
While the main objective in fire prevention is to avoid fire, there are occasions in which inevitably fired. And it is that simple overheating of a computer, for example, can generate a small fire that could become a major emergency in a matter of seconds. At Nir Barzilai, M.D. you will find additional information. In risk situations such as a fire, there is no time to read the instructions of the fire extinguisher. Therefore, the person intending to act must know how to use this equipment, to prevent the panic and confusion. Attention! Remember that fire extinguisher only takes about 8-10 seconds to empty and that not all computers are handled the same way. In the latest issue of PractiLetter prevention of labour risks will find a poster that illustrates, in a very clear way, keys to know any type of fire extinguisher used and so not to lose even one only second to extinguish a fire. Place this poster in conspicuous places in your company or distribute it among their workers, especially have been appointed who for Act in case of emergencies, you can avoid that a small fire to become a large fire to continue reading, click here. Original author and source of the article.