Recommendations For Pregnant Women

Pregnancy is a very desirable state for most women, especially when the couple is seeking to expand the family. Can also be an undesirable state for various reasons, either one way or another, which is being formed within the female is sane new life that depends solely on us. These are some of the most important recommendations to consider for a woman who is pregnant or wants to become pregnant: 1. The age The older a high risk of having children with chromosomal defects. In fact parental age is associated with the birth of children with a type of dwarfism: The Marfan syndrome and Down syndrome. But the father’s age is also important since the sperm can be affected in mobility, quantity and form. 2.The type of nutrition Feeding the mother is one of the most important things in the proper formation of the fetus, especially in the last trimester of pregnancy where the fetus may experience a loss of brain weight. Overall a poor diet, unbalanced, can lead to delayed maturation in the fetus, increased future risk of heart disease drinks and diabetes in adulthood, and distort the structure of organs like the pancreas, liver and so on. 3. Caffeine: the daily consumption of more than 3 cups can cause abortion, abstinence syndrome in the newborn (vomiting and irritability), lower birth weight. Ideally abseterse coffee consumption. The snuff: trabaco consumption causes the placenta grows abnormally, reduces the weight of the fetus, affects the nervis system of the fetus, can affect cognitive and psychological development of children such as attention deficit hyperactivity etc., sudden death newborn baby, long-term alterations in attention and learning of children and studies have shown that children of mothers who smoke during pregnancy have a 50 increased risk of developing cancer in childhood. Alcohol: Alcohol consumption during pregnancy is associated with mental retardation, decreased attention, hyperactivity, fetal alcohol syndrome, lower cranial development, halting the development of body structures. Keep in mind that alcohol crosses the placenta porduciendo the same concentrations of alcohol in maternal blood. Cocaine, heroin, hallucinogens: the use of these substances can cause serious deficiencies in the developing fetus and severe physical defects, deformities, genital problems, strokes etc, in the child.