clarity in the definition and structure should fulfil this student initiative since then, corresponds to the University authorities also carried out meetings, discussions with your community, to publicize the scope, implications of the law where involved everyone, without any discrimination that isconsider the administrative staff, workers, students, teachers.

Monica Lopez Education

This network is an initiative of the Department of human development, education and culture of the Organization of American States (OAS) and offers to leaders in education from 34 countries members of the Organization, a professional space for sharing knowledge, experiences, research and good practices in the field of teacher training. This strategy is a network of professional leaders in education of all levels and modalities that share knowledge, experiences, research and good practices in the field of teacher training. In addition, it offers a space for discussion to all those involved in teacher education in the Americas. The members of this community can participate in professional discussions in blogs and forums, upload and download videos, photos, articles, among other things. From this week the teachers can participate in this virtual entering the OAS web site, construction in. This community is the largest of its kind with around 60 million teachers in the world, those who play a key role in the preparation of young generations who will perform in an interconnected and interdependent world. Similarly, is a space through which will strengthen the quality of education in the Member countries of the Organization, and in turn strengthen the actions that allow the improvement of the quality of education in Colombia.

The RIED was released during the meeting of the Inter-American Commission of education (CIE) on November 10, 2010 in Guayaquil, Ecuador, in which participated as a representative of the Ministry of national education the Director quality of preschool education, basic and middle, Monica Lopez. This initiative is also aimed at creators of policies, researchers, future teachers, teachers in service and other interest groups, who can interact with their peers through the web, learn about innovations in the theme, employment opportunities, and online learning opportunities. Be part of this construction by improving the quality of education in the region.

Education and Integration

Initially one of the strong beliefs of Simon Rodriguez, trainer of men free and recognized widely in the history of the bicentennial in Latin America as the educator of Simon Bolivar, the main instigator and deliverer for the independence of five South American Nations. That belief was always offer na education in search of equality, equity and the social, cultural and ideological integration. Simon Rodriguez believed that with their conceptions of equality could substantiate the basis for a quality education that is structured in a clear way on two important concepts and they dignify in every sense to any human being, that people have the opportunity for productive work and educate yourself on the most important aspects of reality. Thanks to the so marked influence of Simon Rodriguez to the power of illustration, its plateamientos on education in Latin America are fundamental. Simon Rodriguez always emphasized that the best way to learn something in life is to interact with it and although the books It was important information when carried out a precise action for learning the skills are more easily acquired. We must interact directly with the environment, with the environment to learn from him. Can you believe then that the theoretical concepts of education of Simon Rodriguez are structured in a socialism of utopian, that only approaching perfection difficult and features very complicated to achieve. Today many of its Socialist perceptions both of education, equality, Government and control of the State and adjacent to it, powers are the basis of the Venezuelan Government of Hugo Chavez, who speaks and alludes to a new socialism, a socialism of 21st century. According to the education the legacy left by Simon Rodriguez is very important as it presents education as something as well as an inalienable human right, totally, for which everyone should have the opportunity to access and thus integrate into society, know it, recognize it and so be able to subsist therein and be highly competitive.