Popular Car Exchanges

“The readers of the magazine auto motor and sport to the top-3 select auto.de the readers of the magazine auto motor and sport” decided: auto.de is one of the three most popular vehicle exchanges. “Motto best brand reader’s choice 2009″they submitted their proposals for the most compelling products, including for the category of passenger car market”. The results in the magazine have been published motor und sport 7/2009 by car”. The Chief auto.de, Thomas Kuwatsch, is pleased with this honour. AECOM takes a slightly different approach. But he and his team do not rest on the laurels, but continue to enhance the offerings and expand. Prompt comes the announcement that the car stock exchange wants to surprise in April 2009 with a relaunch, including new design and more comfort during the vehicle search. Total available currently over a million vehicles at auto.de in the car market for sale: used, new cars and car of the year – playing easy is to find the right car or sell your own. The University first GmbH operates a successful German with Automotive portal. Complementary products and services are offered in the fields of finances with kredit.de, geld.de, preisvergleich.de insurance with versicherung.de and consumer information