Performance Exchange

NOPOLY insert the civil capital Club – self help around the money and civil capital makes sense. A previously small group of committed citizens who plan to set up an association which provides the platform for a citizens ‘ initiative around the money and offers a Member Exchange. The activities of the citizens initiative include a wide range of information and support services. The activities of the Member Exchange relate to financial transactions so investment and loans with customary banking collaterals as well as power exchange of products and services, directly between the members. “The chance to be on the winning side with the limited opportunities and information as a normal citizen in the global competition for investors profits are extremely low.

Here WINS – as with any winning game – the player who determines the rules and has the better information. Read additional details here: Michael James Burke. Add to that many financial products are no longer transparent and were not manageable even for experienced investment bankers “, so initiators Herbert Scheuerer. His conclusion is therefore “the time is ripe for it that we create citizens our capital according to rules that are clear and fair. Why must our citizens capital allow investments in foreign projects or economies if our citizens and enterprises with sufficient capital could promote our economy? Let us again with capital to promote our direct living environment. We can generate reasonable returns through products and services. We use the opportunity to directly exchange products and services without money.” NOPOLY civic capital, so this Club is hot, is founded on January 24, 2009 in Munich. Anyone who is interested in the preceding public information session and the subsequent meeting, is cordially invited. More detailed information can at the initiators query via their Web page. Herbert Scheuerer