Region North

Fight for cities good had beginning still before Blow Military and that it came to result in the change in the constitution that started to deal with the worthy housing as a right of all and to have of the State, assures that the place where we live it must have adequate infrastructure. However exactly with the advances that we have lived in recent years, still we have much that to reflect, is necessary to think about a city model that respects to all the local peculiarities. Important to detach that, the demand, the necessity of new housings is understood for habitacional deficit, whereas for inadequao of the housings not its inexistence, but pssimas conditions of the existing housings, as much for precariousness (unreliability, high degree of risks to the inhabitant), insalubridade (pssimas hygiene conditions), illegality (inexistent housing legally), and irregularity (contrary to the rules of law). The Brazilian habitacional deficit is of seven million and two hundred and twenty three a thousand housings (7.223.000), being that the urban deficit is of five million and four hundred and seventy a thousand units (5.470.000), whereas in the agricultural areas the deficit is of a million and seven hundred and fifty and two a thousand units (1.752.000), mainly in function of the agricultural deficit of the Region North, that adds 342 a thousand units. I want to emphasize that if treating to the region of the Amaznia she is necessary let us have that it a look differentiated for the particularitities of our region, a time that if treating to urbanization we have much linking of urban the agricultural gift in the cities. This taking in consideration the marginal culture of each family and communities. POLITICS OF HABITATION IN THE CURRENT BRAZILIAN SCENE. habitacional politics has taken a new aiming with the creation of the SNHIS National System of Habitation of Social Interest that is the agency specifies to deal with the habitation politics of our Country.