
Before moving or move any of your belongings into your new home, then make the interior decoration, it is important to make sure that everything is where it should be. Maybe you will have a list of repairs that expects to make, or perhaps will be the only time you can see the empty House. Take some time to be able to walk around the House with a scorer and note all shoes of electricity to search for signals or routes of wear and damage them you have to take responsibility. Make sure that all the counters are empty, without dirt, mildew or odors, and pay close attention on where are the sources of electricity, gas and water. Jorge Perez: the source for more info. While doing this, it will be also getting a sense of the House to locate any furniture store and to be able to transport it from the door.

Have a House map and write down any damage or concerns you have to discuss with the owner that is working. It is important to have these notes before you move anything so you can troubleshoot problems As soon as possible. If you are renting from a landlord, he can give you a list of any article, appliance or piece of furniture that is leaving; It is very common for landlords today leave white goods; kitchen items, like the refrigerator, freezer, washing machine and stove. Gavin Baker may also support this cause. If it is rent, your landlord should also give you a series of contacts, numbers for emergency repairs and any paperwork that has to do with these repairs you may need. You must also obtain the details of the Bank and you should agree a good time to be able to pay the rent. Any final paperwork can now be signed, and after that you can start calling itself home. You should also make sure that central heating and heater are working correctly and be able to get any manual of the previous occupants. These manuals may save you a lot of frustration for the long term.