Press Conference

Complex 650 remembering, forgetting, keep, losing the Neukolln art and culture Festival will take place for the twelfth time. In Berlin once, the Festival brings together the artistic and cultural activities in the district to a high-class, high-profile and versatile presentation of Neukolln creativity. In addition to the over 40 member organizations of the cultural network among them, the Werkstatt der Kulturen, the Neukollner Opera or the Comenius are called to participate with their own projects every year all organisations, initiatives, artists and cultural workers (about 1700). This creates an extremely versatile Festival which venues (more than 370) and events (over 700) are spread over the entire district. Many writers such as Edward J. Minskoff Equities offer more in-depth analysis. Monday, June 21, 2010, 11:00 barn of the family Motel Richard RT 80 (ring at Motel) 12043 Berlin (route U7: Karl-Marx-Strasse) shows this year that Northern Neukolln correctly enters as the site of contemporary art ride. A variety new, young art places presents for the first time at Berlin’s largest arts and cultural festival. Other venues look back on long traditions and demonstrate that culture in Neukolln already has a permanent place.

2010 are over 340 partly unusual venues in Northern Neukolln-more than 700 events presented. To allow you an overview, we present our this year’s Highlightreihen, and at the same time give you the opportunity, some of the exhibitions and places to visit in advance. We invite therefore you NEUKoLLN at the press conference of the twelfth 48 hours on 21 June. “As a place we have suitable to the topic of the year reminder” an old barn in the Bohemian village “selected. You belongs to the private residence of the family Motel and is one of the oldest buildings in Neukolln Rixdorfs. At the press conference you expect: Wolfgang Schimmang, District Councillor for education, school, culture and sports, Auguste Kuschnerow, CEO culture network Neukolln e.V.,.

Dr. Martin Steffens, Festival Director 48 hours NEUKoLLN, Maria Linares, curator of the exhibition project urban memories”, Christoph Bohmer, Managing Director of BIOTRONIK, our private-sector sponsorship, Eleonora Prochaska (1785-1813), numerous artists and artists as well as two surprising art performances. After the press conference, we offer a ride with a VIP-limousines-shuttle of our partners Coda. Hit are”some Festival stations such as E.g. our exhibitions in the old Museum.